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Ingest Google Cloud Platform log data into Microsoft Sentinel
Organizations are increasingly moving to multicloud architectures, whether by design or due to ongoing requirements. A growing number of these organizations use applications and store data on multiple public clouds, including the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
This article describes how to ingest GCP data into Microsoft Sentinel to get full security coverage and analyze and detect attacks in your multicloud environment.
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pub/Sub Audit Logs connector collects audit trails of access to GCP resources. Analysts can monitor these logs to track resource access attempts and detect potential threats across the GCP environment.
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Security Command Center connector collects findings from Google Security Command Center, a robust security and risk management platform for Google Cloud. Analysts can view these findings to gain insights into the organization's security posture, including asset inventory and discovery, detections of vulnerabilities and threats, and risk mitigation and remediation.
Before you begin, verify that you have the following:
The Microsoft Sentinel solution is enabled.
A defined Microsoft Sentinel workspace exists.
A GCP environment exists and contains resources producing one of the following log type you want to ingest:
GCP audit logs
Google Security Command Center findings
Your Azure user has the Microsoft Sentinel Contributor role.
Your GCP user has access to create and edit resources in the GCP project.
The GCP Identity and Access Management (IAM) API and the GCP Cloud Resource Manager API are both enabled.
Set up GCP environment
There are two things you need to set up in your GCP environment:
You can set up the environment in one of two ways:
Create GCP resources via the Terraform API: Terraform provides APIs for resource creation and for Identity and Access Management (see Prerequisites). Microsoft Sentinel provides Terraform scripts that issue the necessary commands to the APIs.
There is no Terraform script available for creating GCP Pub/Sub resources for log collection from Security Command Center. You must create these resources manually. You can still use the Terraform script to create the GCP IAM resources for authentication.
If you're creating resources manually, you must create all the authentication (IAM) resources in the same GCP project, otherwise it won't work. (Pub/Sub resources can be in a different project.)
Create a directory in your Cloud Shell environment, enter it, and create a new blank file.
mkdir {directory-name} && cd {directory-name} && touch
Open in the Cloud Shell editor and paste the contents of the script file into it.
Initialize Terraform in the directory you created by typing the following command in the terminal:
terraform init
When you receive the confirmation message that Terraform was initialized, run the script by typing the following command in the terminal:
terraform apply
When the script prompts for your Microsoft tenant ID, copy and paste it into the terminal.
You can find and copy your tenant ID on the GCP Pub/Sub Audit Logs connector page in the Microsoft Sentinel portal, or in the Portal settings screen (accessible anywhere in the Azure portal by selecting the gear icon along the top of the screen), in the Directory ID column.
When asked if a workload Identity Pool has already been created for Azure, answer yes or no accordingly.
When asked if you want to create the resources listed, type yes.
When the output from the script is displayed, save the resources parameters for later use.
For the Name and Pool ID, enter your Azure Tenant ID, with the dashes removed.
You can find and copy your tenant ID on the Portal settings screen, in the Directory ID column. The portal settings screen is accessible anywhere in the Azure portal by selecting the gear icon along the top of the screen.
Add an identity provider to the pool. Choose Open ID Connect (OIDC) as the provider type.
Name the identity provider so it's recognizable for its purpose.
Enter the following values in the provider settings (these aren't samples—use these actual values):
Audience: the application ID URI: api://2041288c-b303-4ca0-9076-9612db3beeb2
Attribute mapping: google.subject=assertion.sub
To set up the connector to send logs from GCP to the Azure Government cloud, use the following alternate values for the provider settings instead of those above:
Copy the Terraform audit log setup script provided by Microsoft Sentinel from the Sentinel GitHub repository into a different folder in your GCP Cloud Shell environment.
Open the Azure portal and navigate to the Microsoft Sentinel service.
In the Content hub, in the search bar, type Google Cloud Platform Audit Logs.
Install the Google Cloud Platform Audit Logs solution.
Select Data connectors, and in the search bar, type GCP Pub/Sub Audit Logs.
Select the GCP Pub/Sub Audit Logs connector.
In the details pane, select Open connector page.
In the Configuration area, select Add new collector.
In the Connect a new collector panel, type the resource parameters you created when you created the GCP resources.
Make sure that the values in all the fields match their counterparts in your GCP project (the values in the screenshot are samples, not literals), and select Connect.
Open the Azure portal and navigate to the Microsoft Sentinel service.
In the Content hub, in the search bar, type Google Security Command Center.
Install the Google Security Command Center solution.
Select Data connectors, and in the search bar, type Google Security Command Center.
Select the Google Security Command Center connector.
In the details pane, select Open connector page.
In the Configuration area, select Add new collector.
In the Connect a new collector panel, type the resource parameters you created when you created the GCP resources.
Make sure that the values in all the fields match their counterparts in your GCP project (the values in the screenshot are samples, not literals), and select Connect.
Verify that the GCP data is in the Microsoft Sentinel environment
To ensure that the GCP logs were successfully ingested into Microsoft Sentinel, run the following query 30 minutes after you finish to set up the connector.
In this article, you learned how to ingest GCP data into Microsoft Sentinel using the GCP Pub/Sub connectors. To learn more about Microsoft Sentinel, see the following articles: