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Gunakan Jenis Tanggal dan Waktu

Berlaku untuk: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Sampel ini menunjukkan cara menginisialisasi struktur data tanggal/waktu yang ditambahkan di SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x). Kemudian menyiapkan nilai input, mengikat parameter, dan menjalankan kueri. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang menggunakan jenis ini, lihat Peningkatan Tanggal dan Waktu (ODBC).


Anda akan memerlukan sumber data ODBC yang disebut DateTime. Database default untuk DateTime harus tempdb. Sumber data ini harus didasarkan pada driver ODBC untuk SQL Server Native Client.

Jika Anda akan membangun dan menjalankan sampel ini sebagai aplikasi 32-bit pada sistem operasi 64-bit, Anda harus membuat sumber data ODBC dengan Administrator ODBC di %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

Sampel ini tersambung ke instans SQL Server default komputer Anda. Untuk menyambungkan ke instans bernama, ubah definisi sumber data ODBC untuk menentukan instans menggunakan format berikut: server\namedinstance. Secara default, SQL Server Express menginstal ke instans bernama.

Daftar kode (Transact-SQL) pertama membuat tabel yang digunakan oleh sampel ini.

Kompilasi daftar kode kedua (C++) dengan odbc32.lib dan user32.lib. Pastikan variabel lingkungan INCLUDE Anda menyertakan direktori yang berisi sqlncli.h.

Daftar kode ketiga (Transact-SQL) menghapus tabel yang digunakan oleh sampel ini.

use tempdb  
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'DateTimeTypes')  
DROP TABLE DateTimeTypes  
CREATE TABLE DateTimeTypes (datecol date, time2col time(7), datetime2col datetime2(7), datetimeoffsetcol datetimeoffset(7))  
// compile with: odbc32.lib user32.lib  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <Sqlext.h>  
#include <mbstring.h>  
#include <sqlncli.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#define MAX_DATA 1024  
#define MYSQLSUCCESS(rc) ( (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) || (rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) )  
class direxec {  
   RETCODE rc;   // ODBC return code  
   HENV henv;   // Environment  
   HDBC hdbc;   // Connection Handle  
   HSTMT hstmt;   // Statement Handle  
   SQLHDESC hdesc;   // Descriptor handle  
   unsigned char szData[MAX_DATA];   // Returned Data Storage  
   SDWORD cbData;   // Output Length of data  
   unsigned char char_ds_name[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH];   // Data Source Name  
   SQL_DATE_STRUCT date;   // date structure  
   SQL_SS_TIME2_STRUCT time2;   // time2 structure  
   SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT datetime2;   // datetime2 structure  
   SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT dateTimeOffset;   // datetimeoffset structure  
   SQLLEN cbdate;   // size of date structure  
   SQLLEN cbtime2;   // size of time structure  
   SQLLEN cbdatetime2;   // size of datetime2  
   SQLLEN cbtimestampoffset;   //size of dateTimeOffset  
   direxec();   // Constructor  
   void sqlconn();   // Allocate env, stat and conn  
   void sqldisconn();   // Free pointers to env, stat, conn and disconnect  
   void error_out();   // Display errors  
   void check_rc(RETCODE rc);   // Checks for success of the return code  
   void sqlinsert();   // Insert into the table  
// Constructor initializes the string char_ds_name with the data source name and  
// initialize the data structures to with the date to be inserted.  
direxec::direxec() {  
   _mbscpy_s(char_ds_name, (const unsigned char *)"DateTime");  
   // Initialize the date structure = 12;  
   date.month = 10;  
   date.year = 2001;  
   // Initialize the time structure  
   time2.hour = 21;  
   time2.minute = 45;  
   time2.second = 52;  
   time2.fraction = 100  ;  
   // Initialize the datetime2 structure  
   datetime2.year = 2007;  
   datetime2.month = 12; = 26;  
   datetime2.hour = 0;  
   datetime2.minute = 0;  
   datetime2.second = 0;  
   datetime2.fraction = 100;   
   // Initialize the timestampoffset structure  
   dateTimeOffset.year = 2007;  
   dateTimeOffset.month = 3; = 11;  
   dateTimeOffset.hour = 2;  
   dateTimeOffset.minute = 30;  
   dateTimeOffset.second = 29;  
   dateTimeOffset.fraction = 200;  
   dateTimeOffset.timezone_hour = -8;  
   dateTimeOffset.timezone_minute = 0;  
   // Size of structures   
   cbdate = sizeof(SQL_DATE_STRUCT);  
   cbtime2 = sizeof(SQL_SS_TIME2_STRUCT);  
   cbdatetime2 = sizeof(SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT);  
   cbtimestampoffset = sizeof(SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT);  
}   // direxec  
// Allocate environment handles, connection handle, connect to data source, and allocate statement handle  
void direxec::sqlconn() {  
   // Allocate the environment handle  
   rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);  
   // Set the ODBC version to version 3  
   // Allocate the database connection handle  
   rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);  
   // Connect to the database  
   rc = SQLConnect(hdbc, char_ds_name, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);  
   // Allocate the statement handle  
   rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);   
   // Allocate the descriptor handle  
   rc = rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DESC, hdbc, &hdesc);  
}   // direxec::sqlconn  
// Display error message from the DiagRecord  
void direxec::error_out() {  
   // String to hold the SQL State  
   unsigned char szSQLSTATE[10];  
   // Error code  
   SDWORD nErr;  
   // The error message  
   unsigned char msg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1];  
   // Size of the message  
   SWORD cbmsg;  
   // If hstmt is not null use that for getting the DiagRec  
   if (hstmt)  
      rc = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, 1, szSQLSTATE, &nErr, msg, sizeof(msg), &cbmsg);  
   // else get the diag record from the env  
      rc = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv, 1, szSQLSTATE, &nErr, msg, sizeof(msg), &cbmsg);  
   // If the rc is successful, show the message using a message box  
   if ( rc == SQL_SUCCESS) {  
      char hold_err[100];  
      _itoa_s(nErr, hold_err, 100, 10);  
      _snprintf_s((char *)szData, MAX_DATA, MAX_DATA - 1, "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s",   
        "Error:", "\n", "SQLSTATE= ", szSQLSTATE, ", Native error=", hold_err, ", msg = ", msg);  
      MessageBox(NULL, (const char *)szData, "ODBC Error", MB_OK);  
}   // direxec::error_out  
// Checks the return code.  If failure, displays the error, free the memory and exits the program  
void direxec::check_rc(RETCODE rc) {  
   if (!MYSQLSUCCESS(rc)) {  
}   // direxec::check_rc  
// Function to insert dates into the table.  
void direxec::sqlinsert() {     
   rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) "INSERT INTO DateTimeTypes (datecol, time2col, datetime2col, datetimeoffsetcol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", SQL_NTS);  
   rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_DATE, 10, 0, &date, 0, &cbdate);  
   rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_SS_TIME2, 16, 7, &time2, 0, &cbtime2);  
   rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 27, 7, &datetime2, 0, &cbdatetime2);  
   rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 4, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET, 34, 7, &dateTimeOffset, 0, &cbtimestampoffset);  
   rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);  
}   // direxec::sqlinsert  
int main() {  
   direxec x;  
   // Allocate handles, and connect.  
   // Insert all into the table  
USE tempdb  
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'DateTimeTypes')  
DROP TABLE DateTimeTypes