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Document Object Model (DOM)

Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript in Windows 8 contain several new Document Object Model (DOM) features, including advanced hit-testing APIs, media query listeners, and pointer and gesture events.

Important  These features work identically in Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript.


In this section

Topic Description

Advanced hit testing

Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript introduce the msElementsFromPoint and msElementsFromRect methods, which return a node list of all the elements that intersect the point at the given x- and y-coordinates or a rectangular area, respectively.

Floating-point values in CSSOM

The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) in Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript supports floating-point pixel units and floating-point accuracy in positioning and sizing values for element-level CSSOM properties.

Media query listeners

media query listeners allow you to use script to react to changes in the media or environment in which your page is running.

Pointer and gesture events

Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript for Windows 8 introduce support in the web platform for handling touch and pen input. Rather than requiring you to create code that handles each type of input separately, Internet Explorer 10 introduces the concept of a pointer.

The createContextualFragment method

The createContextualFragment() method enables you to parse a string of HTML into a DocumentFragment using the starting node of a DOM Range as the parsing context.

Using aria-haspopup to simulate hover on touch-enabled devices

Hovering your cursor over a webpage element is a common action when browsing with a mouse and keyboard, but there is no equivalent in touch-based browsing. Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8 introduces a new use for the aria-haspopup DOM property: simulating hover on touch-enabled devices.

XMLHttpRequest enhancements

Internet Explorer 10 and Windows apps using JavaScript introduce several enhancements to the XMLHttpRequest object to provide greater support for emerging standards and to more easily support common developer scenarios.


Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers