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[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The PLAYLIST element provides a way to organize media items in a list for easy manipulation using the following attributes and methods. Predefined PLAYLIST elements are also provided for convenience. Customized columns can be specified for a playlist by including COLUMN elements as children of the PLAYLIST element.

The PLAYLIST element supports the following attributes.

Attribute Description
allowColumnSorting Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether sorting on column headers is allowed.
allowItemEditing Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether items in a playlist support in-place editing.
backgroundColor Specifies or retrieves the background color.
backgroundImage Specifies or retrieves the background image.
checkboxesVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether checkboxes are visible.
columnCount Retrieves the number of columns shown.
columnOrder Specifies or retrieves the order of the playlist columns.
columns Defines the columns that appear in the PLAYLIST element.
columnsVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether columns are shown.
copying Retrieves a value indicating whether the PLAYLIST element is in the act of copying.
disabledItemColor Specifies or retrieves the color of a disabled CD track or of online content when offline.
dropDownBackgroundImage Specifies or retrieves the name of the image that displays in the background of the drop-down list.
dropDownImage Specifies or retrieves the name of the image used for the drop-down list button that is displayed at the right edge of the drop-down list.
dropDownList Specifies or retrieves a value indicating which elements show up in the drop-down list for a given instance of the PLAYLIST element.
dropDownToolTip Specifies or retrieves the ToolTip shown when the user hovers over the PLAYLIST element drop-down menu.
dropDownVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the PLAYLIST element drop-down selector is visible.
editButtonVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the PLAYLIST element edit button is visible.
foregroundColor Specifies or retrieves the foreground color.
hueShift Specifies or retrieves the amount by which the hue of the drop-down images is shifted.
itemCount Retrieves the number of items currently displayed in the PLAYLIST element.
itemErrorColor Specifies or retrieves the highlight color that indicates a playlist item that has an error condition.
itemMedia Retrieves the Media object corresponding to the given index in the PLAYLIST element.
itemPlayingBackgroundColor Specifies or retrieves the background color of the currently playing playlist item.
itemPlayingColor Specifies or retrieves the highlight color that indicates the currently playing item in the playlist.
itemPlaylist Retrieves the playlist for the media item that is displayed at the given index in the PLAYLIST element.
itemSelectedBackgroundColor Specifies or retrieves a value indicating the background color of a selected item in the playlist.
itemSelectedBackgroundFocusLostColor Specifies or retrieves a value indicating the text color of a selected item in the playlist.
itemSelectedColor Specifies or retrieves a value indicating the text color of a selected item in the playlist.
itemSelectedFocusLostColor Specifies or retrieves a value indicating the text color of a selected item in the playlist when the playlist loses focus.
leftStatus Specifies or retrieves the status text that is displayed on the left side and bottom of the PLAYLIST element.
playlist Specifies or retrieves the Playlist object to which the PLAYLIST element provides an interface.
playlistItemsVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether items in the playlist are visible.
rightStatus Specifies or retrieves the status text that is displayed on the right side and bottom of the PLAYLIST element.
saturation Specifies or retrieves the saturation value of the drop-down images.
statusColor Specifies or retrieves the color of the status line in the PLAYLIST element.
statusTextColor Specifies or retrieves a value indicating the color of the status text.
toolbarVisible Specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether the playlist toolbar displays.


The PLAYLIST element supports the following methods.

Method Description
abortCopy Cancels a copy operation.
addSelectedToPlaylist Adds the selected item to the playlist.
copy Begins a copy operation from the CD.
deleteSelected Deletes the selected item from the playlist.
deleteSelectedFromLibrary Deletes the selected item from the playlist and from the library.
getNextCheckedItem Retrieves the index of the next checked item in the playlist following the specified index.
getNextCheckedItem2 Retrieves the index of the next checked item in the playlist following the specified index. Works with nested playlists.
getNextSelectedItem Retrieves the index of the next selected item in the playlist following the specified index.
getNextSelectedItem2 Retrieves the index of the next selected item in the playlist following the specified index. Works with nested playlists.
moveSelectedDown Moves the selected item down one position in the list.
moveSelectedUp Moves the selected item up one position in the list.
setCheckedState Specifies that the indexed item in the playlist is checked.
setCheckedState2 Sets the checked state of the item with the specified index in the PLAYLIST element. Works with nested playlists.
setColumnResizeMode Specifies how the indexed column sizes itself.
setColumnWidth Specifies the column width and changes the resize mode of the column to "wmpcrmFixed".
setSelectedState Specifies that the indexed item in the playlist is selected.
setSelectedState2 Sets the selected state of the item with the specified index in the PLAYLIST element. Works with nested playlists.
sortColumn Sorts the data in the specified column.


The PLAYLIST element supports the ambient attributes and can implement the ambient event handlers, except where noted. For more information, see Ambient Attributes and Ambient Event Handlers.

Predefined playlists are normal PLAYLIST elements with various common attribute settings specified by default. The following predefined playlists are available.

Predefined PLAYLIST Description
DROPDOWNPLAYLIST A drop-down PLAYLIST with no items visible.
ITEMSPLAYLIST A drop-down PLAYLIST with no items or column headers visible.


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