WinJS.UI.ListView object
Displays data items in a customizable list or grid.
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView"></div>
var object = new WinJS.UI.ListView(parentObject, options);
The ListView object has these types of members:
- Constructors
- Events
- Methods
- Properties
The ListView object has these constructors.
Constructor | Description |
ListView | Creates a new ListView. |
The ListView object has these events.
Event | Description |
oncontentanimating | Raised when the ListView is about to play an entrance or contentTransition animation. |
onfootervisibilitychanged | Raised when the footer's visibility property changes. |
ongroupheaderinvoked | Raised when the user taps or clicks a group header. |
onheadervisibilitychanged | Raised when the header's visibility property changes. |
onitemdragbetween | Raised when the ListView is a drop target and the onitemdragenter has been disabled. This is raised every time the cursor is moved between a new pair of items. If you call preventDefault on this event, then the ListView doesn't move the items slightly above/below the cursor to provide visual feedback for a drop. |
onitemdragchanged | Raised when the user is dragging an item from the ListView and the itemDataSource changes while the user is dragging. |
onitemdragdrop | Raised when an item is dropped onto the ListView as the result of a drag operation. |
onitemdragend | Raised when the user drops an item dragged from a ListView. |
onitemdragenter | Raised when an dragged item enters the bounds of the ListView control. |
onitemdragleave | Raised when a draggable item leaves the bounds of a ListView control. |
onitemdragstart | Raised when the user begins to drag an item from a ListView control. |
oniteminvoked | Raised when the user taps or clicks an item. |
onkeyboardnavigating | Raised when the focused item changes. |
onloadingstatechanged | Raised when the ListView control's loadingState changes. |
onselectionchanged | Raised after the current selection changes. |
onselectionchanging | Raised just before the current selection changes. |
The ListView object has these methods.
Method | Description |
addEventListener | Registers an event handler for the specified event. |
dispatchEvent | Raises an event of the specified type and with additional properties. |
dispose | Releases resources held by this object. Call this method when the object is no longer needed. After calling this method, the object becomes unusable. |
elementFromIndex | Returns the DOM element that represents the item at the specified index. |
ensureVisible | Makes the item at the specified index visible. If necessary, the ListView will scroll to the item. |
forceLayout | Forces the ListView to update its layout. Use this method when you make the ListView visible again after its style.display property had been set to "none". |
indexOfElement | Returns the index of the item that the specified DOM element displays. |
loadMorePages | Loads the next set of pages if the ListView control's loadingBehavior is set to "incremental" (otherwise, it does nothing). The number of pages to be loaded is determined by the pagesToLoad property. |
recalculateItemPosition | Repositions all the visible items in the ListView to adjust for items whose sizes have changed. Most apps won'’t ever need to call this method. For more info, see the Remarks section. |
removeEventListener | Removes an event handler that the addEventListener method registered. |
triggerDispose | Triggers the ListView disposal service manually. |
The ListView object has these properties.
Property | Access type | Description |
Read/write |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the next set of pages is automatically loaded when the user scrolls beyond the number of pages specified by the pagesToLoadThreshold property. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets an object that indicates which item should have keyboard focus and the focus state of that item. |
Read-only |
Gets the DOM element that hosts this ListView. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the HTML element that contains the footer. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the data source that contains the groups for the items in the itemDataSource. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets how the ListView reacts when the user taps or clicks a group header. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the Template or function that creates the DOM elements for each group header in the groupDataSource. Each group header can contain multiple elements, but it must have a single root element. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the HTML element that contains the header. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the first visible item. |
Read-only |
Gets the index of the last visible item in the ListView. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the data source that provides the ListView with items. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether items can be dragged. When this is set to true, the ListView provides built in behaviors related to item dragging. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the ListView control's items can be reordered within itself by dragging and dropping. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the WinJS.Binding.Template or templating function that creates the DOM elements for each item in the itemDataSource. Each item can contain multiple elements, but it must have a single root element. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets an object that controls the layout of the ListView. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets a value that specifies how the ListView fetches items and adds and removes them to the DOM. Don't change the value of this property after the ListView has begun loading data. |
Read-only |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ListView is still loading or whether loading is complete. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the maximum number of realized items. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the maximum number of pages to prefetch for the leading buffer. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the maximum number of pages to prefetch for the trailing buffer. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the number of pages to load when the loadingBehavior property is set to "incremental" and the user scrolls beyond the threshold specified by the pagesToLoadThreshold property. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the threshold (in pages) for initiating an incremental load. When the last visible item is within the specified number of pages from the end of the loaded portion of the list, and if automaticallyLoadPages is true and loadingBehavior is set to "incremental", the ListView initiates an incremental load. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the function that is called when the ListView discards or recycles the element representation of a group header. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the function that is called when an item is removed, an item is changed, or an item falls outside of the realized range of the ListView. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, of the start of the viewable area within the viewport. |
Read-only |
Gets an ISelection that contains the range of currently selected items. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets a value that specifies how many ListView items can be selected. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets how the ListView reacts to the swipe gesture. The swipe gesture can select the swiped items or can have no effect on the current selection. |
Read/write |
Gets or sets how the ListView reacts when the user taps or clicks an item. |
Read-only |
Gets a ZoomableView that supports semantic zoom functionality. This API supports the semantic zoom infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
The ListView can accept data from several different types of sources, such as Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds or lists of images. To learn how to create your first ListView, see the Add a ListView Quickstart.
Items in a ListView control can contain other controls, but they can't contain a FlipView or another ListView.
Asynchronous function issue
ListView can be used in an asynchronous environment except when using embedded components that only support synchronous functionality (such as Repeater).
Styling the ListView
CSS classes
To customize the ListView, you can define your own styles for these Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) classes (defined by the Windows Library for JavaScript style sheets):
- Windows 8.1 In previous versions of Windows, ListView items can be styled using the CSS selector
.win-container .win-item
. Starting with Windows 8.1, another element contains items within the ListView, and so CSS selectors to style items need to be written .win-itembox .win-item
. - Windows 8.1 In Windows 8.1, the win-groupheader CSS class introduces noticeable margins in an app. Use win-groupleader instead.
CSS class | Description |
win-container |
Styles the container for an item in the ListView. |
win-container-even |
Styles the container for even item in the ListView. |
win-container-odd |
Styles the container for odd item in the ListView. |
win-groupheader |
Styles the group headers of a ListView that contains group information. |
win-item |
Styles items in the ListView. |
win-listview |
Styles the entire ListView. |
win-progress |
Styles the progress indicator of the ListView. |
win-selectionbackground |
Styles the background of an item's selection checkmark. |
win-selectioncheckmark |
Styles an item's selection checkmark. |
win-surface |
Styles the scrollable region of the ListView. |
win-viewport |
Styles the viewport of the ListView. |
Note Some of these classes (such as win-item) are used by multiple WinJS controls. To apply a style to just the ListView, add .win-listview to the style selector. For more info, see Styling the ListView and its items.
Setting the ListView control's height
The ListView does not dynamically adjust its height to fit your content. For a ListView to render, you must specify an absolute value for its height. The WinJS style sheets set the ListView control's height to 400 pixels.
This example overrides the default style for ListView controls and sets their height to 500 pixels.
height: 500px;
The win-listview class is a class defined by the WinJS that you can use to style the ListView. The example you just saw changes the height of every ListView to 500 pixels. To change just one ListView, add the ID of the ListView control's hosting div element to the selector. This example changes the height of the ListView with the ID "basicListView".
height: 500px;
Maximum number of items
The ListView doesn't support more than 1.5 million pixels worth of items.
Detaching the ListView from the DOM
Don't use a ListView control after you've detached it from the DOM. When you detach a ListView from the DOM, it starts releasing resources to free up memory and won't work properly anymore.
Using a ListView in a PageControl
When you use a ListView inside a PageControl, add this code to your PageControl object's ready method to ensure that the ListView gets the correct reading order:
element.setAttribute("dir", window.getComputedStyle(this._element, null).direction);
This example creates an item template and a ListView.
<div id="mediumListIconTextTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div style="width: 282px; height: 70px; padding: 5px; overflow: hidden; display: -ms-grid;">
<!-- Displays the "picture" field. -->
<img data-win-bind="alt: title; src: picture"
style="width: 60px; height: 60px; margin: 5px; -ms-grid-column: 1;" />
<div style="margin: 5px; -ms-grid-column: 2">
<!-- Displays the "title" field. -->
<h4 data-win-bind="innerText: title"></h4>
<!-- Displays the "text" field. -->
<h6 data-win-bind="innerText: text"></h6>
<div id="basicListView" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView"
data-win-options="{itemDataSource : DataExample.itemList.dataSource,
itemTemplate: select('#mediumListIconTextTemplate'),
layout : {type: WinJS.UI.GridLayout}}">
The next example defines the data for the ListView in a separate JavaScript file. For the ListView to access the data, add a reference to the JavaScript file to the HTML page that contains the ListView.
// data.js
(function () {
"use strict";
var dataArray = [
{ title: "Basic banana", text: "Low-fat frozen yogurt", picture: "images/60banana.png" },
{ title: "Banana blast", text: "Ice cream", picture: "images/60banana.png" },
{ title: "Brilliant banana", text: "Frozen custard", picture: "images/60banana.png" },
{ title: "Orange surprise", text: "Sherbet", picture: "images/60orange.png" },
{ title: "Original orange", text: "Sherbet", picture: "images/60orange.png" },
{ title: "Vanilla", text: "Ice cream", picture: "images/60vanilla.png" },
{ title: "Very vanilla", text: "Frozen custard", picture: "images/60vanilla.png" },
{ title: "Marvelous mint", text: "Gelato", picture: "images/60mint.png" },
{ title: "Succulent strawberry", text: "Sorbet", picture: "images/60strawberry.png" }
var itemList = new WinJS.Binding.List(dataArray);
// Create a namespace to make the data publicly
// accessible.
var publicMembers =
itemList: itemList
WinJS.Namespace.define("DataExample", publicMembers);
For a full walkthrough of the code and more info about creating your first ListView, see Quickstart: Add a ListView.
Minimum WinJS version |
WinJS 1.0 |
Namespace |
WinJS.UI |
See also
Styling the ListView and its items
HTML ListView essentials sample (Windows)