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Mengakses Penyedia WMI secara terprogram

Gambaran umum Penyedia WMI

Namespace layanan yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang Reporting Services dalam sampel kode yang diperlihatkan dalam artikel ini adalah namespace System.Management , yang ditemukan di Microsoft .NET Framework. Namespace System.Management menyediakan sekumpulan kelas kode terkelola tempat aplikasi .NET Framework dapat mengakses dan memanipulasi informasi manajemen. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang menggunakan kelas WMI Reporting Services dengan namespace System.Management , lihat "Informasi Manajemen Akses dengan System.Management" di Microsoft .NET Framework SDK.

Menemukan instans server laporan

Cara yang disukai untuk menemukan informasi pada penginstalan server laporan Anda adalah dengan menghitung melalui koleksi instans WMI. Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menemukan properti pada setiap instans server laporan dengan membuat koleksi, dan mengulangi koleksi untuk menampilkan properti.

Imports System  
Imports System.Management  
Imports System.IO  
Module Module1  
    Sub Main()  
        Const WmiNamespace As String = "\\<ServerName>\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v10\Admin"  
        Const WmiRSClass As String = _  
        Dim serverClass As ManagementClass  
        Dim scope As ManagementScope  
        scope = New ManagementScope(WmiNamespace)  
        'Connect to the Reporting Services namespace.  
        'Create the server class.  
        serverClass = New ManagementClass(WmiRSClass)  
        'Connect to the management object.  
        If serverClass Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception("No class found")  
        'Loop through the instances of the server class.  
        Dim instances As ManagementObjectCollection = serverClass.GetInstances()  
        Dim instance As ManagementObject  
        For Each instance In instances  
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Instance Detected")  
            Dim instProps As PropertyDataCollection = instance.Properties  
            Dim prop As PropertyData  
            For Each prop In instProps  
                Dim name As String = prop.Name  
                Dim val As Object = prop.Value  
                Console.Out.Write("Property Name: " + name)  
                If val Is Nothing Then  
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("     Value: <null>")  
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("     Value: " + val.ToString())  
                End If  
        Console.WriteLine("--- Press any key ---")  
    End Sub  
End Module  
using System;  
using System.Management;  
using System.IO;  
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]  
class Class1  
    static void Main(string[] args)  
        const string WmiNamespace = @"\\<ServerName>\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v10\Admin";  
        const string WmiRSClass =  
        ManagementClass serverClass;  
        ManagementScope scope;  
        scope = new ManagementScope(WmiNamespace);  
        // Connect to the Reporting Services namespace.  
        // Create the server class.  
        serverClass = new ManagementClass(WmiRSClass);  
        // Connect to the management object.  
        if (serverClass == null)  
            throw new Exception("No class found");  
        // Loop through the instances of the server class.  
        ManagementObjectCollection instances = serverClass.GetInstances();  
        foreach (ManagementObject instance in instances)  
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Instance Detected");  
            PropertyDataCollection instProps = instance.Properties;  
            foreach (PropertyData prop in instProps)  
                string name = prop.Name;  
                object val = prop.Value;  
                Console.Out.Write("Property Name: " + name);  
                if (val != null)  
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("     Value: " + val.ToString());  
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("     Value: <null>");  
        Console.WriteLine("\n--- Press any key ---");  