Bagikan melalui

Meminta Pengenalan Teks

Aplikasi ini memanggil fungsi MappingRecognizeText untuk meminta pengenalan teks dari layanan ELS tertentu. Layanan harus telah ditemukan dalam panggilan sebelumnya ke MappingGetServices, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Enumerating dan Freeing Services.


Platform ini dapat memproses panggilan MappingRecognizeText baik secara sinkron atau asinkron.


MappingRecognizeText menangani jenis teks berikut:

  • Deteksi bahasa Microsoft. UTF-16, normalisasi formulir C, teks untuk menentukan bahasa.
  • Deteksi skrip Microsoft. Teks UTF-16 untuk menentukan rentang skrip.
  • Layanan transliterasi. Teks UTF-16 yang ditulis dalam skrip sumber (sistem penulisan).

Gunakan Pengenalan Teks Sinkron

Bagian ini menyediakan instruksi untuk beberapa cara untuk melakukan pengenalan teks sinkron.

Pengenalan Teks Sinkron dengan Microsoft Language Detection Service

Contoh berikut mengilustrasikan penggunaan MappingRecognizeText dengan layanan Deteksi Bahasa Microsoft, dan mencetak semua hasil yang diambil oleh layanan. Format output layanan ini adalah struktur MAPPING_DATA_RANGE tunggal dengan anggota pData-nya yang menunjuk ke array string berformat registri ganda-null Unicode. Setiap string array dihentikan null dan string kosong digunakan untuk menentukan akhir array. Konten array adalah nama bahasa yang diurutkan berdasarkan keyakinan.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elscore.h>
#include <elssrvc.h>

#define USER_TEXT ( \
    L"Skip This is a simple sentence. " \
    L"\x0422\x0445\x0438\x0441 \x0438\x0441 \x0415\x043d\x0433\x043b\x0438\x0441\x0445.")
#define USER_TEXT_SKIP (5)

int __cdecl main();
HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService);
void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag);

int __cdecl main()
    MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS    EnumOptions;
    DWORD                   dwServicesCount = 0;
    HRESULT                 hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&EnumOptions, sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS));
    EnumOptions.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS);
    // Using the Language Auto-Detection GUID to enumerate LAD only:
    hResult = MappingGetServices(&EnumOptions, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[0]);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
            printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                prgServices[0].pszDescription, hResult);

    return 0;

HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService)
    HRESULT hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&bag, sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG));
    bag.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG);

    // MappingRecognizeText's dwIndex parameter specifies the first
    // index inside the text from where the recognition should start.
    // We pass USER_TEXT_SKIP, thus skipping the "Skip " part
    // of the input string.
    // Calling without MAPPING_OPTIONS:
    hResult = MappingRecognizeText(pService, USER_TEXT, wcslen(USER_TEXT), USER_TEXT_SKIP, NULL, &bag);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        printf("Results from service: %ws\n", pService->pszDescription);
        hResult = MappingFreePropertyBag(&bag);
    return hResult;

void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag)
    WCHAR * p;

    // The return format of the Language Auto-Detection is a
    // double null-terminated registry-formatted array of strings.
    // Every string of the array is null-terminated and there's an
    // empty string specifying the end of the array.
    for (p = (WCHAR *)pBag->prgResultRanges[0].pData; *p; p += wcslen(p) + 1)
        printf("%ws\n", p);

Pengenalan Teks Sinkron dengan Microsoft Script Detection Service

Contoh berikutnya mengilustrasikan penggunaan MappingRecognizeText dengan layanan Deteksi Skrip Microsoft, dan mencetak semua hasil yang diambil. Format output layanan ini adalah array struktur MAPPING_DATA_RANGE , masing-masing menentukan teks yang ditulis dalam skrip yang sama. Karakter umum (Zyyy) ditambahkan ke rentang sebelumnya, atau ke rentang berikutnya jika rentang sebelumnya tidak ada. Anggota pData dari setiap struktur menunjuk ke string Unicode yang dihentikan null yang berisi nama Unicode standar skrip untuk rentang tertentu.


Pada Windows 7, layanan Deteksi Skrip Microsoft mematuhi Unicode 5.1.


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elscore.h>
#include <elssrvc.h>

#define USER_TEXT ( \
    L"Skip This is a simple sentence. " \
    L"\x0422\x0445\x0438\x0441 \x0438\x0441 \x0415\x043d\x0433\x043b\x0438\x0441\x0445.")
#define USER_TEXT_SKIP (5)

int __cdecl main();
HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService);
void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag);

int __cdecl main()
    MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS    EnumOptions;
    DWORD                   dwServicesCount = 0;
    HRESULT                 hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&EnumOptions, sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS));
    EnumOptions.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS);
    // Using the Script Detection GUID to enumerate SD only:
    EnumOptions.pGuid = (GUID *)&ELS_GUID_SCRIPT_DETECTION;
    hResult = MappingGetServices(&EnumOptions, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[0]);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
            printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                prgServices[0].pszDescription, hResult);

    return 0;

HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService)
    HRESULT hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&bag, sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG));
    bag.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG);

    // MappingRecognizeText's dwIndex parameter specifies the first
    // index inside the text from where the recognition should start.
    // We pass USER_TEXT_SKIP, thus skipping the "Skip " part
    // of the input string.
    // Calling without MAPPING_OPTIONS:
    hResult = MappingRecognizeText(pService, USER_TEXT, wcslen(USER_TEXT), USER_TEXT_SKIP, NULL, &bag);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        printf("Results from service: %ws\n", pService->pszDescription);
        hResult = MappingFreePropertyBag(&bag);
    return hResult;

void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag)
    DWORD dwRangeIndex;

    for (dwRangeIndex = 0; dwRangeIndex < pBag->dwRangesCount; ++dwRangeIndex)
        if (dwRangeIndex > 0)
            printf("   ----\n");
        printf("Range from %u to %u\n",
        printf("Data size in WCHARs: %u\n",
            (unsigned)pBag->prgResultRanges[dwRangeIndex].dwDataSize / 2);
        printf("\"%ws\"\n", (WCHAR *)pBag->prgResultRanges[dwRangeIndex].pData);

Pengenalan Teks Sinkron dengan Microsoft Cyrillic ke Layanan Transliterasi Latin

Contoh berikut mengilustrasikan penggunaan MappingRecognizeText dengan layanan transliterasi Microsoft Cyrillic ke Latin, dan mencetak hasil yang diambil. Perhatikan dua cara berbeda untuk menghitung layanan ini, baik dengan GUID atau berdasarkan kategori dan skrip input.

Format output sama untuk semua layanan transliterasi yang tersedia. Ini adalah struktur MAPPING_DATA_RANGE tunggal dengan anggota pDatanya yang menunjuk ke array karakter Unicode yang mewakili teks asli yang ditransliterasikan ke dalam skrip output dengan hanya menerapkan aturan layanan transliterasi tertentu. Layanan ini tidak menghentikan output null-nya jika input tidak berisi karakter null yang mengakhiri.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elscore.h>
#include <elssrvc.h>

#define USER_TEXT (L"Skip The russian word for 'yes' is transliterated to Latin as '\x0434\x0430'.")
#define USER_TEXT_SKIP (5)

int __cdecl main();
HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService);
void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag);

int __cdecl main()
    MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS    EnumOptions;
    PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO   prgServices;
    DWORD                   dwServicesCount;
    HRESULT                 hResult;

    // 1. Enumerate by GUID:
    prgServices = NULL;
    dwServicesCount = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&EnumOptions, sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS));
    EnumOptions.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS);
    // Use the Cyrl->Latn Transliteration GUID to enumerate only this service:
    hResult = MappingGetServices(&EnumOptions, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[0]);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
            printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                prgServices[0].pszDescription, hResult);


    // 2. Enumerate by input script and category:
    prgServices = NULL;
    dwServicesCount = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&EnumOptions, sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS));
    EnumOptions.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS);
    EnumOptions.pszCategory = L"Transliteration";
    EnumOptions.pszInputScript = L"Cyrl";
    hResult = MappingGetServices(&EnumOptions, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[0]);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
            printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                prgServices[0].pszDescription, hResult);

    return 0;

HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService)
    HRESULT hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&bag, sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG));
    bag.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG);

    // MappingRecognizeText's dwIndex parameter specifies the first
    // index inside the text from where the recognition should start.
    // We pass USER_TEXT_SKIP, thus skipping the "Skip " part
    // of the input string.
    // Calling without MAPPING_OPTIONS:
    // We want the result to be null-terminated for display.
    // That's why we will also pass the input null terminator:
    hResult = MappingRecognizeText(pService, USER_TEXT, wcslen(USER_TEXT) + 1, USER_TEXT_SKIP, NULL, &bag);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        printf("Results from service: %ws\n", pService->pszDescription);
        hResult = MappingFreePropertyBag(&bag);
    return hResult;

void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag)
    printf("\"%ws\"\n", (WCHAR *)pBag->prgResultRanges[0].pData);

Pengenalan Teks Sinkron dengan Panggilan ke Semua Layanan yang Tersedia

Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan MappingRecognizeText dengan semua layanan yang tersedia, dan mencetak hasil yang diambil untuk semua layanan. Contoh ini memberikan ilustrasi yang baik tentang pengoperasian setiap layanan. Dengan melihat output aplikasi contoh, mudah untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi secara internal dengan layanan. Contoh ini juga menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua kode yang digunakan untuk memanggil salah satu layanan ELS sama.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elscore.h>

#define USER_TEXT ( \
    L"Skip This is a simple sentence. " \
    L"\x0422\x0445\x0438\x0441 \x0438\x0441 \x0415\x043d\x0433\x043b\x0438\x0441\x0445.")
#define USER_TEXT_SKIP (5)

int __cdecl main();
HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService);
void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag);

int __cdecl main()
    DWORD                   dwServicesCount = 0;
    HRESULT                 hResult;

    DWORD i;

    // Get all installed ELS services:
    hResult = MappingGetServices(NULL, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        for (i = 0; i < dwServicesCount; ++i)
            // Do something with each service:
            // ... prgServices[i] ...
            if (i > 0)
            hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[i]);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
                printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
                printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                    prgServices[i].pszDescription, hResult);

    return 0;

HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService)
    HRESULT hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&bag, sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG));
    bag.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG);

    // MappingRecognizeText's dwIndex parameter specifies the first
    // index inside the text from where the recognition should start.
    // We pass USER_TEXT_SKIP, thus skipping the "Skip " part
    // of the input string.
    // Calling without MAPPING_OPTIONS:
    hResult = MappingRecognizeText(pService, USER_TEXT, wcslen(USER_TEXT), USER_TEXT_SKIP, NULL, &bag);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        printf("Results from service: %ws\n", pService->pszDescription);
        hResult = MappingFreePropertyBag(&bag);
    return hResult;

void PrintAllResults(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag)
    DWORD dwRangeIndex;
    DWORD dwDataIndex;
    WCHAR c;

    for (dwRangeIndex = 0; dwRangeIndex < pBag->dwRangesCount; ++dwRangeIndex)
        if (dwRangeIndex > 0)
            printf("   ----\n");
        printf("Range from %u to %u\n",
        // Currently, we can treat all results as arrays of unicode WCHAR
        // characters, but there can be services in the future
        // that use different formatting, i.e. XML, HTML, etc.
        printf("Data size in WCHARs: %u\n",
            (unsigned)pBag->prgResultRanges[dwRangeIndex].dwDataSize / 2);
        for (dwDataIndex = 0; dwDataIndex < pBag->prgResultRanges[dwRangeIndex].dwDataSize / 2; ++dwDataIndex)
            c = ((WCHAR *)pBag->prgResultRanges[dwRangeIndex].pData)[dwDataIndex];
            if (c >= 32 && c < 128 && c != '"') printf("%wc", c);
            else printf("#%x", (unsigned)c);

void CallRecognizeText(LPCWSTR Category, LPCWSTR Text)
    HRESULT               Result;
    DWORD                 ServicesCount;
    MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS  options = {sizeof(MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS), (LPWSTR) Category, 0};

    Result = MappingGetServices(&options, &rgServices, &ServicesCount);
    if (Result == S_OK && ServicesCount > 0)
        Result = MappingRecognizeText(&rgServices[0], Text, wcslen(Text), 0, NULL, &bag);
        if (Result == S_OK)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    CallRecognizeText(L"Language Detection", L"Text to be recognized");
    return 0;

Menggunakan Pengenalan Teks Asinkron

Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan MappingRecognizeText untuk pengenalan teks asinkron. Ketika panggilan balik digunakan, aplikasi harus memastikan bahwa tas properti, teks input, opsi, dan layanan semuanya valid sampai setelah panggilan balik selesai dieksekusi.

Aplikasi harus memanggil MappingFreePropertyBag segera setelah tas dikonsumsi oleh fungsi panggilan balik. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyediakan Panggilan Balik untuk Layanan ELS.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elscore.h>
#include <elssrvc.h>

#define USER_TEXT ( \
    L"Skip This is a simple sentence. " \
    L"\x0422\x0445\x0438\x0441 \x0438\x0441 \x0415\x043d\x0433\x043b\x0438\x0441\x0445.")
#define USER_TEXT_SKIP (5)

int __cdecl main();
HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService);
void RecognizeCallback(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag, LPVOID data, DWORD dwDataSize, HRESULT Result);

int __cdecl main()
    MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS    EnumOptions;
    DWORD                   dwServicesCount = 0;
    HRESULT                 hResult;

    ZeroMemory(&EnumOptions, sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS));
    EnumOptions.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS);
    // Using the Language Auto-Detection GUID to enumerate LAD only:
    hResult = MappingGetServices(&EnumOptions, &prgServices, &dwServicesCount);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        hResult = CallMappingRecognizeText(&prgServices[0]);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            printf("Calling the service %ws has succeeded!\n",
            printf("Calling the service %ws has failed, failure = 0x%x!\n",
                prgServices[0].pszDescription, hResult);

    return 0;

HRESULT CallMappingRecognizeText(PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO pService)
    MAPPING_OPTIONS         Options;
    HRESULT                 hResult;
    HANDLE                  SyncEvent;
    DWORD                   dwWaitResult;

    SyncEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

    if (SyncEvent == NULL)
        hResult = E_FAIL;
        ZeroMemory(&bag, sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG));
        bag.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG);

        ZeroMemory(&Options, sizeof (MAPPING_OPTIONS));
        Options.Size = sizeof (MAPPING_OPTIONS);
        Options.pfnRecognizeCallback = (PFN_MAPPINGCALLBACKPROC)RecognizeCallback;
        Options.pRecognizeCallerData = &SyncEvent;
        Options.dwRecognizeCallerDataSize = sizeof (HANDLE);

        // MappingRecognizeText's dwIndex parameter specifies the first
        // index inside the text from where the recognition should start.
        // We pass USER_TEXT_SKIP, thus skipping the "Skip " part
        // of the input string.
        hResult = MappingRecognizeText(pService, USER_TEXT, wcslen(USER_TEXT), USER_TEXT_SKIP, &Options, &bag);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            // We are using an event to synchronize our waiting for the call to end,
            // because some objects have to be valid till the end of the callback call:
            // - the input text
            // - the property bag
            // - the options
            // - the service
            dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(SyncEvent, INFINITE);
            if (dwWaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
                hResult = E_FAIL;
    return hResult;

void RecognizeCallback(PMAPPING_PROPERTY_BAG pBag, LPVOID data, DWORD dwDataSize, HRESULT Result)
    HANDLE SyncEvent;
    WCHAR * p;


    if (SUCCEEDED(Result))
        for (p = (WCHAR *)pBag->prgResultRanges[0].pData; *p; p += wcslen(p) + 1)
            printf("%ws\n", p);

    SyncEvent = *((HANDLE *)data);

Menggunakan Extended Linguistic Services

Menyediakan Panggilan Balik untuk Layanan ELS


