Membuat Konferensi Sederhana

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan pembuatan panggilan konferensi sederhana. Untuk informasi tentang konferensi video multimedia multicast IP, lihat Tentang Konferensi Telepon IP Pertemuan.

Sebelum menggunakan contoh kode ini, panggilan harus sedang berlangsung, dan Anda harus melakukan operasi di Melakukan Panggilan atau Menerima Panggilan telah dilakukan.


Contoh ini tidak memiliki pemeriksaan kesalahan dan rilis yang sesuai untuk kode produksi.


// From elsewhere in your code, you have obtained pBasicCall and pCallInfo, 
// which are pointers to the ITBasicCallControl and ITCallInfo interfaces
// of a call currently in progress. pAddress is an ITAddress pointer.

// Create a consultation call for the conference.
ITBasicCallControl *pConsultCall;
HRESULT hr = pAddress->CreateCall(
// If ( hr != S_OK ) process the error here. 

// Move the consultation call into your conference.
// Note: If a CallHub object does not already exist, TAPI will create it.
hr = pBasicCall->Conference(
// If ( hr != S_OK ) process the error here. 

// Finish the creation of the conference.
hr = pConsultCall->Finish(FM_ASCONFERENCE);
// If ( hr != S_OK ) process the error here. 

// Assuming the Finish method succeeds, the consultation call (pConsultCall)
// may transition to the CS_DISCONNECTED state or may remain connected, 
// depending on the service provider.
// Get the ITCallHub interface pointer.
ITCallHub *pCallHub;
hr = pCallInfo->get_CallHub( pCallHub );
// If ( hr != S_OK ) process the error here. 

// You can use the ITCallHub interface to obtain additional information on
// the conference. Specific capabilities depend on the TSP/MSP being used.


