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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) COVID-19 Cases

The latest available public data on geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Each row/entry contains the number of new cases reported per day and per country or region.


Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” basis. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, guarantees or conditions with respect to your use of the datasets. To the extent permitted under your local law, Microsoft disclaims all liability for any damages or losses, including direct, consequential, special, indirect, incidental or punitive, resulting from your use of the datasets.

This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft.


Modified versions of the dataset are available in CSV, JSON, JSON-Lines, and Parquet, updated daily:

All modified versions have iso_country_region codes and load times added, and use lower case column names with underscore separators.

Raw data:

Previous versions of modified and raw data:

Data volume

As of May 28, 2020 they contained 19,876 rows (CSV 1.5 MB, JSON 4.9 MB, JSONL 4.9 MB, Parquet 54.1 KB).

Data source

Raw data is ingested daily from the ECDC csv file. For more information on this dataset, including its origins, see the ECDC data collection page.

Data quality

The ECDC does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the data. Read the disclaimer.

License and use rights attribution

This data is made available and may be used as permitted under the ECDC copyright policy here. For any documents where the copyright lies with a third party, permission for reproduction must be obtained from the copyright holder.

ECDC must always be acknowledged as the original source of this data. Such acknowledgment must be included in each copy of the material.


For any questions or feedback about this or other datasets in the COVID-19 Data Lake, please contact


Name Data type Unique Values (sample) Description
cases smallint 5,515 1 2 Number of reported cases
continent_exp string 6 Europe Africa Continent name
countries_and_territories string 214 Canada Belgium Country or territory name
country_territory_code string 213 KOR ISL Three letter country or territory code
date_rep date 350 2020-12-11 2020-11-22 Date of the report
day smallint 31 14 13 Day of month
deaths smallint 1,049 1 2 Number of reported deaths
geo_id string 214 CA SE Geo identifier
iso_country string 214 SE US ISO 3166 country or region code
load_date timestamp 1 2021-04-26 00:06:22.123000 Date the data was loaded to Azure
month smallint 12 10 8 Month number
year smallint 2 2020 2019 Year


date_rep day month year cases deaths countries_and_territories geo_id country_territory_code continent_exp load_date iso_country
2020-12-14 14 12 2020 746 6 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-13 13 12 2020 298 9 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-12 12 12 2020 113 11 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-11 11 12 2020 63 10 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-10 10 12 2020 202 16 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-09 9 12 2020 135 13 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-08 8 12 2020 200 6 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-07 7 12 2020 210 26 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-06 6 12 2020 234 10 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF
2020-12-05 5 12 2020 235 18 Afghanistan AF AFG Asia 4/26/2021 12:06:22 AM AF

Data access

Azure Notebooks

This notebook documents the URLs and sample code to access the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Covid-19 Cases dataset URLs of different dataset file formats hosted on Azure Blob Storage:¶ CSV:




Download the dataset file using the built-in capability download from an http URL in Pandas. Pandas has readers for various file formats:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_parquet("")


df.groupby('countries_and_territories').first().filter(['continent_exp','cases', 'deaths','date_rep'])

df.groupby('continent_exp').agg({'countries_and_territories': 'count','cases': 'count','deaths': 'count'})

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df.loc[: , ['countries_and_territories', 'cases', 'deaths']].groupby(['countries_and_territories'



Azure Databricks

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Azure Synapse

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.


See examples of how this dataset can be used:

Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.