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How to generate client access URL for the clients

A client, be it a browser 💻, a mobile app 📱, or an IoT device 💡, uses a Client Access URL to connect and authenticate with your resource. This URL follows a pattern of wss://<service_name><hub_name>?access_token=<token>. This article shows you several ways to get the Client Access URL.

Copy from the Azure portal

In the Keys tab in Azure portal, there's a Client URL Generator tool to quickly generate a Client Access URL for you, as shown in the following diagram. Values input here aren't stored.

Screenshot of the Web PubSub Client URL Generator.

Generate from service SDK

The same Client Access URL can be generated by using the Web PubSub server SDK.

  1. Follow Getting started with server SDK to create a WebPubSubServiceClient object service

  2. Generate Client Access URL by calling WebPubSubServiceClient.getClientAccessToken:

    • Configure user ID

      let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({ userId: "user1" });
    • Configure the lifetime of the token

      let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({
        expirationTimeInMinutes: 5,
    • Configure a role that can join group group1 directly when it connects using this Client Access URL

      let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({
        roles: ["webpubsub.joinLeaveGroup.group1"],
    • Configure a role that the client can send messages to group group1 directly when it connects using this Client Access URL

      let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({
        roles: ["webpubsub.sendToGroup.group1"],
    • Configure a group group1 that the client joins once it connects using this Client Access URL

      let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({
        groups: ["group1"],

In real-world code, we usually have a server side to host the logic generating the Client Access URL. When a client request comes in, the server side can use the general authentication/authorization workflow to validate the client request. Only valid client requests can get the Client Access URL back.

Invoke the Generate Client Token REST API

You can enable Microsoft Entra ID in your service and use the Microsoft Entra token to invoke Generate Client Token rest API to get the token for the client to use.

  1. Follow Authorize from application to enable Microsoft Entra ID.

  2. Follow Get Microsoft Entra token to get the Microsoft Entra token with Postman.

  3. Use the Microsoft Entra token to invoke :generateToken with Postman:


    Please use the latest version of Postman. Old versions of Postman have some issue supporting colon : in path.

    1. For the URI, enter https://{Endpoint}/api/hubs/{hub}/:generateToken?api-version=2022-11-01

    2. On the Auth tab, select Bearer Token and paste the Microsoft Entra token fetched in the previous step

    3. Select Send and you see the Client Access Token in the response:

        "token": "ABCDEFG.ABC.ABC"
  4. The Client Access URI is in the format of wss://<endpoint>/client/hubs/<hub_name>?access_token=<token>