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Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Tools and Settings

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Tools and Settings

In this section

  • Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Tools

  • Internet Explorer Maintenance Registry Entries

  • Internet Explorer Maintenance Group Policy Settings

  • Related Information

This section summarizes the tools and settings associated with the Group Policy Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension.

Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Tools

The following tools are associated with the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension:

  • The Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK)

  • Group Policy Management MMC snap-in (GPMC)

  • Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP)

  • Group Policy Object Editor

This topic discusses the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) and the settings associated with the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension.

GPMC, the Group Policy Object Editor, and RSoP are described in the “Group Policy Administrative Tools” topic in this collection. GPMC is documented in full at the Group Policy Management Console page, and in the “What Is Group Policy Management Console?” topic in this collection.

Additional command-line tools for managing Group Policy are described in the “Core Group Policy Tools and Settings” topic in this collection.

Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit

The Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) is a set of tools that provide administrators with powerful, easy-to-use options designed to save time and money in deploying and managing Web solutions for organizations and internet service providers (ISPs).


To download a tool kit for customizing and distributing Microsoft Internet Explorer, see the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) Web site for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1. To download the IEAK for previous versions of Internet Explorer, use the site’s navigation to find the Downloads page.

The programs and tools in the IEAK 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) simplify deploying and managing custom browser software packages. The features and resources include:

  • IEAK Toolkit. The IEAK Toolkit contains tools, programs, and sample files, such as the animated bitmap tools, a sample sign-up and add-ons. The toolkit also includes the IExpress Wizard; administrators can use it to control setup options and to integrate command-line switches, which control how custom browser packages are installed.

  • IEAK Profile Manager. After deploying Internet Explorer, the IEAK Profile Manager enables administrators to change browser settings and restrictions automatically.

  • Internet Explorer Customization Wizard. The Internet Explorer Customization Wizard breaks browser customization into five stages. Step-by-step screens guide the administrator through the process of creating custom browser packages. When these packages are installed on clients’ desktops, clients receive customized versions of Internet Explorer with the settings and options that the administrator selected.

  • IEAK Help. The IEAK Help includes many conceptual and procedural topics viewable through Index, Contents, and Search tabs. Topics from the IEAK Help can also be printed.

Version compatibility

The IEAK is designed to manage Internet Explorer on any Windows operating system. Internet Explorer 6 is a core component of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.



IEdkcs32.dll is an extension that provides settings for Group Policy Internet Explorer Maintenance.

Version compatibility

IEdkcs32.dll is compatible with Windows XP1 and Windows Server 2003.

Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Registry Entries

The following registry entries are associated with the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension.

The information here is provided as a reference for use in troubleshooting or verifying that the required settings are applied. You should not directly edit the registry unless there is no other alternative. Modifications to the registry are not validated by the registry editor or by Windows before they are applied, and as a result, incorrect values can be stored. This can result in unrecoverable errors in the system. When possible, use Group Policy or other Windows tools, such as Microsoft Management Console (MMC), to accomplish tasks rather than editing the registry directly. If you must edit the registry, use extreme caution.


Registry path



The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores the names of all network connections assigned to the computer using the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension. The ConnectionSettings key contains a REG_MULTI_SZ entry named NamesList, which holds a list of the connection names.

Button GUID

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\<Button GUID>


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores configuration data for each button added to the Internet Explorer toolbar using Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension. The key name is variable, and is assigned by the Internet Explorer Maintenance Client-Side Extension (CSE) when the button is created. The Button GUID registry key contains the following Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension configured entries:

  • ButtonText – The toolbar caption for the button.

  • Exec – The program or action associated with the button.

  • HotIcon – The toolbar button shown when the button is selected or the mouse pointer is over it.

  • Icon – The standard toolbar button.

  • Default Visible – Specifies whether or not the button is visible on the toolbar.


Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Help_Menu_URLs


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores the URL associated with the Online Support choice located on Internet Explorer’s Help menu. The Online_Support entry contains the configured URL.


Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores configuration data for the home page, search bar, and the browser title. The Main registry key contains the following Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension configured entries:

  • Window Title – This entry contains the test string displayed in the Internet Explorer title bar. Text entered in the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension interface is appended to the string “Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by” and is then stored in this registry key entry.

  • Start Page – This entry stores the URL for the assigned browser home page.

  • Search Bar – This entry stores the URL displayed in the search toolbar pane when a user clicks the search button.

  • Use Custom Search URL – This entry specifies whether or not the browser uses the custom search page located in the Search Bar entry.


Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores configuration data used to customize the Internet Explorer toolbar background, and the animated and static logos. The Toolbar registry key contains the following Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension configured entries:

  • BackBitmapIE5 – This entry specifies the bitmap used to customize the background for the Internet Explorer toolbar.

  • SmallBitmap – This entry specifies the bitmap used for the small static logo.

  • BigBitmap – This entry specifies the bitmap used for the large static logo.

  • SmBrandBitmap – This entry specifies the bitmap used for the small animated logo.

  • BramdBitmap – This entry specifies the bitmap used for the large animated logo.


Registry path



The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key is used to specify the default internet connection. The DefaultInternet entry contains the name of the default connection used to access the Internet.

Internet Settings

The following registry entries are located under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.

Automatic Configuration script

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

The AutoConfigURL entry is used to specify where Internet Explorer checks for a configuration script. The configuration script is used to update the Internet Explorer setup.

Proxy Server Location

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores configuration data used to specify the proxy servers Internet Explorer uses. The following registry entries are configured for the Proxy Server Location by the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension:

  • ProxyEnable – This entry specifies whether or not the proxy server is currently enabled.

  • ProxyOverride – This entry specifies the Web sites Internet Explorer bypasses the proxy server to access.

  • ProxyServer – This entry specifies the URL and port number for the proxy server.

Dial -up and VPN settings

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key stores configuration data used to specify the configuration of dial-up and VPN connections. The following registry entries are configured for Dial-up and VPN Settings by the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension:

  • <Connection Name> – This entry is dependent on the name of the connection, and specifies the connection name displayed on the Internet Properties Connections tab.

  • DefaultConnectionSettings – This entry specifies the configuration of the default connection used by Internet Explorer.

  • SavedLegacySettings – This entry specifies the configuration used by network connections other than the default connection.

Zone Map Domains

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\<Domain or UNC>


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

These registry keys specify which domain names have been configured within a security zone. Each domain or UNC that has an entry within a security zone has its own registry key in this path. The <protocol> entry takes its name from the corresponding protocol type (http, ftp, and so on). The contained entry specifies which zone the domain with protocol is part of.


Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\<Domain or UNC>\<protocol>


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key specifies which protocols within a domain name have been placed in a security zone. There are no entries associated with this registry key.

User Agent String

Registry path

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\PostPlatform


The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key contains the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension settings specifying the user agent string. The name of the entry used to specify the string is the same as the string itself.


The following registry entries are located under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Ratings.

Password Hint and Encrypted Password

Registry path



The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key contains the settings for Internet Explorer ratings. The Hint entry contains the clue used to help someone remember the Ratings password, and the Key entry contains the encrypted Ratings password.

Rating Policy

Registry path



The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

The <#> registry key contains information about the Ratings of a domain or UNC. The registry key is a variable number generated in the order the Ratings entry was created. The PRPolicyAttribute entry specifies whether the entry is approved or restricted.

Rating Policy Configuration

Registry path



The registry settings in this section are for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional clients, or for Windows Server 2003 without the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration enabled.

This registry key contains the Ratings configuration of a Domain or UNC. The following entries specify the Ratings configuration:

  • PRBUHost – Specifies the rating’s configured Domain or UNC name.

  • PRBUPort – Specifies which port is used.

  • PRBUScheme – Specifies which rating level the domain or UNC is configured to use.

  • PRBUUrl – Specifies the URL for the specified Ratings Service’s Web site.

Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Group Policy Settings

The following table lists and describes the Group Policy settings that are associated with the Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension.

Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Configuration Settings

Browser User Interface Description

Browser Title (Policy mode only)

This setting customizes the text that appears in the title bar of the Internet Explorer browser. The text is appended to the string “Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by.”

Custom Logo (Policy mode only)

This setting replaces the static Internet Explorer logo in the upper-right corner of the Internet Explorer window with a custom static logo. It also replaces the animated Internet Explorer logo in the upper-right corner of the Internet Explorer window with a properly formatted custom animated logo.

Browser Toolbar Customizations

This setting customizes the background and buttons of the Internet Explorer toolbar.



Connection Settings

These setting allow importing connection settings from the Internet Control Panel Connections tab of an already configured computer. They restrict how users can interact with connection settings through the System Policies and Restrictions page. It is not necessary to import current settings in order to set theses restrictions. They are also used to remove old dial-up connection settings from users’ computers.

Automatic Browser Configuration

Automatic Configuration (auto-config) is used to update a user’s computer after deployment by specifying a URL to an .ins file, an auto-proxy URL, or both. You can set the interval in minutes for when auto-config will happen. If the interval value is left blank, or at zero, auto-config will only happen when the browser has been started and navigates to a page.

Proxy Settings

These settings specify to which proxy servers, if any, user’s connect.

User Agent String (Policy mode only)

The user agent string is what the browser sends to visited servers to identify itself. It is often used to keep Internet traffic statistics. You can enter custom text that will be appended to the default Internet Explorer string. The default string is different for each platform.



Favorites and Links

You can customize Favorites and Links by specifying the URLs. You can also specify the order of each folder, add an icon for each Favorite and Link, and import an existing folder structure.

Important URLs

You can specify a custom home page, search bar URL, and online support page.



Security Zones and Content Ratings

You can customize the settings of each security zone as well as customizing the privacy settings. Content ratings let you prevent users from viewing sites with risky content.

Authenticode Settings

Authenticode enables you to designate software publishers as trustworthy. You can prevent users from adding new trusted publishers while using the browser. Enabling this lockdown does not prevent access to the Content control panel, but doing so is possible using the Administrative Templates Extension of Group Policy.




You can import the current default programs settings. The programs selected specify which program Windows automatically uses for each Internet service.



Corporate Settings (Preference mode only)

These setting specify the location of a file containing settings used to make the browser work best for your corporation. These settings can be useful in reducing the cost of supporting applications in your corporation. Advanced features, as well as details of other features, can all be configured through these options.

Internet Settings (Preference mode only)

These settings specify the location of a file used to preset defaults for Internet Explorer settings which are not set through the IEAK Wizard. Most of these settings apply to defaults in the Internet Control Panel.

The following resources contain additional information that is relevant to this section.