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Contoh Metode Kloning (VBScript)

Contoh ini menggunakan metode Kloning untuk membuat salinan Recordset lalu memungkinkan pengguna memposisikan penunjuk rekaman dari setiap salinan secara independen.

Gunakan contoh berikut di Halaman Server Aktif (ASP). Contoh ini menggunakan database Northwind yang didistribusikan dengan Microsoft Access. Potong dan tempel kode berikut ke Notepad atau editor teks lain dan simpan sebagai CloneVBS.asp. Anda dapat melihat hasilnya di browser klien apa pun.

Untuk menjalankan contoh, ubah baris RsCustomerList.Source = "Customers" menjadi RsCustomerList.Source = "Products" untuk menghitung tabel yang lebih besar.

<!-- BeginCloneVBS -->  
<% Language = VBScript %>  
<%' use this meta tag instead of>  
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->  
<TITLE>ADO Clone Method</TITLE>  
<H1 align="center">ADO Clone Method</H1>  
<% ' to integrate/test this code replace the   
   ' Data Source value in the Connection string%>  
    ' connection and recordset variables  
    Dim Cnxn, strCnxn  
    Dim rsCustomers, strSQLCustomers  
    Dim rsFirst, rsLast, rsCount  
    Dim rsClone  
    Dim CloneFirst, CloneLast, CloneCount  
    ' open connection  
    Set Cnxn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")  
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" & _  
            Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & ";" & _  
            "Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind';"  
    Cnxn.Open strCnxn  
    ' create and open Recordset using object refs  
    Set rsCustomers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")  
    strSQLCustomers = "Customers"  
    rsCustomers.ActiveConnection = Cnxn  
    rsCustomers.CursorLocation = adUseClient  
    rsCustomers.CursorType = adOpenKeyset  
    rsCustomers.LockType = adLockOptimistic  
    rsCustomers.Source = strSQLCustomers  
    rsCount = rsCustomers.RecordCount  
    rsFirst = rsCustomers("CompanyName")  
    rsLast = rsCustomers("CompanyName")  
    ' create clone  
    Set rsClone = rsCustomers.Clone  
    CloneCount = rsClone.RecordCount  
    CloneFirst = rsClone("CompanyName")  
    CloneLast = rsClone("CompanyName")  
<!-- Display Results -->  
<H3>There Are <%=rsCount%> Records in the original recordset</H3>  
<H3>The first record is <%=rsFirst%> and the last record is <%=rsLast%></H3>  
<H3>There Are <%=CloneCount%> Records in the original recordset</H3>  
<H3>The first record is <%=CloneFirst%> and the last record is <%=CloneLast%></H3>  
<H4>Location of OLEDB Database</H4>  
    ' Show location of DSN data source  
    ' Clean up  
    If rsCustomers.State = adStateOpen then  
    End If  
    If rsClone.State = adStateOpen then  
    End If  
    If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen then  
    End If  
    Set rsCustomers = Nothing  
    Set rsClone = Nothing  
    Set Cnxn = Nothing  
<!-- EndCloneVBS -->  

Lihat juga

Metode Kloning (ADO)
Objek Recordset (ADO)