Troubleshoot performance issues on Azure virtual machines using Performance Diagnostics

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs

You can use the Performance Diagnostics tool to identify and troubleshoot performance issues on your Azure virtual machine (VM) in one of two modes:

  • Continuous diagnostics (preview) collects data at five-second intervals and reports actionable insights about high resource usage every five minutes. Continuous diagnostics (preview) is currently supported only on Windows.
  • On-demand diagnostics helps you troubleshoot an ongoing performance issue by providing more in-depth data, insights, and recommendations that are based on data that's collected at a single moment. On-demand diagnostics is supported on both Windows and Linux.

Performance Diagnostics stores all insights and reports in a storage account that you can configure for short data retention to minimize costs.

Run Performance Diagnostics directly from the Azure portal, where you can also review insights and a report about various logs, rich configuration, and diagnostics data. We recommend that you run Performance Diagnostics and review the insights and diagnostics data before you contact Microsoft Support.

This article explains how to use Performance Diagnostics and what the continuous and on-demand modes offer.


Continuous diagnostics (preview) is currently supported only on Windows. On Windows VMs, you'll see the option to enable both on-demand and continuous diagnostics. On Linux VMs, you'll see the option to enable on-demand diagnostics. For more information, see Install and run Performance Diagnostics on your VM.


  • To run continuous and on-demand diagnostics on Windows, you need .NET SDK version 4.5 or a later version installed.


To run Performance Diagnostics on classic VMs, see Azure Performance Diagnostics VM extension.

Permissions required

Action Permissions required
Run Performance Diagnostics The Owner role on the VM and an Azure role that includes the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action permission on the storage account.
View Performance Diagnostics An Azure role that includes the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action permission on the storage account or the Storage Table Data Reader role on the storage account.
Download Performance Diagnostics reports An Azure role that includes the Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action on the storage account or the Storage Blob Data Reader role on the storage account.

For detailed information about built-in roles for Azure Storage, refer to Azure built-in roles for Storage.

Supported operating systems


The following operating systems are currently supported for both on-demand and continuous diagnostics:

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10


The following distributions are currently supported for on-demand diagnostics.


Microsoft has tested only the versions that are listed in the table. If a version isn't listed in the table, then it isn't explicitly tested by Microsoft, but it might still work.

Distribution Version
Oracle Linux Server 6.10 [*], 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
RHEL 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.0 [*], 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
Debian 9, 10, 11 [*], 12
SLES 12 SP5 [*], 15 SP1 [*], 15 SP2 [*], 15 SP3 [*], 15 SP4 [*], 15 SP5 [*], 15 SP6 [*]
AlmaLinux 8.4, 8.5, 9
Azure Linux 2.0


[*] See Known issues

Install and run Performance Diagnostics on your VM

Performance Diagnostics installs a VM extension that runs a diagnostics tool, called PerfInsights. PerfInsights is available for both Windows and Linux.

You can install the Performance Diagnostics tool from three different locations in the Azure portal, depending on your troubleshooting workflow. From your virtual machine, go to:

  • Overview → Monitoring tab
  • Insights → Performance tab
  • Performance diagnostics

Select one of the following tabs for detailed instructions.


To run Performance Diagnostics, make sure that you have all required permissions.

  1. In the Azure portal, open Virtual machines, and then select the VM that you want to run diagnostics on.

  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Help section, then select Performance Diagnostics.

  3. Select Enable Performance Diagnostics

    Screenshot of the Performance dianostics pane in the Azure portal that shows the Enable Performance Diagnostics button highlighted.

  1. Select the options to install and run the tool. The table describes the available options.

    Screenshot of the Install and run Performance Diagnostics context pane. The Enable continuous diagnostics and Run on-demand diagnostics options are selected.

    Option Description
    Enable continuous diagnostics Get continuous, actionable insights into high resource usage by having data collected every 5 seconds and updates uploaded every 5 minutes to address performance issues promptly. Store insights in your preferred storage account. The storage account retains insights based on the account retention policies that you can configure to manage the data lifecycle effectively. You can disable continuous diagnostics at any time.
    Run on-demand diagnostics Get on-demand, actionable insights into high resource usage and various system configurations. Receive a downloadable report that provides comprehensive diagnostics data to address performance issues. Store insights and reports in your preferred storage account. The storage account retains insights that are based on the account retention policies that you can configure to manage the data lifecycle effectively. You can initiate on-demand diagnostics at any time by using the specific analysis type that you need:
    • Performance analysis
      Includes all checks in the Quick analysis scenario, and monitors high resource consumption. Use this version to troubleshoot general performance issues, such as high CPU, memory, and disk usage. This analysis takes 30 seconds to 15 minutes to run, depending on the selected duration. Learn more Windows or Linux

    • Quick analysis
      Checks for known issues, analyzes best practices, and collects diagnostics data. This analysis takes several minutes to run. Learn more for Windows or Linux

    • Advanced performance analysis [Windows only]
      Includes all checks in the Performance analysis scenario, and collects one or more of the traces, as listed in the following sections. Use this scenario to troubleshoot complex issues that require more traces. Running this scenario for longer periods increases the overall size of diagnostics output, depending on the size of the VM and the trace options that are selected. This analysis takes 30 seconds to 15 minutes to run, depending on the selected duration. Learn more

    • Azure file analysis [Windows only]
      Includes all checks in the Performance analysis scenario, and captures a network trace and Server Message Block (SMB) counters. Use this scenario to troubleshoot the performance of Azure files. This analysis takes 30 seconds to 15 minutes to run, depending on the selected duration. Learn more
    Storage account Optionally, if you want to use a single storage account to store the Performance Diagnostics results for multiple VMs, you can select a storage account from the drop-down menu. If you don't specify a storage account, Performance Diagnostics uses the default diagnostics storage account or creates a new storage account.
  2. Review the legal terms and privacy policy, and select the corresponding checkbox to acknowledge acceptance (required).


    To install and run Performance Diagnostics, you must agree to the legal terms and accept the privacy policy.

  3. Select Apply to apply the selected options and install the tool.

    A notification is displayed as Performance Diagnostics starts to install. After the installation is completed, a second notification indicates that the installation is successful. If the Run on-demand diagnostics option is selected, the selected performance analysis scenario is then run for the specified duration.

View insights and reports

This table compares the data that's provided by Continuous and On-demand Performance Diagnostics. For a complete list of all the collected diagnostics data, see What kind of information is collected by PerfInsights on Windows or Linux.

Continuous Performance Diagnostics On-demand Performance Diagnostics
Availability Currently supported only for Windows VMs Supported for both Windows and Linux VMs
Insights generated Continuous actionable insights into high resource usage, such as high CPU, high memory, and high disk usage On-demand actionable insights into high resource usage and various system configurations
Data collection frequency Collects data every 5 seconds, updates are uploaded every 5 minutes Collects data on demand for the selected duration of the on-demand run
Reports generated Doesn't generate a report Generates a report that has comprehensive diagnostics data

View Performance Diagnostics insights

You can view Performance Diagnostics insights from three different locations in the Azure portal, depending on your troubleshooting workflow. From your virtual machine, go to:

  • Overview → Monitoring tab
  • Insights → Performance tab
  • Performance diagnostics

Select one of the following tabs for detailed instructions.


To view Performance Diagnostics, make sure that you have all required permissions.

  1. In the Azure portal, open Virtual machines, and then select the VM that you view diagnostics for.

  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Help section, then select Performance Diagnostics.

  3. The Performance Diagnostics insights tab is active by default.

    Every row under Performance Diagnostics insights lists an insight, its impact level, category, and related recommendations. Use filters to retrieve insights by timestamp, impact, category, or diagnostic type.

    Screenshot of the Performance Diagnostics experience in the Azure portal.

  4. Select a row to open the Performance diagnostics insights details context menu. For more information, see the following section.

View details and download report

The Performance diagnostics insights details context menu shows additional information, such as recommendations about what to do and links to relevant documentation. For an on-demand insight, you can also view or download the Performance Diagnostics report in the list by selecting View all insights or Download report, respectively. For more information, see Download and review the full Performance Diagnostics report.

Screenshot of the details screen on the Performance Diagnostics experience.


The Performance Diagnostics experience offers additional options to group or ungroup insights. You can group on-demand and continuous insights by category, insight, or recommendation.

Screenshot of the Insights tab on the Performance Diagnostics screen that shows results grouped by insight.

View Performance Diagnostics reports


To download Performance Diagnostics reports, make sure that you have all required permissions.

The Performance Diagnostics reports tab is available only in the Performance diagnostics experience. It lists all the on-demand diagnostics reports that were run. The list indicates the type of analysis that was run, insights that were found, and their impact levels.

Screenshot of selecting a diagnostics report from the Performance Diagnostics screen.

Select a row to view more details.

Screenshot of Performance Diagnostics report overview screen.

Performance Diagnostics reports might contain several insights. Every insight includes recommendations.

The Impact column indicates an impact level of High, Medium, or Low to indicate the potential for performance issues, based on factors such as misconfiguration, known problems, or issues that are reported by other users. You might not yet be experiencing one or more of the listed issues. For example, you might have SQL log files and database files on the same data disk. This condition has a high potential for bottlenecks and other performance issues if the database usage is high. However, you might not notice an issue if the usage is low.

Select the Download report button to download an HTML report that contains richer diagnostics information, such as storage and network configuration, performance counters, traces, list of processes, and logs. The content depends on the selected analysis. For advanced troubleshooting, the report might contain additional information and interactive charts that are related to high CPU usage, high disk usage, and processes that consume excessive memory. For more information about the Performance Diagnostics report, see Windows or Linux.


You can download Performance Diagnostics reports from the Performance Diagnostics screen within 30 days after you generate them. After 30 days, you might receive an error Message when you download a report from the Performance Diagnostics screen. To get a report after 30 days, go to the storage account, and download the report from a binary large object (BLOB) container that's named azdiagextnresults. You can view the storage account information by using the Settings button on the toolbar.

View and manage storage account and stored data

Performance Diagnostics stores all insights and reports in a storage account that you can configure for short data retention to minimize costs.

To ensure Performance Diagnostics functions correctly, you must enable the Allow storage account key access setting for the storage account. To enable this setting, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your storage account.
  2. In the storage account settings, locate the Configuration section.
  3. Find the Allow storage account key access option and set it to Enabled.
  4. Save your changes.

You can use the same storage account for multiple VMs that use Performance Diagnostics. When you change the storage account, the old reports and insights aren't deleted. However, they're no longer displayed in the list of diagnostics reports.


Performance Diagnostics stores insights in Azure tables and stores reports in a binary large object (BLOB) container.

If your storage account uses private endpoints, to make sure that Performance Diagnostics can store insights and reports in the storage account:

  1. Create separate private endpoints for Table and BLOB.
  2. Add DNS configuration to each separate private endpoint.

View diagnostics data stored in your account


To view diagnostics data, make sure that you have all required permissions.

To view diagnostics data:

  1. Navigate to your storage account in the Azure portal.

  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, Select Storage browser.

    Screenshot of the storage account screen that shows the Performance Diagnostics insights and report files.

    Performance Diagnostics stores reports in a binary large object (BLOB) container that's named azdiagextnresults, and insights in tables. Insights include:

    • All the insights and related information about the run
    • An output compressed (.zip) file (named on Windows and a tar file (named PerformanceDiagnostics_yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-fff.tar.gz) on Linux that contains log files
    • An HTML report
  3. To download a report, select Blob containers > azdiagextnresults > <report name> > Download.

Change storage accounts

To change storage accounts in which the diagnostics insights and output are stored:

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Performance diagnostics experience from your VM.

  2. In the top toolbar, select Settings to open the Performance diagnostic settings screen.

    Screenshot of the Performance Diagnostics screen toolbar that shows the Settings button highlighted.

  3. Select Change storage account to select a different storage account.

    Screenshot of the Performance Diagnostics settings screen on which you can change storage accounts.

Uninstall Performance Diagnostics

Uninstalling Performance Diagnostics from a VM removes the VM extension but doesn't affect any diagnostics data that's in the storage account.

To uninstall Performance Diagnostics, select the Uninstall button on the toolbar.

Screenshot of the Performance Diagnostics screen toolbar that shows the Uninstall button highlighted.

Frequently asked questions

How do I share this data with Microsoft Support?

When you open a support ticket with Microsoft, it's important to share the Performance Diagnostics report from an on-demand Performance Diagnostics run. The Microsoft Support contact provides the option to upload the on-demand Performance Diagnostics report to a workspace. Use either of the following methods to download the on-demand Performance Diagnostics report:

Option 1: Download the report from the Performance Diagnostics blade, as described in View Performance Diagnostics reports.

Option 2: Download the report from the storage account, as described in View and manage storage account and stored data.

How do I capture diagnostics data at the correct time?

We recommend that you run Continuous Performance Diagnostics to capture VM diagnostics data on an ongoing basis.

The On-demand Performance Diagnostics run has the following stages:

  • Install or update the Performance Diagnostics VM extension
  • Run the diagnostics for the specified duration

Currently, there's no easy way to know exactly when the VM extension installation is completed. It takes about 45 seconds to 1 minute to install the VM extension. After the VM extension is installed, you can run your repro steps to have On-demand Performance Diagnostics capture the correct set of data for troubleshooting.

Will Performance Diagnostics continue to work if I move my Azure VM across regions?

Azure VMs, and related network and storage resources, can be moved across regions by using Azure Resource Mover. However, moving VM extensions, including the Azure Performance Diagnostics VM extension, across regions isn't supported. You have to manually install the extension on the VM in the target region after you move the VM. For more information, see Support matrix for moving Azure VMs between Azure regions.

What is the performance impact of enabling Continuous Performance Diagnostics?

We ran 12-hour tests of Continuous Performance Diagnostics on a range of Windows OS versions, Azure VMs of sizes, and CPU loads.

The test results that are presented in this table show that Continuous Performance Diagnostics provides valuable insights by having a minimal effect on system resources.

OS version VM size CPU load Avgerage CPU usage 90th percentile CPU usage 99th percentile CPU usage Memory usage
Windows Server 2019 B2s, A4V2, D5v2 20%, 50%, 80% <0.5% 2% 3% 42-43 MB
Windows Server 2016 SQL B2s, A4V2, D5v2 20%, 50%, 80% <0.5% 2% 3% 42-43 MB
Windows Server 2019 B2s, A4V2, D5v2 20%, 50%, 80% <0.5% 2% 3% 42-43 MB
Windows Server 2022 B2s, A4V2, D5v2 20%, 50%, 80% <0.5% <0.5% 3% 42-43 MB

Back-of-the-napkin calculations of storage costs

Continuous Performance Diagnostics stores insights in a table and a JSON file in a BLOB container. Given that each row is approximately 0.5 KB (kilobyte), and the report is approximately 9 KB before compression, two rows every five minutes plus the corresponding report upload equals 10 KB, or 0.00001 GB.

To calculate the storage cost:

  • Rows per month: 17,280
  • Size per row: 0.00001 GB

Total data size: 17,280 x 0.000001 = 0.1728 GB

Data storage cost: $0.1728 x $0.045 = $0.007776

Therefore, assuming steady stress on the VM, the storage cost is estimated to be less than one cent per month, assuming that you use locally redundant storage.

Contact us for help

If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support. You can also submit product feedback to Azure feedback community.