Menonaktifkan multi-penyewa


Jika Anda tidak lagi menginginkan beberapa penyewa di Azure Stack Hub, Anda dapat menonaktifkan multi-penyewa dengan melakukan langkah-langkah berikut secara berurutan:

  1. Sebagai administrator direktori tamu, jalankan Unregister-AzsWithMyDirectoryTenant. Cmdlet menghapus instalasi semua aplikasi Azure Stack Hub dari direktori baru.
## The following Azure Resource Manager endpoint is for the ASDK. If you're in a multinode environment, contact your operator or service provider to get the endpoint.
$tenantARMEndpoint = "https://management.local.azurestack.external"

## Replace the value below with the guest tenant directory.
$guestDirectoryTenantName = ""

Unregister-AzsWithMyDirectoryTenant `
-TenantResourceManagerEndpoint $tenantARMEndpoint `
-DirectoryTenantName $guestDirectoryTenantName `

  1. Sebagai administrator layanan Azure Stack Hub (Anda dalam skenario ini), jalankan Unregister-AzSGuestDirectoryTenant.
## The following Azure Resource Manager endpoint is for the ASDK. If you're in a multinode environment, contact your operator or service provider to get the endpoint.
$adminARMEndpoint = "https://adminmanagement.local.azurestack.external"

## Replace the value below with the Azure Stack Hub directory
$azureStackDirectoryTenant = ""

## Replace the value below with the guest tenant directory.
$guestDirectoryTenantToBeDecommissioned = ""

## Replace the value below with the name of the resource group in which the directory tenant registration resource should be created (resource group must already exist).
$ResourceGroupName = "system.local"

Unregister-AzSGuestDirectoryTenant -AdminResourceManagerEndpoint $adminARMEndpoint `
-DirectoryTenantName $azureStackDirectoryTenant `
-GuestDirectoryTenantName $guestDirectoryTenantToBeDecommissioned `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName