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Warning  The Cellular COM API is deprecated in Windows 10. This content is provided to support maintenance of OEM and mobile operator created Windows Phone 8.1 applications.


Note  This feature is available in Windows Phone 8 GDR2, but it might not be available yet in Windows Phone 8.1.


The OnGetNAICompletion method is called after IOemUiccAppEx2::GetNAI has completed execution.


HRESULT OnGetNAICompletion(
    HRESULT result,
    const LPRILNAI rilNai,
    INT_PTR context);


  • result
    [in] Results of the modem operation. Returns S_OK if successful.

  • rilNai
    [in] Pointer to a RILNAI structure that contains the NAI information.

  • context
    [in] Pointer to the context.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful.



Header: Generated from CellularAPI_OEM.idl



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