Menentukan Operasi di C++

Di Authorization Manager, operasi adalah fungsi tingkat rendah atau metode aplikasi. Operasi ini dikelompokkan bersama sebagai tugas. Pengguna aplikasi meminta izin untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Operasi diwakili oleh objek IAzOperation . Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang operasi, lihat Operasi dan Tugas.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menentukan operasi di penyimpanan kebijakan otorisasi. Contohnya mengasumsikan bahwa ada penyimpanan kebijakan XML yang ada bernama MyStore.xml di direktori akar drive C, dan bahwa penyimpanan ini berisi aplikasi bernama Expense.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
#pragma comment(lib, "duser.lib")

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <azroles.h>
#include <objbase.h>

void main(void){
    IAzAuthorizationStore* pStore = NULL;
    IAzApplication* pApp = NULL;
    IAzOperation* pOp = NULL;
    HRESULT hr;
    void MyHandleError(char *s);
    BSTR storeName = NULL;
    BSTR appName = NULL;
    BSTR opName = NULL;
    //  Initialize COM.
    hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not initialize COM.");

    //  Create the AzAuthorizationStore object.
    hr = CoCreateInstance(
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create AzAuthorizationStore object.");
    //  Create null VARIANT for parameters.
    VARIANT myVar; 

    //  Allocate a string for the name of the store.
    if(!(storeName = SysAllocString(L"msxml://c:\\MyStore.xml")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate string.");
    //  Initialize the store.
    hr = pStore->Initialize(AZ_AZSTORE_FLAG_MANAGE_STORE_ONLY,
   storeName, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not initialize store.");

    //  Create an application object.
    if (!(appName = SysAllocString(L"Expense")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate application name string.");
    hr = pStore->OpenApplication(appName, myVar, &pApp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not open application.");

    //  Create operations.

    //  Create first operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"RetrieveForm")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");
    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(1);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create second operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"EnqueRequest")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(2);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create third operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"DequeRequest")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(3);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create fourth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"UseFormControl")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(4);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create fifth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"MarkFormApproved")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(5);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create sixth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"SendApprovalNotify")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(6);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Clean up resources.

void MyHandleError(char *s)
    printf("An error occurred in running the program.\n");
    printf("Error number %x\n.",GetLastError());
    printf("Program terminating.\n");