Kode Contoh OPM
Topik ini berisi contoh kode untuk menggunakan Manajer Perlindungan Output.
Contoh kode dalam topik ini menunjukkan cara melakukan jabat tangan OPM, mengirim permintaan status, dan mengirim perintah OPM. Untuk operasi kriptografi, kode menggunakan Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG). Fokus dari topik ini adalah untuk menunjukkan fungsionalitas OPM, sehingga tugas yang terkait dengan sertifikat X.509, seperti mengurai dan memvalidasi sertifikat, tidak ditampilkan.
Prosedur yang ditunjukkan dalam topik ini dijelaskan secara lebih rinci dalam Menggunakan Manajer Perlindungan Output.
- Melakukan Handshake OPM
- Mengirim Permintaan Status OPM
- Mengirim Perintah OPM
- Menghitung Nilai OMAC-1
- Topik terkait
Melakukan Handshake OPM
Setelah menghitung perangkat OPM dan memilih output video (tidak ditampilkan), langkah pertama adalah memanggil IOPMVideoOutput::StartInitialization untuk mendapatkan rantai sertifikat X.509 perangkat:
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER random; // Random number from driver. ZeroMemory(&random, sizeof(random)); BYTE *pbCertificate = NULL; // Pointer to a buffer to hold the certificate. ULONG cbCertificate = 0; // Size of the certificate in bytes. PUBLIC_KEY_VALUES *pKey = NULL; // The driver's public key. // Get the driver's certificate chain + random number hr = pVideoOutput->StartInitialization( &random, &pbCertificate, &cbCertificate ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Validate the X.509 certificate. (Not shown.) hr = ValidateX509Certificate(pbCertificate, cbCertificate); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Get the public key from the certificate. (Not shown.) hr = GetPublicKeyFromCertificate( pbCertificate, cbCertificate, &pKey ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Load and initialize a CNG provider (Cryptography API: Next Generation) BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlg = 0; hr = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( &hAlg, BCRYPT_RSA_ALGORITHM, MS_PRIMITIVE_PROVIDER, 0 ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Import the public key into the CNG provider. BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hPublicKey = 0; // Import the RSA public key. hr = ImportRsaPublicKey(hAlg, pKey, &hPublicKey); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Aplikasi harus memvalidasi rantai sertifikat dan mendapatkan kunci umum dari sertifikat daun dalam rantai. Langkah-langkah tersebut tidak ditampilkan di sini.
Setelah Anda memiliki kunci umum, Anda dapat mengimpor kunci ke penyedia algoritma CNG. Panggil fungsi BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider untuk memuat penyedia. Fungsi yang ditentukan
aplikasi mengimpor kunci dan mengembalikan handel ke kunci yang diimpor:void ReverseMemCopy(BYTE *pbDest, BYTE const *pbSource, DWORD cb) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < cb; i++) { pbDest[cb - 1 - i] = pbSource[i]; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // ImportRsaPublicKey // // Converts an RSA public key from an RSAPUBKEY blob into an // BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB and sets the public key on the CNG provider. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT ImportRsaPublicKey( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlg, // CNG provider PUBLIC_KEY_VALUES *pKey, // Pointer to the RSAPUBKEY blob. BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phKey // Receives a handle the imported public key. ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE *pbPublicKey = NULL; DWORD cbKey = 0; // Layout of the RSA public key blob: // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB | BE( dwExp ) | BE( Modulus ) | // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // // sizeof(BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB) cbExp cbModulus // <--------------------------><------------><----------------------> // // BE = Big Endian Format DWORD cbModulus = (pKey->rsapubkey.bitlen + 7) / 8; DWORD dwExp = pKey->rsapubkey.pubexp; DWORD cbExp = (dwExp & 0xFF000000) ? 4 : (dwExp & 0x00FF0000) ? 3 : (dwExp & 0x0000FF00) ? 2 : 1; BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB *pRsaBlob; PBYTE pbCurrent; hr = DWordAdd(cbModulus, sizeof(BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB), &cbKey); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } cbKey += cbExp; pbPublicKey = (BYTE*)CoTaskMemAlloc(cbKey); if (NULL == pbPublicKey) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } ZeroMemory(pbPublicKey, cbKey); pRsaBlob = (BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB *)(pbPublicKey); // Make the Public Key Blob Header pRsaBlob->Magic = BCRYPT_RSAPUBLIC_MAGIC; pRsaBlob->BitLength = pKey->rsapubkey.bitlen; pRsaBlob->cbPublicExp = cbExp; pRsaBlob->cbModulus = cbModulus; pRsaBlob->cbPrime1 = 0; pRsaBlob->cbPrime2 = 0; pbCurrent = (PBYTE)(pRsaBlob + 1); // Copy pubExp Big Endian ReverseMemCopy(pbCurrent, (PBYTE)&dwExp, cbExp); pbCurrent += cbExp; // Copy Modulus Big Endian ReverseMemCopy(pbCurrent, pKey->modulus, cbModulus); // Set the key. hr = BCryptImportKeyPair( hAlg, NULL, BCRYPT_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB, phKey, (PUCHAR)pbPublicKey, cbKey, 0 ); done: CoTaskMemFree(pbPublicKey); return hr; }
Selanjutnya, siapkan buffer yang berisi nomor urutan awal dan kunci sesi AES.
void CopyAndAdvancePtr(BYTE*& pDest, const BYTE* pSrc, DWORD cb) { memcpy(pDest, pSrc, cb); pDest += cb; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepare the signature for key exchnage. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT uStatusSeq = 0; // Status sequence number. UINT uCommandSeq = 0; // Command sequence number. OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER AesKey; // Session key // Generate the starting sequence number for queries. hr = BCryptGenRandom( NULL, (BYTE*)&uStatusSeq, sizeof(UINT), BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Generate the starting sequence number for commands. hr = BCryptGenRandom( NULL, (BYTE*)&uCommandSeq, sizeof(UINT), BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Generate the AES session key. hr = BCryptGenRandom( NULL, (BYTE*)&AesKey, sizeof(AesKey), BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Fill in the initialization structure. OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS initParams; ZeroMemory(&initParams, sizeof(initParams)); // Use a temporary pointer for copying into the array. BYTE *pBuffer = &initParams.abEncryptedInitializationParameters[0]; CopyAndAdvancePtr(pBuffer, random.abRandomNumber, sizeof(random)); // Random number from the friver. CopyAndAdvancePtr(pBuffer, AesKey.abRandomNumber, sizeof(AesKey)); // Session key. CopyAndAdvancePtr(pBuffer, (BYTE*)&uStatusSeq, sizeof(uStatusSeq)); CopyAndAdvancePtr(pBuffer, (BYTE*)&uCommandSeq, sizeof(uCommandSeq));
Enkripsi buffer ini dengan enkripsi RSAES-OAEP, menggunakan kunci umum driver.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // RSAES-OAEP encrypt the signature. Use SHA2 hashing algorithm. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- PBYTE pbDataIn = &initParams.abEncryptedInitializationParameters[0]; ULONG cbDataIn = (ULONG)(pBuffer - pbDataIn); DWORD cbOutput = 0; DWORD cbDataOut= 0; BYTE *pbDataOut = NULL; BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO paddingInfo; ZeroMemory(&paddingInfo, sizeof(paddingInfo)); paddingInfo.pszAlgId = BCRYPT_SHA512_ALGORITHM; //Encrypt the signature. hr = BCryptEncrypt( hPublicKey, (PUCHAR)pbDataIn, cbDataIn, &paddingInfo, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cbOutput, BCRYPT_PAD_OAEP ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } pbDataOut = new (std::nothrow) BYTE[cbOutput]; if (NULL == pbDataOut) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } hr = BCryptEncrypt( hPublicKey, (PUCHAR)pbDataIn, cbDataIn, &paddingInfo, NULL, 0, pbDataOut, cbOutput, &cbDataOut, BCRYPT_PAD_OAEP ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Panggil IOPMVideoOutput::FinishInitialization untuk menyelesaikan jabat tangan.
// Complete the handshake. hr = pVideoOutput->FinishInitialization( (OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS *)pbDataOut ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Mengirim Permintaan Status OPM
Contoh berikutnya menunjukkan cara mengirim permintaan status OPM_GET_CONNECTOR_TYPE .
Isi struktur OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS dengan informasi untuk permintaan status.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepare the status request structure. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS StatusInput; OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION StatusOutput; ZeroMemory(&StatusInput, sizeof(StatusInput)); ZeroMemory(&StatusOutput, sizeof(StatusOutput)); hr = BCryptGenRandom( NULL, (BYTE*)&(StatusInput.rnRandomNumber), OPM_128_BIT_RANDOM_NUMBER_SIZE, BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } StatusInput.guidInformation = OPM_GET_CONNECTOR_TYPE; // Request GUID. StatusInput.ulSequenceNumber = uStatusSeq; // Sequence number. // Sign the request structure, not including the omac field. hr = ComputeOMAC( AesKey, // Session key. (BYTE*)&StatusInput + OPM_OMAC_SIZE, // Data sizeof(OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS) - OPM_OMAC_SIZE, // Size &StatusInput.omac // Receives the OMAC ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Anggota omac dari struktur OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS adalah CBC MAC satu kunci (OMAC) yang dihitung untuk sisa struktur. Fungsi ComputeOMAC (ditampilkan nanti) dinyatakan sebagai berikut:
HRESULT ComputeOMAC( OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER& AesKey, // Session key PUCHAR pb, // Data DWORD cb, // Size OPM_OMAC *pTag // Receives the OMAC );
Panggil IOPMVideoOutput::GetInformation untuk mengirim permintaan status.
// Send the status request. hr = pVideoOutput->GetInformation(&StatusInput, &StatusOutput); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Driver menulis respons terhadap struktur OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION . Struktur respons mencakup nilai OMAC, dihitung untuk sisa struktur. Verifikasi nilai ini sebelum mempercayai data respons:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Verify the signature. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- OPM_OMAC rgbSignature = { 0 }; // Calculate our own signature. hr = ComputeOMAC( AesKey, (BYTE*)&StatusOutput + OPM_OMAC_SIZE, sizeof(OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION) - OPM_OMAC_SIZE, &rgbSignature ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } if (memcmp(StatusOutput.omac.abOMAC, rgbSignature.abOMAC, OPM_OMAC_SIZE)) { // The signature does not match. hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } // Update the sequence number. uStatusSeq++;
Anggota abRequestedInformation dari struktur OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION berisi data respons. Untuk permintaan OPM_GET_CONNECTOR_TYPE , data respons terdiri dari struktur OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION .
// Examine the response. // The response data is an OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION structure. OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION StatusInfo; ZeroMemory(&StatusInfo, sizeof(StatusInfo)); ULONG cbLen = min(sizeof(OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION), StatusOutput.cbRequestedInformationSize); if (cbLen != 0) { // Copy the repinse into the array. CopyMemory((BYTE*)&StatusInfo, StatusOutput.abRequestedInformation, cbLen); } // Verify the random number. if (0!= memcmp( (BYTE*)&StatusInfo.rnRandomNumber, (BYTE*)&StatusInput.rnRandomNumber, sizeof(OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER)) ) { hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } // Verify the status of the OPM session. if (StatusInfo.ulStatusFlags != OPM_STATUS_NORMAL) { // Abnormal status hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } ULONG ConnectorType = StatusInfo.ulInformation & OPM_BUS_TYPE_MASK;
Mengirim Perintah OPM
Contoh berikutnya menunjukkan cara mengaktifkan High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) dengan mengirim perintah OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL .
Semua perintah OPM menggunakan struktur OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS untuk data input. Array abParameters dalam struktur ini berisi data khusus perintah. Untuk perintah OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL , array abParameters berisi struktur OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL_PARAMETERS . Isi struktur ini sebagai berikut:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepare the command structure. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data specific to the OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL command. OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL_PARAMETERS CommandInput; ZeroMemory(&CommandInput, sizeof(CommandInput)); CommandInput.ulProtectionType = OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE_HDCP; CommandInput.ulProtectionLevel = OPM_HDCP_ON; ULONG ulAdditionalParametersSize = 0; BYTE* pbAdditionalParameters = NULL;
Selanjutnya, isi struktur OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS dan komputasi OMAC.
// Common command parameters OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS Command; ZeroMemory(&Command, sizeof(Command)); Command.guidSetting = OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL; Command.ulSequenceNumber = uCommandSeq; Command.cbParametersSize = sizeof(OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL_PARAMETERS); CopyMemory(&Command.abParameters[0], (BYTE*)&CommandInput, Command.cbParametersSize); // Sign the command structure, not including the omac field. hr = ComputeOMAC( AesKey, (BYTE*)&Command + OPM_OMAC_SIZE, sizeof(OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS) - OPM_OMAC_SIZE, &Command.omac ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
Untuk mengirim perintah, panggil IOPMVideoOutput::Configure. Ingatlah untuk menambah nomor urutan perintah setelah setiap perintah.
// Send the command. hr = pVideoOutput->Configure( &Command, 0, // Size of additional command data. NULL // Additional command data. ); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // Update the sequence number. uCommandSeq++;
Untuk memverifikasi bahwa HDCP diaktifkan, kirim permintaan status OPM_GET_VIRTUAL_PROTECTION_LEVEL (tidak ditampilkan).
Menghitung Nilai OMAC-1
Kode berikut menunjukkan cara menghitung nilai OMAC-1 yang digunakan untuk menandatangani perintah OPM dan struktur permintaan.
// Helper functions for some bitwise operations.
#define AES_BLOCKLEN (16)
#define AES_KEYSIZE_128 (16)
inline void XOR(
const BYTE *lpbRHS,
for( DWORD i = 0; i < cbSize; i++ )
lpbLHS[i] ^= lpbRHS[i];
inline void LShift(const BYTE *lpbOpd, BYTE *lpbRes)
for( DWORD i = 0; i < AES_BLOCKLEN; i++ )
lpbRes[i] = lpbOpd[i] << 1;
if( i < AES_BLOCKLEN - 1 )
lpbRes[i] |= ( (unsigned char)lpbOpd[i+1] ) >> 7;
// Generate OMAC1 signature using AES128
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER& AesKey, // Session key
PUCHAR pb, // Data
DWORD cb, // Size of the data
OPM_OMAC *pTag // Receives the OMAC
DWORD cbKeyObject = 0;
DWORD cbData = 0;
PBYTE pbKeyObject = NULL;
PUCHAR Key = (PUCHAR)AesKey.abRandomNumber;
} KeyBlob;
KeyBlob.Header.dwMagic = BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_MAGIC;
KeyBlob.Header.dwVersion = BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_VERSION1;
KeyBlob.Header.cbKeyData = AES_KEYSIZE_128;
CopyMemory(KeyBlob.Key, Key, sizeof(KeyBlob.Key));
hr = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(
// Get the size needed for the key data
if (S_OK == hr)
hr = BCryptGetProperty(
// Allocate the key data object
if (S_OK == hr)
pbKeyObject = new (std::nothrow) BYTE[cbKeyObject];
if (NULL == pbKeyObject)
// Set to CBC chain mode
if (S_OK == hr)
hr = BCryptSetProperty(
// Set the key
if (S_OK == hr)
hr = BCryptImportKey(hAlg, NULL, BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB, &hKey,
pbKeyObject, cbKeyObject, (PUCHAR)&KeyBlob, sizeof(KeyBlob), 0);
// Encrypt 0s
if (S_OK == hr)
DWORD cbBuffer = sizeof(rBuffer);
ZeroMemory(rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer));
hr = BCryptEncrypt(hKey, rBuffer, cbBuffer, NULL, NULL, 0,
rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer), &cbBuffer, 0);
// Compute OMAC1 parameters
if (S_OK == hr)
const BYTE bLU_ComputationConstant = 0x87;
LPBYTE pbL = rBuffer;
LShift( pbL, rgbLU );
if( pbL[0] & 0x80 )
rgbLU[OPM_OMAC_SIZE - 1] ^= bLU_ComputationConstant;
LShift( rgbLU, rgbLU_1 );
if( rgbLU[0] & 0x80 )
rgbLU_1[OPM_OMAC_SIZE - 1] ^= bLU_ComputationConstant;
// Generate the hash.
if (S_OK == hr)
// Redo the key to restart the CBC.
hKey = NULL;
hr = BCryptImportKey(hAlg, NULL, BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB, &hKey,
pbKeyObject, cbKeyObject, (PUCHAR)&KeyBlob, sizeof(KeyBlob), 0);
if (S_OK == hr)
PUCHAR pbDataInCur = pb;
cbData = cb;
DWORD cbBuffer = 0;
if (cbData > OPM_OMAC_SIZE)
CopyMemory( rBuffer, pbDataInCur, OPM_OMAC_SIZE );
hr = BCryptEncrypt(hKey, rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer), NULL,
NULL, 0, rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer), &cbBuffer, 0);
pbDataInCur += OPM_OMAC_SIZE;
cbData -= OPM_OMAC_SIZE;
if (cbData == OPM_OMAC_SIZE)
CopyMemory(rBuffer, pbDataInCur, OPM_OMAC_SIZE);
XOR(rBuffer, rgbLU);
ZeroMemory( rBuffer, OPM_OMAC_SIZE );
CopyMemory( rBuffer, pbDataInCur, cbData );
rBuffer[ cbData ] = 0x80;
XOR(rBuffer, rgbLU_1);
hr = BCryptEncrypt(hKey, rBuffer, sizeof(rBuffer), NULL, NULL,
0, (PUCHAR)pTag->abOMAC, OPM_OMAC_SIZE, &cbBuffer, 0);
cbData = 0;
} while( S_OK == hr && cbData > 0 );
// Clean up
if (hKey)
if (hAlg)
BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(hAlg, 0);
delete [] pbKeyObject;
return hr;
Algoritma OMAC-1 dijelaskan secara rinci di https://www.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/labs/tiwata/omac/omac.html.
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