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Custom Text Analytics for health service limits

Use this article to learn about the data and service limits when using custom Text Analytics for health.

Language resource limits

  • Your Language resource has to be created in one of the supported regions.

  • Your resource must be one of the supported pricing tiers:

    Tier Description Limit
    S Paid tier You can have unlimited Language S tier resources per subscription.
  • You can only connect one storage account per resource. This process is irreversible. If you connect a storage account to your resource, you cannot unlink it later. Learn more about connecting a storage account

  • You can have up to 500 projects per resource.

  • Project names have to be unique within the same resource across all custom features.

Regional availability

See Language service regional availability.

API limits

Item Request type Maximum limit
Authoring API POST 10 per minute
Authoring API GET 100 per minute
Prediction API GET/POST 1,000 per minute
Document size -- 125,000 characters. You can send up to 20 documents as long as they collectively do not exceed 125,000 characters


If you need to send larger files than the limit allows, you can break the text into smaller chunks of text before sending them to the API. You use can the chunk command from CLUtils for this process.

Quota limits

Pricing tier Item Limit
S Training time Unlimited, free
S Prediction Calls 5,000 text records for free per language resource

Document limits

  • You can only use .txt. files. If your data is in another format, you can use the CLUtils parse command to open your document and extract the text.

  • All files uploaded in your container must contain data. Empty files are not allowed for training.

  • All files should be available at the root of your container.

Data limits

The following limits are observed for authoring.

Item Lower Limit Upper Limit
Documents count 10 100,000
Document length in characters 1 128,000 characters; approximately 28,000 words or 56 pages.
Count of entity types 1 200
Entity length in characters 1 500
Count of trained models per project 0 10
Count of deployments per project 0 10

Naming limits

Item Limits
Project name You can only use letters (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9) , symbols _ . -, with no spaces. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.
Model name You can only use letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and symbols _ . -. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.
Deployment name You can only use letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and symbols _ . -. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.
Entity name You can only use letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and all symbols except ":", $ & % * ( ) + ~ # / ?. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters. See the supported data format for more information on entity names when importing a labels file.
Document name You can only use letters (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9) with no spaces.

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