Metode IDataModelManager2::GetRootNamespace (dbgmodel.h)

Metode GetRootNamespace mengembalikan namespace layanan akar model data. Ini adalah objek yang dikelola model data dan tempat host debug menempatkan objek tertentu. Diharapkan bahwa setidaknya hierarki berikut diekspos oleh setiap host:

• Debugger - represents the debugger which is hosting the data model

    o Sessions - a collection of sessions which represent each debug target 

         Processes -- a collection of processes which represent each process in the debug target 

            - Threads -- a collection of threads which represent each thread within a given process in the debug target


HRESULT GetRootNamespace(
  IModelObject **rootNamespace



Namespace layanan akar model data dikembalikan di sini.

Nilai kembali

Metode ini mengembalikan HRESULT yang menunjukkan keberhasilan atau kegagalan.


Kode Sampel

ComPtr<IDataModelManager> spManager; /* get the data model manager */

ComPtr<IModelObject> spRootNamespace;
if (SUCCEEDED(spManager->GetRootNamespace(&spRootNamespace)))
    // We've gotten the root namespace successfully.  Find the Debugger property.
    ComPtr<IModelObject> spDebugger;
    if (SUCCEEDED(spRootNamespace->GetKeyValue(L"Debugger", &spDebugger, nullptr)))
        // We've gotten the "Debugger" property successfully.  Find the 
        // Sessions property.
        ComPtr<IModelObject> spSessions;
        if (SUCCEEDED(spDebugger->GetKeyValue(L"Sessions", &spSessions, nullptr)))
            // We've gotten the "Sessions" property successfully.

Antarmuka IDataModelManager2


Persyaratan Nilai
Header dbgmodel.h