Mensimulasikan input pengguna melalui injeksi input
Mensimulasikan dan mengotomatiskan input pengguna dari perangkat seperti keyboard, mouse, sentuhan, pena, dan gamepad di aplikasi Windows Anda.
API Penting: Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection
Gambaran Umum
Injeksi input memungkinkan aplikasi Windows Anda untuk mensimulasikan input dari berbagai perangkat input dan mengarahkan input tersebut di mana saja, termasuk di luar area klien aplikasi Anda (bahkan ke aplikasi yang berjalan dengan hak istimewa Administrator, seperti Editor Registri).
Injeksi input berguna untuk aplikasi dan alat Windows yang perlu menyediakan fungsionalitas yang mencakup aksesibilitas, pengujian (ad-hoc, otomatis), dan fitur akses dan dukungan jarak jauh.
Untuk menggunakan API injeksi input di aplikasi Windows, Anda harus menambahkan yang berikut ke manifes aplikasi:
- Klik kanan file Package.appxmanifest dan pilih Tampilkan kode.
- Sisipkan yang berikut ini ke dalam simpul
- Sisipkan yang berikut ini ke dalam simpul
:<rescap:Capability Name="inputInjectionBrokered" />
Menduplikasi input pengguna
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Sampel injeksi input sentuhan |
Dalam contoh ini, kami menunjukkan cara menggunakan API injeksi input (Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection) untuk mendengarkan peristiwa input mouse di satu wilayah aplikasi, dan mensimulasikan peristiwa input sentuh yang sesuai di wilayah lain.
Unduh sampel ini dari Sampel injeksi input (mouse untuk disentuh)
Pertama, kami menyiapkan UI (MainPage.xaml).
Kami memiliki dua area Grid (satu untuk input mouse dan satu untuk input sentuh yang disuntikkan), masing-masing dengan empat tombol.
Latar belakang Kisi harus diberi nilai (
, dalam hal ini), jika tidak, peristiwa penunjuk tidak terdeteksi.Ketika setiap klik mouse terdeteksi di area input, peristiwa sentuh yang sesuai disuntikkan ke area injeksi input. Klik tombol dari input injeksi dilaporkan di area judul.
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Margin="10"> <TextBlock Style="{ThemeResource TitleTextBlockStyle}" Name="titleText" Text="Touch input injection" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" /> <TextBlock Style="{ThemeResource BodyTextBlockStyle}" Name="statusText" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" /> </StackPanel> <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="1"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Style="{ThemeResource CaptionTextBlockStyle}" Text="User mouse input area"/> <!-- Background must be set to something, otherwise pointer events are not detected. --> <Grid Name="ContainerInput" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="Transparent" BorderBrush="Green" BorderThickness="2" MinHeight="100" MinWidth="300" Margin="10"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Button Name="B1" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" Content="B1" /> <Button Name="B2" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" Content="B2" /> <Button Name="B3" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" Content="B3" /> <Button Name="B4" Grid.Column="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" Content="B4" /> </Grid> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Style="{ThemeResource CaptionTextBlockStyle}" Text="Injected touch input area"/> <Grid Name="ContainerInject" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="2" MinHeight="100" MinWidth="300" Margin="10"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Button Name="B1i" Click="Button_Click_Injected" Content="B1i" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" /> <Button Name="B2i" Click="Button_Click_Injected" Content="B2i" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" /> <Button Name="B3i" Click="Button_Click_Injected" Content="B3i" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" /> <Button Name="B4i" Click="Button_Click_Injected" Content="B4i" Grid.Column="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="50" Height="50" /> </Grid> </Grid> </Grid>
Selanjutnya, kami menginisialisasi aplikasi kami.
Dalam cuplikan ini, kami mendeklarasikan objek global kami dan mendeklarasikan pendengar untuk peristiwa pointer (AddHandler) dalam area input mouse yang mungkin ditandai sebagai ditangani dalam peristiwa klik tombol.
Objek InputInjector mewakili perangkat input virtual untuk mengirim data input.
Di handler kami memanggil fungsi injeksi sentuh.ContainerInput_PointerReleased
Di handler, kami memanggil UninitializeTouchInjection untuk mematikan objek InputInjector.public sealed partial class MainPage : Page { /// <summary> /// The virtual input device. /// </summary> InputInjector _inputInjector; /// <summary> /// Initialize the app, set the window size, /// and add pointer input handlers for the container. /// </summary> public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); ApplicationView.PreferredLaunchViewSize = new Size(600, 200); ApplicationView.PreferredLaunchWindowingMode = ApplicationViewWindowingMode.PreferredLaunchViewSize; // Button handles PointerPressed/PointerReleased in // the Tapped routed event, but we need the container Grid // to handle them also. Add a handler for both // PointerPressedEvent and PointerReleasedEvent on the input Grid // and set handledEventsToo to true. ContainerInput.AddHandler(PointerPressedEvent, new PointerEventHandler(ContainerInput_PointerPressed), true); ContainerInput.AddHandler(PointerReleasedEvent, new PointerEventHandler(ContainerInput_PointerReleased), true); } /// <summary> /// PointerReleased handler for all pointer conclusion events. /// PointerPressed and PointerReleased events do not always occur /// in pairs, so your app should listen for and handle any event that /// might conclude a pointer down (such as PointerExited, PointerCanceled, /// and PointerCaptureLost). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Source of the click event</param> /// <param name="e">Event args for the button click routed event</param> private void ContainerInput_PointerReleased( object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { // Prevent most handlers along the event route from handling event again. e.Handled = true; // Shut down the virtual input device. _inputInjector.UninitializeTouchInjection(); } /// <summary> /// PointerPressed handler. /// PointerPressed and PointerReleased events do not always occur /// in pairs. Your app should listen for and handle any event that /// might conclude a pointer down (such as PointerExited, /// PointerCanceled, and PointerCaptureLost). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Source of the click event</param> /// <param name="e">Event args for the button click routed event</param> private void ContainerInput_PointerPressed( object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { // Prevent most handlers along the event route from // handling the same event again. e.Handled = true; InjectTouchForMouse(e.GetCurrentPoint(ContainerInput)); } ... }
Berikut adalah fungsi injeksi input sentuhan.
Pertama, kita memanggil TryCreate untuk membuat instans objek InputInjector .
Kemudian, kami memanggil InitializeTouchInjection dengan InjectedInputVisualizationMode dari
.Setelah menghitung titik injeksi, kami memanggil InjectedInputTouchInfo untuk menginisialisasi daftar titik sentuh untuk disuntikkan (untuk contoh ini, kami membuat satu titik sentuh yang sesuai dengan penunjuk input mouse).
Terakhir, kami memanggil InjectTouchInput dua kali, yang pertama untuk pointer ke bawah dan yang kedua untuk pointer ke atas.
/// <summary> /// Inject touch input on injection target corresponding /// to mouse click on input target. /// </summary> /// <param name="pointerPoint">The mouse click pointer.</param> private void InjectTouchForMouse(PointerPoint pointerPoint) { // Create the touch injection object. _inputInjector = InputInjector.TryCreate(); if (_inputInjector != null) { _inputInjector.InitializeTouchInjection( InjectedInputVisualizationMode.Default); // Create a unique pointer ID for the injected touch pointer. // Multiple input pointers would require more robust handling. uint pointerId = pointerPoint.PointerId + 1; // Get the bounding rectangle of the app window. Rect appBounds = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().VisibleBounds; // Get the top left screen coordinates of the app window rect. Point appBoundsTopLeft = new Point(appBounds.Left, appBounds.Top); // Get a reference to the input injection area. GeneralTransform injectArea = ContainerInject.TransformToVisual(Window.Current.Content); // Get the top left screen coordinates of the input injection area. Point injectAreaTopLeft = injectArea.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0)); // Get the screen coordinates (relative to the input area) // of the input pointer. int pointerPointX = (int)pointerPoint.Position.X; int pointerPointY = (int)pointerPoint.Position.Y; // Create the point for input injection and calculate its screen location. Point injectionPoint = new Point( appBoundsTopLeft.X + injectAreaTopLeft.X + pointerPointX, appBoundsTopLeft.Y + injectAreaTopLeft.Y + pointerPointY); // Create a touch data point for pointer down. // Each element in the touch data list represents a single touch contact. // For this example, we're mirroring a single mouse pointer. List<InjectedInputTouchInfo> touchData = new List<InjectedInputTouchInfo> { new InjectedInputTouchInfo { Contact = new InjectedInputRectangle { Left = 30, Top = 30, Bottom = 30, Right = 30 }, PointerInfo = new InjectedInputPointerInfo { PointerId = pointerId, PointerOptions = InjectedInputPointerOptions.PointerDown | InjectedInputPointerOptions.InContact | InjectedInputPointerOptions.New, TimeOffsetInMilliseconds = 0, PixelLocation = new InjectedInputPoint { PositionX = (int)injectionPoint.X , PositionY = (int)injectionPoint.Y } }, Pressure = 1.0, TouchParameters = InjectedInputTouchParameters.Pressure | InjectedInputTouchParameters.Contact } }; // Inject the touch input. _inputInjector.InjectTouchInput(touchData); // Create a touch data point for pointer up. touchData = new List<InjectedInputTouchInfo> { new InjectedInputTouchInfo { PointerInfo = new InjectedInputPointerInfo { PointerId = pointerId, PointerOptions = InjectedInputPointerOptions.PointerUp } } }; // Inject the touch input. _inputInjector.InjectTouchInput(touchData); } }
Terakhir, kami menangani peristiwa rute Klik Tombol apa pun di area injeksi input dan memperbarui UI dengan nama tombol yang diklik.
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