Bagikan melalui

Color Reference (Windows Media Player SDK)

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The following colors are supported for use with skins. Every attribute that takes a color value can be specified using one of the following color names or hexadecimal values. Any six-digit hexadecimal number can be used, but only the ones on this chart have valid names.

Some attributes will also accept a value of "none". For transparencyColor attributes, "none" means that no transparency is used. For other color attributes as appropriate, "none" means that transparency is used instead of a color.

aliceblue (#F0F8FF) antiquewhite (#FAEBD7) aqua (#00FFFF) aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
azure (#F0FFFF) beige (#F5F5DC) bisque (#FFE4C4) black (#000000)
blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD) blue (#0000FF) blueviolet (#8A2BE2) brown (#A52A2A)
burlywood (#DEB887) cadetblue (#5F9EA0) chartreuse (#7FFF00) chocolate (#D2691E)
coral (#FF7F50) cornflowerblue (#6495ED) cornsilk (#FFF8DC) crimson (#DC143C)
cyan (#00FFFF) darkblue (#00008B) darkcyan (#008B8B) darkgoldenrod (#B8860B)
darkgray (#A9A9A9) darkgreen (#006400) darkkhaki (#BDB76B) darkmagenta (#8B008B)
darkolivegreen (#556B2F) darkorange (#FF8C00) darkorchid (#9932CC) darkred (#8B0000)
darksalmon (#E9967A) darkseagreen (#8FBC8B) darkslateblue (#483D8B) darkslategray (#2F4F4F)
darkturquoise (#00CED1) darkviolet (#9400D3) deeppink (#FF1493) deepskyblue (#00BFFF)
dimgray (#696969) dodgerblue (#1E90FF) firebrick (#B22222) floralwhite (#FFFAF0)
forestgreen (#228B22) fuchsia (#FF00FF) gainsboro (#DCDCDC) ghostwhite (#F8F8FF)
gold (#FFD700) goldenrod (#DAA520) gray (#808080) green (#008000)
greenyellow (#ADFF2F) honeydew (#F0FFF0) hotpink (#FF69B4) indianred (#CD5C5C)
indigo (#4B0082) ivory (#FFFFF0) khaki (#F0E68C) lavender (#E6E6FA)
lavenderblush (#FFF0F5) lawngreen (#7CFC00) lemonchiffon (#FFFACD) lightblue (#ADD8E6)
lightcoral (#F08080) lightcyan (#E0FFFF) lightgoldenrodyellow (#FAFAD2) lightgreen (#90EE90)
lightgrey (#D3D3D3) lightpink (#FFB6C1) lightsalmon (#FFA07A) lightseagreen (#20B2AA)
lightskyblue (#87CEFA) lightslategray (#778899) lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE) lightyellow (#FFFFE0)
lime (#00FF00) limegreen (#32CD32) linen (#FAF0E6) magenta (#FF00FF)
maroon (#800000) mediumaquamarine (#66CDAA) mediumblue (#0000CD) mediumorchid (#BA55D3)
mediumpurple (#9370DB) mediumseagreen (#3CB371) mediumslateblue (#7B68EE) mediumspringgreen (#00FA9A)
mediumturquoise (#48D1CC) mediumvioletred (#C71585) midnightblue (#191970) mintcream (#F5FFFA)
mistyrose (#FFE4E1) moccasin (#FFE4B5) navajowhite (#FFDEAD) navy (#000080)
oldlace (#FDF5E6) olive (#808000) olivedrab (#6B8E23) orange (#FFA500)
orangered (#FF4500) orchid (#DA70D6) palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA) palegreen (#98FB98)
paleturquoise (#AFEEEE) palevioletred (#DB7093) papayawhip (#FFEFD5) peachpuff (#FFDAB9)
peru (#CD853F) pink (#FFC0CB) plum (#DDA0DD) powderblue (#B0E0E6)
purple (#800080) red (#FF0000) rosybrown (#BC8F8F) royalblue (#4169E1)
saddlebrown (#8B4513) salmon (#FA8072) sandybrown (#F4A460) seagreen (#2E8B57)
seashell (#FFF5EE) sienna (#A0522D) silver (#C0C0C0) skyblue (#87CEEB)
slateblue (#6A5ACD) slategray (#708090) snow (#FFFAFA) springgreen (#00FF7F)
steelblue (#4682B4) tan (#D2B48C) teal (#008080) thistle (#D8BFD8)
tomato (#FF6347) turquoise (#40E0D0) violet (#EE82EE) wheat (#F5DEB3)
white (#FFFFFF) whitesmoke (#F5F5F5) yellow (#FFFF00) yellowgreen (#9ACD32)


For more information, see the Color Table article in Microsoft MSDNĀ® Online.
