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<Elemen Strings> (bootstrapper)

Menentukan string yang dilokalkan untuk nama produk, nama paket, dan pesan kesalahan penginstalan.



Elemen dan atribut

Elemen Strings adalah turunan dari elemen Package. Elemen ini tidak memiliki atribut.


Elemen String adalah turunan dari elemen Strings. Elemen Strings mungkin memiliki satu atau beberapa String elemen.

String memiliki atribut berikut.

Atribut Deskripsi
Name Harus diisi. Nama string.


Contoh kode berikut menentukan semua string bahasa Inggris untuk penginstal .NET Framework.

    <String Name="DisplayName">.NET Framework 2.0</String>
    <String Name="Culture">en</String>
    <String Name="AdminRequired">Administrator permissions are required to install the .NET Framework 2.0. Contact your administrator.</String>
    <String Name="InvalidPlatformWin9x">Installation of the .NET Framework 2.0 is not supported on Windows 95. Contact your application vendor.</String>
    <String Name="InvalidPlatformWinNT">Installation of the .NET Framework 2.0 is not supported on Windows NT 4.0. Contact your application vendor.</String>
    <String Name="InvalidPlatformIE">Installation of the .NET Framework 2.0 requires Internet Explorer 5.01 or greater. Contact your application vendor.</String>
    <String Name="InvalidPlatformArchitecture">This version of the .NET Framework 2.0 is not supported on a 64-bit operating system. Contact your application vendor.</String>
    <String Name="WindowsInstallerImproperInstall">Due to an error with Windows Installer, the installation of the .NET Framework 2.0 cannot proceed.</String>
    <String Name="AnotherInstanceRunning">Another instance of setup is already running. The running instance must complete before this setup can proceed.</String>
    <String Name="BetaNDPFailure">A beta version of the .NET Framework was detected on the computer. Uninstall any previous beta versions of .NET Framework before continuing.</String>
    <String Name="GeneralFailure">A failure occurred attempting to install the .NET Framework 2.0.</String>
    <String Name="DotNetFXExe"></String>
    <String Name="InstMsiAExe"></String>
    <String Name="Msi30Exe"></String>

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