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Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

Establishes the handler for the FullScreenChanged event that occurs whenever the FullScreen property of the Silverlight plug-in changes.

<object ...>
  <param name="onfullscreenchanged" value="scriptHandlerName" />
value = silverlightObject.content.OnFullScreenChanged
silverlightObject.content.OnFullScreenChanged = scriptHandlerName




The object (the Silverlight plug-in) that raised the event.



This parameter is always set to null.

Managed Equivalent



The FullScreenChanged event occurs whenever the Silverlight plug-in changes between embedded mode and full-screen mode:

  • In embeddedmode, the plug-in displays in the Web browser window.

  • In full-screen mode, the plug-in displays on top of all other applications.

When the Silverlight plug-in displays in embedded mode, the plug-in is contained within the browser window. When the Silverlight plug-in displays in full-screen mode, the plug-in resizes to the current resolution of the display and overlays all other applications, including the browser. The following illustration show the differences between embedded mode and full-screen mode.

Silverlight plug-in displaying as embedded and full-screen mode

Embedded mode


Silverlight does not support automatic layout of elements based on run-time size changes to the plug-in area. This means that applications have to provide logic to resize themselves appropriately when the plug-in size changes.


You can add or reassign event handlers for the FullScreenChanged event at run-time; however, there is a naming inconsistency. For the object element, the property / parameter name is onfullscreenchanged. To adjust the handler name at run-time, for the JavaScript API, you set silverlightObject.content.onfullscreenchange (note the missing "d").

Applies To

Silverlight Plug-in