Contoh Metode CreateRecordset (VBScript)


Dimulai dengan Windows 8 dan Windows Server 2012, komponen server RDS tidak lagi disertakan dalam sistem operasi Windows (lihat Windows 8 dan Buku Masak Kompatibilitas Windows Server 2012 untuk detail selengkapnya). Komponen klien RDS akan dihapus dalam versi Windows yang akan datang. Hindari menggunakan fitur ini dalam pekerjaan pengembangan baru, dan rencanakan untuk memodifikasi aplikasi yang saat ini menggunakan fitur ini. Aplikasi yang menggunakan RDS harus bermigrasi ke WCF Data Service.

Contoh kode ini membuat Recordset di sisi server. Ini memiliki dua kolom dengan masing-masing empat baris. Potong dan tempel kode berikut ke Notepad atau editor teks lain dan simpan sebagai CreateRecordsetVBS.asp.

<!-- BeginCreateRecordsetVBS -->  
<%@ Language=VBScript %>  
    <meta name="VI60_DefaultClientScript"  content=VBScript>  
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">  
    <title>CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)</title>  
body {  
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;  
.thead {  
   background-color: #008080;   
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;   
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<OBJECT classid=clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33 height=1 id=DC1 width=1>  
<h1>CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)</h1>  
<script language = "vbscript">  
    ' use the RDS.DataControl to create an empty recordset;   
    ' takes an array of variants where every element is itself another  
    ' array of variants, one for every column required in the recordset  
    ' the elements of the inner array are the column's  
    ' name, type, size, and nullability  
Sub GetRS()  
   Dim Record(2)  
   Dim Field1(3)  
   Dim Field2(3)  
   Dim Field3(3)  
    ' for each field, specify the name type, size, and nullability  
   Field1(0) = "Name"   ' Column name.  
   Field1(1) = CInt(129)   ' Column type.  
   Field1(2) = CInt(40)   ' Column size.  
   Field1(3) = False      ' Nullable?  
   Field2(0) = "Age"  
   Field2 (1) = CInt(3)  
   Field2 (2) = CInt(-1)  
   Field2 (3) = True  
   Field3 (0) = "DateOfBirth"  
   Field3 (1) = CInt(7)  
   Field3 (2) = CInt(-1)  
   Field3 (3) = True  
    ' put all fields into an array of arrays  
   Record(0) = Field1  
   Record(1) = Field2  
   Record(2) = Field3  
   Dim NewRs   
   Set NewRS = DC1.CreateRecordset(Record)  
   Dim fields(2)  
   fields(0) = Field1(0)  
   fields(1) = Field2(0)  
   fields(2) = Field3(0)  
    ' Populate the new recordset with data values.  
   Dim fieldVals(2)  
    ' Use AddNew to add the records.  
   fieldVals(0) = "Joe"  
   fieldVals(1) = 5  
   fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/5/96#)  
   NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals  
   fieldVals(0) = "Mary"  
   fieldVals(1) = 6  
   fieldVals(2) = CDate(#6/5/94#)  
   NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals  
   fieldVals(0) = "Alex"  
   fieldVals(1) = 13  
   fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/6/88#)  
   NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals  
   fieldVals(0) = "Susan"  
   fieldVals(1) = 13  
   fieldVals(2) = CDate(#8/6/87#)  
   NewRS.AddNew fields, fieldVals  
    ' Set the newly created and populated Recordset to  
    ' the SourceRecordset property of the  
    ' RDS.DataControl to bind to visual controls  
   Set DC1.SourceRecordset = NewRS  
End Sub  
<table datasrc="#DC1" align="center">  
<tr id="ColHeaders" class="thead2">  
<tbody class="tbody">  
   <td><input datafld="Name" size=15 id=text1 name=text1> </td>  
   <td><input datafld="Age" size=25 id=text2 name=text2> </td>  
   <td><input datafld="DateOfBirth" size=25 id=text3 name=text3> </td>  
<input type = "button" onclick = "GetRS()" value="Go!">  
<!-- EndCreateRecordsetVBS -->  

Lihat juga

Metode CreateRecordset (RDS)
Objek Recordset (ADO)