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Manage who can schedule town halls in Microsoft Teams

APPLIES TO: ✖️Meetings ✖️Webinars ✔️Town halls

Microsoft Teams is introducing town halls, a one-to-many interactive virtual event. This article describes how you, as an admin, can set up and manage town halls for your users.

To learn more about town hall features and capabilities, see Plan for town halls.

Manage town halls using the Teams admin center

You can use the Teams admin center to set up and manage the town hall experience for your organization.

Manage who can schedule town halls

Follow these steps in the Teams admin center to turn town halls on or off:

  1. Open the Teams admin center.
  2. Select Meetings from the navigation pane.
  3. Under Meetings, select Events Policies.
  4. Either select an existing policy or create a new one.
  5. Toggle the Allow town halls setting On or Off.
  6. Select Save

Manage town halls using PowerShell

You can use PowerShell to set up and manage the town hall experience for your organization.

To set up town halls, use the -AllowTownhalls parameter within the PowerShell CsTeamsEventsPolicy cmdlet.

The following table shows the behaviors of the settings for the -AllowTownhalls parameter:

Setting value Behavior
Enabled This is the default. Users with this policy can create town halls.
Disabled Users with this policy can't create town halls.

Before you can run these cmdlets, you must be connected to Microsoft Teams PowerShell. For more information, see Manage Teams with Microsoft Teams PowerShell.

For more information on PowerShell cmdlets for Teams town halls, see the Related topics section.

Turn off town halls

To prevent organizers with this policy from creating town halls, use the following script:

Set-CsTeamsEventsPolicy -Identity <policy name> -AllowTownhalls Disabled

Disable public town halls

To prevent organizers with this policy from scheduling public town halls, use the following script:

Set-CsTeamsEventsPolicy -Identity <policy name> -EventAccessType EveryoneInCompanyExcludingGuests


The EveryoneInCompanyExcludingGuests setting allows only in org attendees to join town halls created by organizers with this policy. In org attendees include guests in town halls (but not in webinars).