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[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The value attribute specifies or retrieves the text that is displayed in the Text control.


Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String.


If the width of the Text control is insufficient to contain the text provided, the text is cropped, and an ellipsis is shown to illustrate the fact. If the toolTip attribute has not been set, the complete text will then appear as a ToolTip when the cursor hovers over the control.

If a width is not specified, the default width for the control is the width of the string.

If the height of the control is not specified, the default height is one line.

If the wordWrap attribute is set to true and the height of the control is enough to accommodate another line of text, the text wraps to a subsequent line. Wrapping only occurs between words. Line breaks may also be forced, as explained under wordWrap.


The following sample is a complete skin definition file that illustrates how the attributes of the TEXT element are used. It can be found in the Samples directory that was installed with the SDK.

    height = "175"
      width = "150"
      fontSize = "30"
      hoverFontStyle = "Bold"
      hoverForegroundColor = "red"
      disabledForegroundColor = "#CCCCCC"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "Play"
      cursor = "hand"
      enabled = ""
      onClick = "JScript: player.URL='';"
      top = "50"
      width = "150"
      fontSize = "30"
      hoverFontStyle = "Bold"
      hoverForegroundColor = "red"
      disabledForegroundColor = "#CCCCCC"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "Stop"
      cursor = "hand"
      enabled = "wmpenabled:player.controls.stop"
      onClick = "JScript: player.controls.stop();"
      top = "100"
      width = "150"
      fontSize = "30"
      hoverFontStyle = "Bold"
      hoverForegroundColor = "red"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "Close"
      cursor = "hand"
      onClick = "JScript: view.close();"
      top = "30"
      left = "120"
      width = "200"
      fontSize = "20"
      fontStyle = "Underline"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "Volume"
      top = "60"
      left = "120"
      width = "200"
      fontSize = "40"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "wmpprop:player.settings.volume"
      top = "65"
      left = "142"
      width = "40"
      fontSize = "30"
      hoverFontStyle = "Bold"
      hoverForegroundColor = "red"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "-"
      cursor = "hand"
      toolTip = "decrease volume"
      onClick = "player.settings.volume = player.settings.volume - 5"
      top = "65"
      left = "260"
      width = "40"
      fontSize = "30"
      hoverFontStyle = "Bold"
      hoverForegroundColor = "red"
      justification = "Center"
      value = "+"
      cursor = "hand"
      toolTip = "increase volume"
      onClick = "player.settings.volume = player.settings.volume + 5"
      top = "155"
      width = "300"
      height = "30"
      fontFace = "System"
      backgroundColor = "blue"
      foregroundColor = "white"
      justification = "Center"
      scrolling = "true"
      scrollingAmount = "1"
      scrollingDelay = "50"
      value = "wmpprop:player.status"


Requirement Value
Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later

See also

TEXT Element

