peringatan C28624: Tidak ada panggilan ke Release() untuk mencocokkan refcount bertahap dari LResultFromObject
LresultFromObject meningkatkan pengenalan pada objek IAccessible baru.
Contoh kode berikut menghasilkan peringatan ini.
IAccessible *pacc = CreateNewIAccessible();
LRESULT lTemp = LresultFromObject(riid, NULL, pacc );
IAccessible *pacc = NULL;
// Get new interface (from same object)
QueryInterface( & pacc );
// Lresult will internally bump up the refcount
// to hold onto the object.
LRESULT lTemp = LresultFromObject( riid, NULL, pacc );
Contoh berikut menghindari kesalahan.
IAccessible *pacc = CreateNewIAccessible();
// Lresult internally increases the refcount to
// hold onto the object.
LRESULT lTemp = LresultFromObject(riid, NULL, pacc );
// We no longer need our pacc interface, so we release it.