Bagikan melalui


Berlaku untuk: SQL Server

Mengembalikan token yang mewakili konteks transaksi sesi saat ini. Token digunakan oleh aplikasi untuk mengikat operasi streaming sistem file FILESTREAM ke transaksi. Untuk daftar topik FILESTREAM, lihat Data Objek Besar Biner (Blob) (SQL Server).

Konvensi sintaks transact-SQL



Jenis Hasil


Tampilkan Nilai

NULL dikembalikan jika transaksi belum dimulai, atau telah dibatalkan atau diterapkan.


Transaksi harus eksplisit. Gunakan BEGIN TRANSACTION diikuti dengan COMMIT TRANSACTION atau ROLLBACK TRANSACTION.

Saat Anda memanggil GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT, pemanggil diberikan akses sistem file ke transaksi selama durasi transaksi. Untuk mengizinkan pengguna lain mengakses transaksi melalui sistem file, gunakan EXECUTE AS untuk menjalankan GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT sebagai pengguna lain.


Contoh berikut menggunakan GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT dalam transaksi Transact-SQL untuk mendapatkan konteks transaksi.

using System;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
using System.Data;  
namespace ConsoleApplication  
    /// <summary>  
    /// This class is a wrapper that contains methods for:  
    ///     GetTransactionContect() - Returns the current transaction context.  
    ///     BeginTransaction() - Begins a transaction.  
    ///     CommmitTransaction() - Commits the current transaction.  
    /// </summary>  
    class SqlAccessWrapper  
        /// <summary>  
        /// Returns a byte array that contains the current transaction  
        /// context.  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <param name="sqlConnection">  
        /// SqlConnection object that represents the instance of SQL Server  
        /// from which to obtain the transaction context.   
        /// </param>  
        /// <returns>  
        /// If there is a current transaction context, the return  
        /// value is an Object that represents the context.  
        /// If there is not a current transaction context, the  
        /// value returned is DBNull.Value.  
        /// </returns>  
        public Object GetTransactionContext(SqlConnection sqlConnection)  
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();  
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()";  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection;  
            return cmd.ExecuteScalar();  
        /// <summary>  
        /// Begins the transaction.  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <param name="sqlConnection">  
        /// SqlConnection object that represents the server  
        /// on which to run the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.  
        /// </param>  
        public void BeginTransaction(SqlConnection sqlConnection)  
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();  
            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION";  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection;  
        /// <summary>  
        /// Commits the transaction.  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <param name="sqlConnection">  
        /// SqlConnection object that represents the instance of SQL Server  
        /// on which to run the COMMIT statement.  
        /// </param>  
        public void CommitTransaction(SqlConnection sqlConnection)  
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();  
            cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION";  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection;  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            //Open a connection to the local instance of SQL Server.  
            SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Integrated Security=true;server=(local)");  
            SqlAccessWrapper sql = new SqlAccessWrapper();  
            //Create a transaction so that sql.GetTransactionContext() will succeed.  
            //The transaction context will be stored in this array.  
            Byte[] transactionToken;     
            Object txObj = sql.GetTransactionContext(sqlConnection);  
            if (DBNull.Value != txObj)  
                transactionToken = (byte[])txObj;  
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction context obtained.\n");  
Imports System  
Imports System.Data.SqlClient  
Imports System.Data  
Namespace ConsoleApplication  
    ''' <summary>   
    ''' This class is a wrapper that contains methods for:   
    ''' GetTransactionContect() - Returns the current transaction context.   
    ''' BeginTransaction() - Begins a transaction.   
    ''' CommmitTransaction() - Commits the current transaction.   
    ''' </summary>   
    Class SqlAccessWrapper  
        ''' <summary>   
        ''' Returns a byte array that contains the current transaction   
        ''' context.   
        ''' </summary>   
        ''' <param name="sqlConnection">   
        ''' SqlConnection object that represents the instance of SQL Server   
        ''' from which to obtain the transaction context.   
        ''' </param>   
        ''' <returns>   
        ''' If there is a current transaction context, the return   
        ''' value is an Object that represents the context.   
        ''' If there is not a current transaction context, the   
        ''' value returned is DBNull.Value.   
        ''' </returns>   
        Public Function GetTransactionContext(ByVal sqlConnection As SqlConnection) As Object  
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection  
            Return cmd.ExecuteScalar()  
        End Function  
        ''' <summary>   
        ''' Begins the transaction.   
        ''' </summary>   
        ''' <param name="sqlConnection">   
        ''' SqlConnection object that represents the server   
        ''' on which to run the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.   
        ''' </param>   
        Public Sub BeginTransaction(ByVal sqlConnection As SqlConnection)  
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()  
            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION"  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection  
        End Sub  
        ''' <summary>   
        ''' Commits the transaction.   
        ''' </summary>   
        ''' <param name="sqlConnection">   
        ''' SqlConnection object that represents the instance of SQL Server   
        ''' on which to run the COMMIT statement.   
        ''' </param>   
        Public Sub CommitTransaction(ByVal sqlConnection As SqlConnection)  
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()  
            cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION"  
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text  
            cmd.Connection = sqlConnection  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
    Class Program  
        Shared Sub Main()  
            '''Open a connection to the local instance of SQL Server.  
            Dim sqlConnection As New SqlConnection("Integrated Security=true;server=(local)")  
            Dim sql As New SqlAccessWrapper()  
            '''Create a transaction so that sql.GetTransactionContext() will succeed.   
            '''The transaction context will be stored in this array.   
            Dim transactionToken As Byte()  
            Dim txObj As Object = sql.GetTransactionContext(sqlConnection)  
            '''If the returned object is not NULL, there is a valid transaction  
            '''token, and it must be converted into a format that is usable within  
            '''the application.  
            If Not txObj.Equals(DBNull.Value) Then  
                transactionToken = DirectCast(txObj, Byte())  
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction context obtained." & Chr(10) & "")  
            End If  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
End Namespace  

Lihat Juga

PathName (Transact-SQL)
Data Objek Besar Biner (Blob) (SQL Server)