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Bicep spread operator

The spread operator is used to expand an iterable array or object into individual elements. The spread operator allows you to easily manipulate arrays or objects by spreading their elements or properties into new arrays or objects.



The spread operator is used to copy properties from one object to another or to merge arrays and objects in a concise and readable way.


The following example shows the spread operator used in an object:

var objA = { bar: 'bar' }
output objB object = { foo: 'foo', ...objA } 

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
objB object { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }

The following example shows the spread operator used in an array:

var arrA = [ 2, 3 ]
output arrB array = [ 1, ...arrA, 4 ] 

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
arrB array [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

The following example shows spread used multiple times in a single operation:

var arrA = [ 2, 3 ]
output arrC array = [ 1, ...arrA, 4, ...arrA ] 

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
arrC array [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3 ]

The following example shows spread used in a multi-line operation:

var objA = { foo: 'foo' }
var objB = { bar: 'bar' }
output combined object = { 

In this usage, comma isn't used between the two lines. Output from the example:

Name Type Value
combined object { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }

The spread operation can be used to avoid setting an optional property. For example:

param vmImageResourceId string = ''

var bar = vmImageResourceId != '' ? {
  id: vmImageResourceId
} : {}

output foo object = {
  alwaysSet: 'value'

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
foo object {"alwaysSet":"value"}

The preceding example can also be written as:

param vmImageResourceId string = ''

output foo object = {
  ...(vmImageResourceId != '' ? {
    id: vmImageResourceId
  } : {})
  alwaysSet: 'value'

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