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Membaca Nilai Atribut dari CD atau DVD

[Fitur yang terkait dengan halaman ini, Pemutar Media Windows SDK, adalah fitur warisan. Ini telah digantikan oleh MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer telah dioptimalkan untuk Windows 10 dan Windows 11. Microsoft sangat menyarankan agar kode baru menggunakan MediaPlayer alih-alih Pemutar Media Windows SDK, jika memungkinkan. Microsoft menyarankan agar kode yang ada yang menggunakan API warisan ditulis ulang untuk menggunakan API baru jika memungkinkan.]

Sepanjang topik ini, objek Pemutar didefinisikan dengan cara berikut:

AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer Player;
using WMPLib;

Kode contoh C# berikut mengambil nilai semua atribut dalam disk saat ini yang ada di drive dan menulisnya ke file.

private void logDiscAttributes()
    int iCDCount = 0; // Count of CD and DVD drives
    int iAttrCount = 0; // Attribute count.
    int iPLCount = 0; // Playlist item count.

    IWMPCdromCollection cdCollection;
    IWMPPlaylist playlist;
    IWMPMedia media;
    string strAttribName = "";
    string strAttribValue = "";
    string strText = "";

    // Create a StreamWriter object to write
    // the output to a file.
    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutFile, true);

    cdCollection = Player.cdromCollection;
    iCDCount = cdCollection.count;

    // Loop through the CD and DVD drives.
    for (int i = 0; i < iCDCount; i++)
        playlist = cdCollection.Item(i).Playlist;

        // Loop through the playlist attributes.
        iAttrCount = playlist.attributeCount;
        for (int j = 0; j < iAttrCount; j++)
            strText += "Playlist Attribute: \t";
            strAttribName = playlist.get_attributeName(j);
            strText += "\t" + strAttribName + "\t";
            strAttribValue = playlist.getItemInfo(strAttribName);
            strText += strAttribValue + "\n";

        // Loop through the playlist.
        iPLCount = playlist.count;
        for (int k = 0; k < iPLCount; k++)
            media = playlist.get_Item(k);

            // Loop through the media attributes.
            iAttrCount = media.attributeCount;
            for (int m = 0; m < iAttrCount; m++)
                strText += "Track or Chapter [" + m.ToString() + "]";
                strAttribName = media.getAttributeName(m);
                strText += "\t" + strAttribName + "\t";
                strText += "Read Only: " + media.isReadOnlyItem(strAttribName) + "\t";
                strAttribValue = media.getItemInfo(strAttribName);
                strText += strAttribValue + "\n";


    MessageBox.Show(strOutFile + " created");

Atribut Item Media

Objek Media