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Atur Data Besar (Penyedia OLE DB Klien Asli)

Berlaku untuk:SQL ServerAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed InstanceAzure Synapse Analytics AnalyticsPlatform System (PDW)

Sampel ini memperlihatkan cara mengatur data BLOB, membuat tabel, menambahkan rekaman sampel, mengambil rekaman tersebut di set baris, lalu mengatur nilai bidang BLOB. Sampel ini tidak didukung pada IA64.

Untuk meneruskan pointer ke objek penyimpanannya sendiri, konsumen membuat aksesor yang mengikat nilai kolom BLOB lalu memanggil metode IRowsetChange::SetData atau IRowsetChange::InsertRow .

Sampel kode Transact-SQL dalam artikel ini menggunakan AdventureWorks2022 database sampel, yang dapat Anda unduh dari beranda Sampel Microsoft SQL Server dan Proyek Komunitas.


Jika memungkinkan, gunakan Autentikasi Windows. Jika Autentikasi Windows tidak tersedia, minta pengguna untuk memasukkan kredensial mereka pada waktu proses. Hindari menyimpan kredensial dalam file. Jika Anda harus mempertahankan kredensial, Anda harus mengenkripsinya dengan API kripto Win32.


Untuk mengatur data BLOB

  1. Buat struktur DBOBJECT yang menjelaskan bagaimana kolom BLOB harus diakses. Atur elemen dwFlag dari struktur DBOBJECT ke STGM_READ dan atur elemen iid ke IID_ISequentialStream (antarmuka yang akan diekspos).

  2. Atur properti dalam grup properti DBPROPSET_ROWSET sehingga set baris dapat diperbarui.

  3. Buat serangkaian pengikatan (salah satu dari setiap kolom) dengan menggunakan array struktur DBBINDING. Atur elemen wType dalam struktur DBBINDING ke DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN, dan elemen pObject untuk menunjuk ke struktur DBOBJECT yang Anda buat.

  4. Buat aksesor menggunakan informasi pengikatan dalam array struktur DBBINDINGS.

  5. Panggil GetNextRows untuk mengambil baris berikutnya ke dalam set baris. Panggil GetData untuk membaca data dari kumpulan baris.

  6. Untuk mengatur data, buat objek penyimpanan yang berisi data (dan juga indikator panjang), lalu panggil IRowsetChange::SetData (atau IRowsetChange::InsertRow) dengan aksesor yang mengikat kolom BLOB.



Kompilasi dengan ole32.lib oleaut32.lib dan jalankan daftar kode C++ berikut. Aplikasi ini tersambung ke instans SQL Server default komputer Anda. Pada beberapa sistem operasi Windows, Anda harus mengubah (localhost) atau (lokal) ke nama instans SQL Server Anda. Untuk menyambungkan ke instans bernama, ubah string koneksi dari L"(local)" ke L"(local)\\name", di mana nama adalah instans bernama. Secara default, SQL Server Express menginstal ke instans bernama. Pastikan variabel lingkungan INCLUDE Anda menyertakan direktori yang berisi sqlncli.h.


// compile with: ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  
#define UNICODE  
#define INITGID  
#define OLEDBVER 0x0250  // to include correct interfaces  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stddef.h>  
#include <iostream>  
#include <oledb.h>  
#include <oledberr.h>  
#include <SQLNCLI.h>  
using namespace std;  
#define SAFE_RELEASE(pIUnknown) if(pIUnknown) (pIUnknown)->Release();  
HRESULT GetCommandObject(REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppIUnknown);  
HRESULT CreateTable(ICommandText* pICommandText);  
class CSeqStream : public ISequentialStream {  
   // Constructors  
   virtual ~CSeqStream();  
   virtual BOOL Seek(ULONG iPos);  
   virtual BOOL Clear();  
   virtual BOOL CompareData(void* pBuffer);  
   virtual ULONG Length() { return m_cBufSize; };  
   virtual operator void* const() { return m_pBuffer; };  
   STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void);  
   STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);  
   STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);  
      /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *pv,  
      /* [in]  */ ULONG cb,  
      /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbRead);  
      /* [in] */ const void __RPC_FAR *pv,  
      /* [in] */ ULONG cb,  
      /* [out]*/ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWritten);  
   ULONG m_cRef;   // reference count  
   void* m_pBuffer;   // buffer  
   ULONG m_cBufSize;   // buffer size  
   ULONG m_iPos;   // current index position in the buffer  
// class implementation  
CSeqStream::CSeqStream() {  
   m_iPos = 0;  
   m_cRef = 0;  
   m_pBuffer = NULL;  
   m_cBufSize = 0;  
   // The constructor AddRef's  
CSeqStream::~CSeqStream() {  
   // Shouldn't have any references left ASSERT(m_cRef == 0);  
ULONG CSeqStream::AddRef() {  
   return ++m_cRef;  
ULONG CSeqStream::Release() {  
   // ASSERT(m_cRef);  
   if (--m_cRef)  
      return m_cRef;  
   delete this;  
   return 0;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) {  
   // ASSERT(ppv);  
   *ppv = NULL;  
   if (riid == IID_IUnknown)  
      *ppv = this;  
   if (riid == IID_ISequentialStream)  
      *ppv = this;  
   if(*ppv) {  
      return S_OK;  
   return E_NOINTERFACE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::Seek(ULONG iPos) {  
   // Make sure the desired position is within the buffer  
   // ASSERT(iPos == 0 || iPos < m_cBufSize);  
   // Reset the current buffer position  
   m_iPos = iPos;  
   return TRUE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::Clear() {  
   // Frees the buffer  
   m_iPos = 0;  
   m_cBufSize = 0;  
   m_pBuffer = NULL;  
   return TRUE;  
BOOL CSeqStream::CompareData(void* pBuffer) {  
   // ASSERT(pBuffer);  
   // Quick and easy way to compare user buffer with the stream  
   return memcmp(pBuffer, m_pBuffer, m_cBufSize) == 0;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::Read(void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead) {  
   // Parameter checking  
   if (pcbRead)  
      *pcbRead = 0;  
   if (!pv)  
      return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;  
   if (cb == 0)  
      return S_OK;  
   // Actual code  
   ULONG cBytesLeft = m_cBufSize - m_iPos;  
   ULONG cBytesRead = cb > cBytesLeft ? cBytesLeft : cb;  
   // if no more bytes to retrieve return   
   if (cBytesLeft == 0)  
      return S_FALSE;   
   // Copy to users buffer the number of bytes requested or remaining  
   memcpy(pv, (void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), cBytesRead);  
   m_iPos += cBytesRead;  
   if (pcbRead)  
      *pcbRead = cBytesRead;  
   if (cb != cBytesRead)  
      return S_FALSE;   
   return S_OK;  
HRESULT CSeqStream::Write(const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten) {  
   // Parameter checking  
   if (!pv)  
      return STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER;  
   if (pcbWritten)  
      *pcbWritten = 0;  
   if (cb == 0)  
      return S_OK;  
   // Enlarge the current buffer  
   m_cBufSize += cb;  
   // Need to append to the end of the stream  
   m_pBuffer = CoTaskMemRealloc(m_pBuffer, m_cBufSize);  
   memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), pv, cb);  
   // m_iPos += cb;  
   if (pcbWritten)  
      *pcbWritten = cb;  
   return S_OK;  
int main() {  
   DBOBJECT ObjectStruct;  
   ObjectStruct.dwFlags = STGM_READ;  
   ObjectStruct.iid = IID_ISequentialStream;  
   struct BLOBDATA {  
      DBSTATUS dwStatus;     
      DBLENGTH dwLength;   
      ISequentialStream* pISeqStream;  
   const ULONG cBindings = 1;  
   DBBINDING rgBindings[cBindings];   
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
   IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL;  
   ICommandText* pICommandText = NULL;  
   ICommandProperties* pICommandProperties = NULL;  
   IRowsetChange* pIRowsetChange = NULL;  
   IRowset* pIRowset = NULL;  
   CSeqStream* pMySeqStream = NULL;  
   DBCOUNTITEM cRowsObtained = 0;  
   DBBINDSTATUS rgBindStatus[cBindings];  
   HROW* rghRows = NULL;  
   const ULONG cPropSets = 1;  
   DBPROPSET rgPropSets[cPropSets];  
   const ULONG cProperties = 1;  
   DBPROP rgProperties[cProperties];  
   const ULONG cBytes = 10;  
   BYTE pBuffer[cBytes];  
   ULONG cBytesRead = 0;  
   BYTE pReadData[cBytes];   // read BLOB data in this array  
   memset(pReadData, 0xAA, cBytes);  
   BYTE pWriteData[cBytes];   // write BLOB data from this array  
   memset(pWriteData, 'D', cBytes);  
   // Get Command object  
   hr = GetCommandObject(IID_ICommandText, (IUnknown**)&pICommandText);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get ICommandText interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Create table with image column and index  
   hr = CreateTable(pICommandText);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to create table.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Set the DBPROPSET structure.  It is used to pass an array   
   // of DBPROP structures to SetProperties().  
   rgPropSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;  
   rgPropSets[0].cProperties = cProperties;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties = rgProperties;  
   // Now set properties in the property group (DBPROPSET_ROWSET)  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_UPDATABILITY;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].dwStatus = DBPROPSTATUS_OK;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue.vt = VT_I4;  
   V_I4(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue) = DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE;  
   // Set the rowset properties  
   hr = pICommandText->QueryInterface(IID_ICommandProperties,  
      (void **)&pICommandProperties);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get ICommandProperties to set rowset properties.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pICommandProperties->SetProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Execute failed to set rowset properties.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Execute a command (SELECT * FROM TestISeqStream)  
   hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, L"SELECT * FROM TestISeqStream");  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to set command text SELECT * FROM.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL,   
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to execute the command SELECT * FROM.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Fill the DBBINDINGS array.  
   rgBindings[0].iOrdinal = 2;   // ordinal position  
   rgBindings[0].obValue = offsetof(BLOBDATA, pISeqStream);  
   rgBindings[0].obLength = offsetof(BLOBDATA, dwLength);  
   rgBindings[0].obStatus = offsetof(BLOBDATA, dwStatus);  
   rgBindings[0].pTypeInfo = NULL;  
   rgBindings[0].pObject = &ObjectStruct;  
   rgBindings[0].pBindExt = NULL;  
   rgBindings[0].dwPart =  DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_STATUS | DBPART_LENGTH;  
   rgBindings[0].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;  
   rgBindings[0].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM;  
   rgBindings[0].cbMaxLen = 0;   
   rgBindings[0].dwFlags = 0;  
   rgBindings[0].wType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN;  
   rgBindings[0].bPrecision = 0;  
   rgBindings[0].bScale = 0;  
   // Create an accessor using the binding information.  
   hr = pIRowsetChange->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&pIAccessor);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get IAccessor interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA,  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to create an accessor.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // get the first row.  
   hr = pIRowsetChange->QueryInterface(IID_IRowset, (void **)&pIRowset);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get IRowset interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, 0, 1, &cRowsObtained, &rghRows);  
   hr = pIRowset->GetData(rghRows[0], hAccessor, &BLOBGetData);  
   // Verify the retrieved data, only if data is not null.  
   if (BLOBGetData.dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL) {  
      // Process null data  
      printf("Provider returned a null value.\n");  
   else if(BLOBGetData.dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK) {  
      // Provider returned a nonNULL value  
      BLOBGetData.pISeqStream->Read( pBuffer, cBytes, &cBytesRead);  
      if (memcmp(pBuffer, pReadData, cBytes) != 0) {  
         // cleanup   
   // Set up data for SetData.  
   pMySeqStream = new CSeqStream();  
   // Put data into ISequentialStream object for the provider to write.  
   pMySeqStream->Write(pWriteData, cBytes, NULL);  
   BLOBSetData.pISeqStream = (ISequentialStream*)pMySeqStream;  
   BLOBSetData.dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK;  
   BLOBSetData.dwLength = pMySeqStream->Length();  
   // Set the data.  
   hr = pIRowsetChange->SetData(rghRows[0], hAccessor, &BLOBSetData);  
   if (FAILED(hr))     {  
      printf("Failed to set data.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to release accessor.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIRowset->ReleaseRows(cRowsObtained, rghRows, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to release rows.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Release all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
HRESULT GetCommandObject(REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppIUnknown) {  
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
   // Local interface pointers, until a connection is made.  
   IDBInitialize* pIDBInitialize = NULL;  
   IDBProperties*  pIDBProperties = NULL;  
   IDBCreateSession* pIDBCreateSession = NULL;  
   IDBCreateCommand* pIDBCreateCommand = NULL;  
   const ULONG cPropSets = 1;  
   DBPROPSET rgPropSets[cPropSets];  
   const ULONG cProperties = 4;  
   DBPROP rgProperties[cProperties];  
   // Initialize property values needed to establish connection.  
   for ( ULONG i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )  
   // Server name.  
   rgProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;  
   rgProperties[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   rgProperties[0].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"(local)");  
   rgProperties[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   rgProperties[0].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   // Database.  
   rgProperties[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG;  
   rgProperties[1].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   rgProperties[1].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"AdventureWorks");  
   rgProperties[1].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   rgProperties[1].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   rgProperties[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_INTEGRATED;  
   rgProperties[2].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   rgProperties[2].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"SSPI");  
   rgProperties[2].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   rgProperties[2].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   // Properties are now set.  Next, construct DBPROPSET structure (rgInitPropSet) used to pass an   
   // array of DBPROP structures (InitProperties) to the SetProperties method.  
   rgPropSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;  
   rgPropSets[0].cProperties = cProperties;  
   rgPropSets[0].rgProperties = rgProperties;  
   // Get the IDBInitialize interface.  
   hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SQLNCLI11,   
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get IDBInitialize interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Set initialization properties.  
   hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void **)&pIDBProperties);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get IDBProperties interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIDBProperties->SetProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to set properties for DBPROPSET_DBINIT.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIDBInitialize->Initialize();  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to initialize.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Create a session object.  
   hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface( IID_IDBCreateSession,  
                                        (void **)&pIDBCreateSession);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get pIDBCreateSession interface.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession( NULL, IID_IDBCreateCommand, (IUnknown**)&pIDBCreateCommand);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to create session object.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Get CommandText object  
   hr = pIDBCreateCommand->CreateCommand( NULL, riid, (IUnknown**)ppIUnknown);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to create CommandText object.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   return hr;  
   // Free up all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
   return hr;  
HRESULT CreateTable(ICommandText* pICommandText) {  
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
   // drop the table "TestISeqStream" if the table exists.  
   hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText( DBGUID_DBSQL, L"if object_id('TestISeqStream') is not null drop table TestISeqStream");  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to set command text DROP TABLE.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to drop the table.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Create a new table.  
   hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL,   
      L"CREATE TABLE TestISeqStream (col1 int,col2 image)");  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to set command text CREATE TABLE.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to create table.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Insert one row into table.  
   hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL,  
      L"INSERT INTO TestISeqStream(col1,col2) VALUES (1,0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)");  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to set command text INSERT INTO.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to insert record in the table.\n");  
      // Release any references and return.  
      goto Exit;  
   // Release all allocated memory and release interface pointers.  
   return hr;  