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Membuat Jenis yang Ditentukan Pengguna

Berlaku untuk: SQL Server

Untuk membuat jenis yang ditentukan pengguna (UDT) yang mampu diinstal di SQL Server, Anda harus terlebih dahulu membuat kelas di salah satu bahasa pemrograman .NET Framework yang didukung, seperti Visual C# atau Visual Basic, yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi untuk membuat UDT. Kelas kemudian dapat dikompilasi sebagai pustaka tautan dinamis (DLL), yang dapat dimuat di SQL Server. Anda juga dapat membuat dan menyebarkan UDT menggunakan Visual Studio.

Kemampuan untuk menjalankan kode runtime bahasa umum (CLR) diatur ke NONAKTIF secara default di SQL Server. CLR dapat diaktifkan dengan menggunakan prosedur tersimpan sistem sp_configure, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam pernyataan Transact-SQL berikut:

sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1  

Di Bagian Ini

Persyaratan Jenis yang Ditentukan Pengguna
Menjelaskan persyaratan untuk pengkodean jenis yang ditentukan pengguna.

Jenis Yang Ditentukan Pengguna Pengkodean
Menunjukkan teknik pengkodean yang terlibat dalam pembuatan jenis yang ditentukan pengguna.


Daftar kode berikut mendefinisikan Point UDT, yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam Jenis Yang Ditentukan Pengguna Pengkodean.


using System;  
using System.Data;  
using System.Data.SqlTypes;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;  
using System.Text;  
     IsByteOrdered=true, ValidationMethodName = "ValidatePoint")]  
public struct Point : INullable  
    private bool is_Null;  
    private Int32 _x;  
    private Int32 _y;  
    public bool IsNull  
            return (is_Null);  
    public static Point Null  
            Point pt = new Point();  
            pt.is_Null = true;  
            return pt;  
    // Use StringBuilder to provide string representation of UDT.  
    public override string ToString()  
        // Since InvokeIfReceiverIsNull defaults to 'true'  
        // this test is unnecessary if Point is only being called  
        // from SQL.  
        if (this.IsNull)  
            return "NULL";  
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();  
            return builder.ToString();  
    [SqlMethod(OnNullCall = false)]  
    public static Point Parse(SqlString s)  
        // With OnNullCall=false, this check is unnecessary if   
        // Point only called from SQL.  
        if (s.IsNull)  
            return Null;  
        // Parse input string to separate out points.  
        Point pt = new Point();  
        string[] xy = s.Value.Split(",".ToCharArray());  
        pt.X = Int32.Parse(xy[0]);  
        pt.Y = Int32.Parse(xy[1]);  
        // Call ValidatePoint to enforce validation  
        // for string conversions.  
        if (!pt.ValidatePoint())   
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid XY coordinate values.");  
        return pt;  
    // X and Y coordinates exposed as properties.  
    public Int32 X  
            return this._x;  
        // Call ValidatePoint to ensure valid range of Point values.  
            Int32 temp = _x;  
            _x = value;  
            if (!ValidatePoint())  
                _x = temp;  
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid X coordinate value.");  
    public Int32 Y  
            return this._y;  
            Int32 temp = _y;  
            _y = value;  
            if (!ValidatePoint())  
                _y = temp;  
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Y coordinate value.");  
    // Validation method to enforce valid X and Y values.  
    private bool ValidatePoint()  
        // Allow only zero or positive integers for X and Y coordinates.  
        if ((_x >= 0) && (_y >= 0))  
            return true;  
            return false;  
    // Distance from 0 to Point method.  
    [SqlMethod(OnNullCall = false)]  
    public Double Distance()  
        return DistanceFromXY(0, 0);  
    // Distance from Point to the specified point method.  
    [SqlMethod(OnNullCall = false)]  
    public Double DistanceFrom(Point pFrom)  
        return DistanceFromXY(pFrom.X, pFrom.Y);  
    // Distance from Point to the specified x and y values method.  
    [SqlMethod(OnNullCall = false)]  
    public Double DistanceFromXY(Int32 iX, Int32 iY)  
        return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(iX - _x, 2.0) + Math.Pow(iY - _y, 2.0));  

Visual Basic

Option Explicit On  
Option Strict On  
Imports System  
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server  
Imports System.Text  
<Serializable(), SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute(Format.Native, _  
  IsByteOrdered:=True, _  
  ValidationMethodName:="ValidatePoint")> _  
  Public Structure Point  
    Implements INullable  
    Private is_Null As Boolean  
    Private _x As Int32  
    Private _y As Int32  
    Public ReadOnly Property IsNull() As Boolean _  
       Implements INullable.IsNull  
            Return (is_Null)  
        End Get  
    End Property  
    Public Shared ReadOnly Property Null() As Point  
            Dim pt As New Point  
            pt.is_Null = True  
            Return (pt)  
        End Get  
    End Property  
    ' Use StringBuilder to provide string representation of UDT.  
    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String  
        ' Since InvokeIfReceiverIsNull defaults to 'true'  
        ' this test is unnecessary if Point is only being called  
        ' from SQL.  
        If Me.IsNull Then  
            Return "NULL"  
            Dim builder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder  
            Return builder.ToString  
        End If  
    End Function  
    <SqlMethod(OnNullCall:=False)> _  
    Public Shared Function Parse(ByVal s As SqlString) As Point  
        ' With OnNullCall=False, this check is unnecessary if  
        ' Point only being called from SQL.  
        If s.IsNull Then  
            Return Null  
        End If  
        ' Parse input string here to separate out points.  
        Dim pt As New Point()  
        Dim xy() As String = s.Value.Split(",".ToCharArray())  
        pt.X = Int32.Parse(xy(0))  
        pt.Y = Int32.Parse(xy(1))  
        ' Call ValidatePoint to enforce validation  
        ' for string conversions.  
        If Not pt.ValidatePoint() Then  
            Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid XY coordinate values.")  
        End If  
        Return pt  
    End Function  
    ' X and Y coordinates are exposed as properties.  
    Public Property X() As Int32  
            Return (Me._x)  
        End Get  
        Set(ByVal Value As Int32)  
            Dim temp As Int32 = _x  
            _x = Value  
            If Not ValidatePoint() Then  
                _x = temp  
                Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid X coordinate value.")  
            End If  
        End Set  
    End Property  
    Public Property Y() As Int32  
            Return (Me._y)  
        End Get  
        Set(ByVal Value As Int32)  
            Dim temp As Int32 = _y  
            _y = Value  
            If Not ValidatePoint() Then  
                _y = temp  
                Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid Y coordinate value.")  
            End If  
        End Set  
    End Property  
    ' Validation method to enforce valid X and Y values.  
    Private Function ValidatePoint() As Boolean  
        ' Allow only zero or positive integers for X and Y coordinates.  
        If (_x >= 0) And (_y >= 0) Then  
            Return True  
            Return False  
        End If  
    End Function  
    ' Distance from 0 to Point method.  
    <SqlMethod(OnNullCall:=False)> _  
  Public Function Distance() As Double  
        Return DistanceFromXY(0, 0)  
    End Function  
    ' Distance from Point to the specified point method.  
    <SqlMethod(OnNullCall:=False)> _  
    Public Function DistanceFrom(ByVal pFrom As Point) As Double  
        Return DistanceFromXY(pFrom.X, pFrom.Y)  
    End Function  
    ' Distance from Point to the specified x and y values method.  
    <SqlMethod(OnNullCall:=False)> _  
    Public Function DistanceFromXY(ByVal ix As Int32, ByVal iy As Int32) _  
        As Double  
        Return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ix - _x, 2.0) + Math.Pow(iy - _y, 2.0))  
    End Function  
End Structure  

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Jenis yang Ditentukan Pengguna CLR