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Represents a collection of PointKeyFrame objects that can be individually accessed by index.

<PointKeyFrameCollection ...>

XAML Values




One or more PointKeyFrame object elements that define the key frames for the animation. These can be any combination of <LinearPointKeyFrame .../>, <DiscretePointKeyFrame .../>, and <SplinePointKeyFrame .../>. Object elements defined here become members of the KeyFrames collection when scripting accesses the KeyFrames property at run time.

Managed Equivalent



PointKeyFrameCollection defines no methods or properties beyond the basic Collection methods and properties. Methods such as Add or GetItem will expect or return objects that are of type PointKeyFrame. PointKeyFrame itself is an abstract object, so the returned objects might be DiscretePointKeyFrame, LinearPointKeyFrame, or SplinePointKeyFrame.

The XAML syntax for properties that use a PointKeyFrameCollection is an example of implicit collection syntax, in which you can omit an actual PointKeyFrameCollection object element. Explicitly including a PointKeyFrameCollection object element is permissible XAML syntax and might be useful if you intend to name the collection in XAML and manipulate its contents through script later.

For more information on basic concepts, see Key-Frame Animations. Note that the Key-Frame Animations topic is written primarily for users of the managed API, and may not have code examples or specific information that address the JavaScript API scenarios.