
Berisi ukuran overlay Unified Write Filter (UWF) saat ini dan mengelola ambang batas kritis dan peringatan untuk ukuran overlay.


class UWF_Overlay {
    [key]  string Id;
    [read] UInt32 OverlayConsumption;
    [read] UInt32 AvailableSpace;
    [read] UInt32 CriticalOverlayThreshold;
    [read] UInt32 WarningOverlayThreshold;

    UInt32 GetOverlayFiles(
        [in] string Volume,
        [out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_OverlayFile")] string OverlayFiles[]
    UInt32 SetWarningThreshold(
        UInt32 size
    UInt32 SetCriticalThreshold(
        UInt32 size


Tabel berikut mencantumkan metode dan properti apa pun yang termasuk dalam kelas ini.

Metode Deskripsi
UWF_Overlay.GetOverlayFiles Mengembalikan daftar file volume yang di-cache dalam overlay UWF.
UWF_Overlay.SetWarningThreshold Mengatur ambang peringatan untuk memantau ukuran overlay UWF.
UWF_Overlay.SetCriticalThreshold Mengatur ambang batas peringatan kritis untuk memantau ukuran overlay UWF.


Properti Jenis Data Kualifikasi Deskripsi
Id string [kunci] ID unik. Ini selalu diatur ke UWF_Overlay.
OverlayConsumption UInt32 [baca] Ukuran saat ini, dalam megabyte, dari overlay UWF.
AvailableSpace UInt32 [baca] Jumlah ruang kosong, dalam megabyte, tersedia untuk overlay UWF.
CriticalOverlayThreshold UInt32 [baca] Ukuran ambang kritis, dalam megabyte. UWF mengirimkan peristiwa pemberitahuan ambang kritis ketika ukuran overlay UWF mencapai atau melebihi nilai ini.
WarningOverlayThreshold UInt32 [baca] Ukuran ambang peringatan, dalam megabyte. UWF mengirimkan peristiwa pemberitahuan ambang peringatan ketika ukuran overlay UWF mencapai atau melebihi nilai ini.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan overlay UWF dengan menggunakan penyedia WMI dalam skrip PowerShell.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay warning threshold

function Set-OverlayWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

    $retval = $OverlayInstance.SetWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the warning threshold is successful

    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Overlay warning threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay critical threshold

function Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

    $retval = $OverlayInstance.SetCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the critical threshold is successful

    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Overlay critical threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Function to print the current overlay information

function Get-OverlayInformation() {

# Retrieve the Overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Display the current values of the overlay properties

    "`nOverlay Consumption: " + $OverlayInstance.OverlayConsumption
    "Available Space: " + $OverlayInstance.AvailableSpace
    "Critical Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.CriticalOverlayThreshold
    "Warning Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.WarningOverlayThreshold

# Examples of using these functions

"`nSetting the warning threshold to 768 MB."
Set-OverlayWarningThreshold( 768 )

"`nSetting the critical threshold to 896 MB."
Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold( 896 )

"`nDisplaying the current state of the overlay."


Hanya ada satu instans UFW_Overlay untuk sistem yang dilindungi dengan UWF.


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