Contoh Metode Refresh (VBScript)


Dimulai dengan Windows 8 dan Windows Server 2012, komponen server RDS tidak lagi disertakan dalam sistem operasi Windows (lihat Windows 8 dan Buku Masak Kompatibilitas Windows Server 2012 untuk detail selengkapnya). Komponen klien RDS akan dihapus dalam versi Windows yang akan datang. Hindari menggunakan fitur ini dalam pekerjaan pengembangan baru, dan rencanakan untuk memodifikasi aplikasi yang saat ini menggunakan fitur ini. Aplikasi yang menggunakan RDS harus bermigrasi ke WCF Data Service.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengatur parameter RDS yang diperlukan. DataControl pada durasi. Cara di mana Recordset diambil menggunakan metode Refresh ditentukan oleh pengaturan properti ExecuteOptions dan FetchOptions . Untuk menguji contoh ini, potong dan tempel kode berikut ke dalam dokumen ASP normal dan beri nama RefreshVBS.asp. Gunakan Temukan untuk menemukan file dan letakkan di direktori yang anda rencanakan untuk digunakan. Skrip ASP akan mengidentifikasi server Anda.

<!-- BeginRefreshVBS -->  
<%@ Language=VBScript %>  
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    <meta name="VI60_DefaultClientScript"  content=VBScript>  
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">  
    <title>Refresh Method Example (VBScript)</title>  
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<h1>Refresh Method Example (VBScript)</h1>  
<H2>RDS API Code Examples </H2>  
      <TD> <INPUT DATAFLD="FirstName" SIZE=15> </TD>  
      <TD> <INPUT DATAFLD="LastName" SIZE=15> </TD>  
      <TD> <INPUT DATAFLD="Title" SIZE=15> </TD>  
      <TD> <INPUT DATAFLD="HireDate" SIZE=15> </TD>  
<!-- RDS.DataControl with no parameters set at design time -->  
<OBJECT classid="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33"  
Server: <Input Size=70 Name="txtServer" Value="https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>"><BR>  
Connect: <Input Size=70 Name="txtConnect" Value="Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind'"><BR>  
SQL: <Input Size=70 Name="txtSQL" Value="Select * from Employees">  
   <TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=silver>  
   Choose if you want the Recordset brought back Synchronously on the   
   current calling thread or Asynchronously on another thread.   
   <TD>Synchronously: <BR>  
      <Input Type="Radio" Name="optExecuteOptions" Checked OnClick="SetExO('adcExecSync')">  
   <TD>Asynchronously: <BR>  
      <Input Type="Radio" Name="optExecuteOptions"  OnClick="SetExO('adcExecAsync')">  
   <TD> </TD>  
   <TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=silver>  
   Fetch Up Front, Background Fetch with Blocking or Background Fetch   
   without Blocking   
   <TD>Up Front:<BR>  
       <Input Type="Radio" Name="optFetchOptions"  OnClick="SetFO('adcFetchUpFront')">  
   <TD>Background w/ Blocking:<BR>  
       <Input Type="Radio" Name="optFetchOptions" Checked OnClick="SetFO('adcFetchBackground')">  
   <TD>Background w/o Blocking:<BR>  
      <Input Type="Radio" Name="optFetchOptions"  OnClick="SetFO('adcFetchAsync')">  
<Script Language="VBScript">  
Dim EO         'ExecuteOptions  
Dim FO         'FetchOptions  
EO = "adcExecSync"   'Default value  
FO = "adcFetchBackground"   'Default value  
Sub SetExO(NewEO)  
   EO = NewEO  
End Sub  
Sub SetFO(NewFO)  
   FO = NewFO  
End Sub  
' Set parameters of RDS.DataControl at Run Time  
Sub Run_OnClick  
   RDC.Server = txtServer.Value  
   RDC.SQL = txtSQL.Value  
   RDC.Connect = txtConnect.Value  
   If EO = "adcExecSync" Then   'Determine which ExecuteOption chosen  
      RDC.ExecuteOptions = adcExecSync  
      MsgBox "Recordset brought in on current calling thread Syncronously"  
      RDC.ExecuteOptions = adcExecAsync  
      MsgBox "Recordset brought in on another thread Asyncronously"  
   End If  
   If FO = "adcFetchBackground" Then      'Determine                 which FetchOption chosen  
      RDC.FetchOptions = adcFetchBackground  
      MsgBox "Control goes back to user after first batch of records returned"  
   ElseIf FO = " adcFetchUpFront" Then  
      RDC.FetchOptions = adcFetchUpFront  
      MsgBox "All records returned before control goes back to user"  
      RDC.FetchOptions = adcFetchAsync  
      MsgBox "Control goes back to user immediately"  
   End If  
End Sub  
<!-- EndRefreshVBS -->  

Lihat juga

Objek DataControl (RDS)
Properti ExecuteOptions (RDS)
Properti FetchOptions (RDS)
Objek Recordset (ADO)
Metode Refresh (ADO)