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Tutorial: Create a payment HSM with host and management port in different virtual networks using ARM template

Azure Payment HSM is a "BareMetal" service delivered using Thales payShield 10K payment hardware security modules (HSM) to provide cryptographic key operations for real-time, critical payment transactions in the Azure cloud. Azure Payment HSM is designed specifically to help a service provider and an individual financial institution accelerate their payment system's digital transformation strategy and adopt the public cloud. For more information, see Azure Payment HSM: Overview.

This tutorial describes how to create a payment HSM with the host and management port in different virtual networks, using Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell. You can instead:

An Azure Resource Manager template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for your project. The template uses declarative syntax. You describe your intended deployment without writing the sequence of programming commands to create the deployment.



Azure Payment HSM is a specialized service. To qualify for onboarding and use of Azure Payment HSM, customers must have an assigned Microsoft Account Manager and have a Cloud Service Architect (CSA).

To inquire about the service, start the qualification process, and prepare the prerequisites before on-boarding, ask your Microsoft account manager and CSA to send a request via email.

  • You must register the "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules" and "Microsoft.Network" resource providers, as well as the Azure Payment HSM features. Steps for doing so are at Register the Azure Payment HSM resource provider and resource provider features.

    To quickly ascertain if the resource providers and features are already registered, use the Azure CLI az provider show command. (The output of this command is more readable when displayed in table-format.)

    az provider show --namespace "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules" -o table
    az provider show --namespace "Microsoft.Network" -o table
    az feature registration show -n "FastPathEnabled"  --provider-namespace "Microsoft.Network" -o table
    az feature registration show -n "AzureDedicatedHsm"  --provider-namespace "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules" -o table

    You can continue with this quick start if all four of these commands return "Registered".

  • You must have an Azure subscription. You can create a free account if you don't have one.

Create a resource group

A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed. Use the az group create command to create a resource group named myResourceGroup in the eastus location.

az group create --name "myResourceGroup" --location "EastUS"

Create virtual networks and subnets

Before creating a payment HSM, you must first create a virtual network / subnet for the host, and a different virtual network / subnet for the management port.

First, use the Azure CLI az network vnet create command to create the virtual network for the host:

az network vnet create -g "myResourceGroup" -n "myVNet" --address-prefixes "" --tags "fastpathenabled=True" --subnet-name "myPHSMSubnet" --subnet-prefix ""

Afterward, use the Azure CLI az network vnet subnet update command to update the subnet and give it a delegation of "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs":

az network vnet subnet update -g "myResourceGroup" --vnet-name "myVNet" -n "myPHSMSubnet" --delegations "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs"

To verify that the VNet and subnet were created correctly, use the Azure CLI az network vnet subnet show command:

az network vnet subnet show -g "myResourceGroup" --vnet-name "myVNet" -n myPHSMSubnet

Make note of the host's subnet ID, which is used when creating the payment HSM. The ID of the subnet ends with the name of the subnet:

"id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVNet/subnets/myPHSMSubnet",

Now create another virtual network and subnet for the management port:

az network vnet create -g "myResourceGroup" -n "myManagementVNet" --address-prefixes "" --tags "fastpathenabled=True" --subnet-name "myManagementSubnet" --subnet-prefix ""

Again, use the Azure CLI az network vnet subnet update command to update the subnet and give it a delegation of "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs":

az network vnet subnet update -g "myResourceGroup" --vnet-name "myManagementVNet" -n "myManagementSubnet" --delegations "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs"

To verify that the management VNet and subnet were created correctly, use the Azure CLI az network vnet subnet show command:

az network vnet subnet show -g "myResourceGroup" --vnet-name "myManagementVNet" -n "myManagementSubnet"

You also need the management's subnet ID when creating the payment HSM.

Create a payment HSM

Create with dynamic hosts

To create a payment HSM with dynamic hosts, use the az dedicated-hsm create command. The following example creates a payment HSM named myPaymentHSM in the eastus region, myResourceGroup resource group, and specified subscription, virtual network, and subnet:

az dedicated-hsm create \
  --resource-group "myResourceGroup" \
  --name "myPaymentHSM" \
  --location "EastUS" \
  --subnet id="<host-subnet-id>" \
  --stamp-id "stamp1" \
  --sku "payShield10K_LMK1_CPS60" \
  --mgmt-network-subnet id="<management-subnet-id>"

To see the newly created network interfaces, use the az network nic list command, providing the resource group:

az network nic list -g myResourceGroup -o table

In the output, host 1 and host 2 are listed, as well as a management interface:

...  Name                      NicType    Primary    ProvisioningState    ResourceGroup    ...
---  ------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------------------  ---------------  ---
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMHost1Nic  Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMHost2Nic  Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMMgmtNic   Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...

To see the newly created network interfaces, use the az network nic show command, providing the resource group and name of the network interface:

 az network nic show -g myresourcegroup -n myPaymentHSM_HSMHost1Nic

The output contains this line:

  "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",

Create with static hosts

To create a payment HSM with static hosts, use the az dedicated-hsm create command. The following example creates a payment HSM named myPaymentHSM in the eastus region, myResourceGroup resource group, and specified subscription, virtual network, and subnet:

az dedicated-hsm create \
  --resource-group "myResourceGroup" \
  --name "myPaymentHSM" \
  --location "EastUS" \
  --subnet id="<subnet-id>" \
  --stamp-id "stamp1" \
  --sku "payShield10K_LMK1_CPS60" \
  --mgmt-network-subnet id="<management-subnet-id>"
  --network-interfaces private-ip-address='("", "")

If you wish to also specify a static IP for the management host, you can add:

  --mgmt-network-interfaces private-ip-address=""

To see the newly created network interfaces, use the az network nic list command, providing the resource group:

az network nic list -g myResourceGroup -o table

In the output, host 1 and host 2 are listed, as well as the management interface:

...  Name                      NicType    Primary    ProvisioningState    ResourceGroup    ...
---  ------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------------------  ---------------  ---
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMHost1Nic  Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMHost2Nic  Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...
...  myPaymentHSM_HSMMgmtNic   Standard   True       Succeeded            myResourceGroup  ...

To view the properties of a network interface, use the az network nic show command, providing the resource group and name of the network interface:

 az network nic show -g myresourcegroup -n myPaymentHSM_HSMHost1Nic

The output contains this line:

  "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Static",

Next steps

Advance to the next article to learn how to view your payment HSM.

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