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Mengelola layanan dan pengaturan jaringan dengan penyedia WMI

Berlaku untuk: SQL Server 2022 (16.x)

Penyedia WMI adalah antarmuka yang diterbitkan yang digunakan oleh Konsol Manajemen Microsoft (MMC) untuk mengelola layanan SQL Server dan protokol jaringan. Di SMO, ManagedComputer objek mewakili penyedia WMI.

Objek ManagedComputer beroperasi secara independen dari koneksi yang dibuat dengan Server objek ke instans SQL Server, dan menggunakan kredensial Windows untuk terhubung ke layanan WMI.


Untuk menggunakan contoh kode apa pun yang disediakan, pilih lingkungan pemrograman, templat, dan bahasa untuk membuat aplikasi Anda. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Cara Membuat Proyek Visual C# SMO di Visual Studio .NET.

Untuk program yang menggunakan penyedia WMI SQL Server, Anda harus menyertakan Imports pernyataan untuk memenuhi syarat namespace layanan WMI. Sisipkan pernyataan setelah pernyataan lain Imports , sebelum deklarasi apa pun dalam aplikasi, seperti:

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi

Menghentikan dan memulai ulang layanan SQL Server di Visual Basic

Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menghentikan dan memulai layanan dengan menggunakan objek SMO ManagedComputer . Ini menyediakan antarmuka ke penyedia WMI untuk Manajemen Konfigurasi.

'Declare and create an instance of the ManagedComputer object that represents the WMI provider services.
Dim mc As ManagedComputer
mc = New ManagedComputer()
'Iterate through each service registered with the WMI provider.
Dim svc As Service
For Each svc In mc.Services
'Reference the SQL Server service.
svc = mc.Services("MSSQLSERVER")
'Stop the service if it is running and report on the status continuously until it has stopped.
If svc.ServiceState = ServiceState.Running Then

    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} service state is {1}", svc.Name, svc.ServiceState))
    Do Until String.Format("{0}", svc.ServiceState) = "Stopped"
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", svc.ServiceState))
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} service state is {1}", svc.Name, svc.ServiceState))
    'Start the service and report on the status continuously until it has started.
    Do Until String.Format("{0}", svc.ServiceState) = "Running"
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", svc.ServiceState))
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} service state is {1}", svc.Name, svc.ServiceState))

    Console.WriteLine("SQL Server service is not running.")
End If

Mengaktifkan protokol server menggunakan string URN di Visual Basic

Contoh kode menunjukkan cara mengidentifikasi protokol server menggunakan objek URN, lalu mengaktifkan protokol.

'This program must run with administrator privileges.
'Declare the ManagedComputer WMI interface.
Dim mc As New ManagedComputer()

'Create a URN object that represents the TCP server protocol.
Dim u As New Urn("ManagedComputer[@Name='V-ROBMA3']/ServerInstance[@Name='MSSQLSERVER']/ServerProtocol[@Name='Tcp']")

'Declare the serverProtocol variable and return the ServerProtocol object.
Dim sp As ServerProtocol
sp = mc.GetSmoObject(u)

'Enable the protocol.
sp.IsEnabled = True

'propagate back to the service

Mengaktifkan protokol server menggunakan string URN di PowerShell

Contoh kode menunjukkan cara mengidentifikasi protokol server menggunakan objek URN, lalu mengaktifkan protokol.

#This example shows how to identify a server protocol using a URN object, and then enable the protocol
#This program must run with administrator privileges.

#Load the assembly containing the classes used in this example

#Get a managed computer instance
$mc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer

#Create a URN object that represents the TCP server protocol
#Change 'MyPC' to the name of the your computer
$urn = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Urn -argumentlist "ManagedComputer[@Name='MyPC']/ServerInstance[@Name='MSSQLSERVER']/ServerProtocol[@Name='Tcp']"

#Get the protocol object
$sp = $mc.GetSmoObject($urn)

#enable the protocol on the object
$sp.IsEnabled = $true

#propagate back to actual service

Memulai dan menghentikan layanan di C#

Contoh kode menunjukkan cara menghentikan dan memulai instans SQL Server.

//Declare and create an instance of the ManagedComputer
//object that represents the WMI provider services.
ManagedComputer mc;
mc = new ManagedComputer();

//Iterate through each service registered with the WMI provider.
foreach (Service svc in mc.Services)

//Reference the SQL Server service.
Service mySvc = mc.Services["MSSQLSERVER"];

//Stop the service if it is running and report on the status
// continuously until it has stopped.
if (mySvc.ServiceState == ServiceState.Running)
   Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", mySvc.Name, mySvc.ServiceState));
   while (!(string.Format("{0}", mySvc.ServiceState) == "Stopped"))
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", mySvc.ServiceState));

   Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", mySvc.Name, mySvc.ServiceState));
   //Start the service and report on the status continuously
   //until it has started.
   while (!(string.Format("{0}", mySvc.ServiceState) == "Running"))
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", mySvc.ServiceState));

   Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", mySvc.Name, mySvc.ServiceState));
   Console.WriteLine("SQL Server service is not running.");

Memulai dan menghentikan layanan di PowerShell

Contoh kode menunjukkan cara menghentikan dan memulai instans SQL Server.

#Load the assembly containing the objects used in this example

#Get a managed computer instance
$mc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer

#List out all SQL Server instances running on this mc
foreach ($Item in $mc.Services) { $Item.Name }

#Get the default SQL Server database engine service
$svc = $mc.Services["MSSQLSERVER"]

# for stopping and starting services PowerShell must run as administrator

#Stop this service
while ($svc.ServiceState -ne "Stopped") {
"Service" + $svc.Name + " is now stopped"
"Starting " + $svc.Name
while ($svc.ServiceState -ne "Running") {
"Service" + $svc.Name + "is now started"