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Terminate notification for Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set instances

Scale set instances can opt in to receive instance termination notifications and set a pre-defined delay timeout to the terminate operation. The termination notification is sent through Azure Metadata Service – Scheduled Events, which provides notifications for and delaying of impactful operations such as reboots and redeploy. The solution adds another event – Terminate – to the list of Scheduled Events, and the associated delay of the terminate event will depend on the delay limit as specified by users in their scale set model configurations.

Once you've enrolled into Scheduled Events by calling the appropriate Metadata Service endpoint, scale set instances don't need to wait for specified timeout to expire before the instance is deleted. After receiving a Terminate notification, the instance can choose to be deleted at any time before the terminate timeout expires. Terminate notifications cannot be enabled on Spot instances. For more information on Spot instances, see Azure Spot Virtual Machines for Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Enable terminate notifications

There are multiple ways of enabling termination notifications on your scale set instances, as detailed in the examples below.

Azure portal

The following steps enable terminate notification when creating a new scale set.

  1. Go to Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
  2. Select + Add to create a new scale set.
  3. Go to the Management tab.
  4. Locate the Instance termination section.
  5. For Instance termination notification, select On.
  6. For Termination delay (minutes), set the desired default timeout.
  7. When you're done creating the new scale set, select Review + create button.

You can also enable terminate notifications on an existing scale set.

  1. Navigate to the desired scale set
  2. Go to the Configuration tab
  3. For Enable Instance termination notification, select On.
  4. For Termination delay (minutes), set the desired default timeout.
  5. Select Save button.


The following example enables terminate notification on the scale set model.

PUT on `/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/{vmScaleSetName}?api-version=2019-03-01`
  "properties": {
    "virtualMachineProfile": {
            "scheduledEventsProfile": {
                "terminateNotificationProfile": {

The above block specifies a timeout delay of 5 minutes (as indicated by PT5M) for any terminate operation on all instances in your scale set. The field notBeforeTimeout can take any value between 5 and 15 minutes in ISO 8601 format. You can change the default timeout for the terminate operation by modifying the notBeforeTimeout property under terminateNotificationProfile described above.

After enabling scheduledEventsProfile on the scale set model and setting the notBeforeTimeout, update the individual instances to the latest model to reflect the changes.


Terminate notifications on scale set instances can only be enabled with API version 2019-03-01 and above

Azure PowerShell

When creating a new scale set, you can enable termination notifications on the scale set by using the New-AzVmssConfig cmdlet.

This sample script walks through the creation of a scale set and associated resources using the configuration file: Create a complete Virtual Machine Scale Set. You can provide "configure terminate" notifications by adding the parameters TerminateScheduledEvents and TerminateScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes to the configuration object for creating scale set. The following example enables the feature with a delay timeout of 10 minutes.


Starting November 2023, VM scale sets created using PowerShell and Azure CLI will default to Flexible Orchestration Mode if no orchestration mode is specified. For more information about this change and what actions you should take, go to Breaking Change for VMSS PowerShell/CLI Customers - Microsoft Community Hub

New-AzVmssConfig `
  -Location "VMSSLocation" `
  -SkuCapacity 2 `
  -OrchestrationMode "Flexible" `
  -SkuName "Standard_DS2" `
  -TerminateScheduledEvents $true `
  -TerminateScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes 10

Use the Update-AzVmss cmdlet to enable termination notifications on an existing scale set.

Update-AzVmss `
  -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
  -VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
  -TerminateScheduledEvents $true `
  -TerminateScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes 15

The above example enables terminate notifications on an existing scale set and sets a 15-minute timeout for the terminate event.

After enabling scheduled events on the scale set model and setting the timeout, update the individual instances to the latest model to reflect the changes.

Azure CLI 2.0

The following example is for enabling termination notification while creating a new scale set.

az group create --name <myResourceGroup> --location <VMSSLocation>
az vmss create \
  --resource-group <myResourceGroup> \
  --name <myVMScaleSet> \
  --image Ubuntu2204 \
  --admin-username <azureuser> \
  --generate-ssh-keys \
  --terminate-notification-time 10

The example above first creates a resource group, then creates a new scale set with terminate notifications enabled for a 10-minute default timeout.

The following example is for enabling termination notification in an existing scale set.

az vmss update \  
  --resource-group <myResourceGroup> \
  --name <myVMScaleSet> \
  --enable-terminate-notification true \
  --terminate-notification-time 10

Get Terminate notifications

Terminate notifications are delivered through Scheduled Events, which is an Azure Metadata Service. Azure Metadata service exposes information about running Virtual Machines using a REST Endpoint accessible from within the VM. The information is available via a non-routable IP so that it isn't exposed outside the VM.

Scheduled Events is enabled for your scale set the first time you make a request for events. You can expect a delayed response in your first call of up to two minutes. Query the endpoint periodically to detect upcoming maintenance events and the status of ongoing maintenance activities.

Scheduled Events is disabled for your scale set if the scale set instances don't make a request for 24 hours.

Endpoint discovery

For VNET enabled VMs, the Metadata Service is available from a static non-routable IP,

The full endpoint for the latest version of Scheduled Events is:


Query response

A response contains an array of scheduled events. An empty array means that there are currently no events scheduled.

In the case where there are scheduled events, the response contains an array of events. For a “Terminate” event, the response will look as follows:

    "DocumentIncarnation": {IncarnationID},
    "Events": [
            "EventId": {eventID},
            "EventType": "Terminate",
            "ResourceType": "VirtualMachine",
            "Resources": [{resourceName}],
            "EventStatus": "Scheduled",
            "NotBefore": {timeInUTC},

The DocumentIncarnation is an ETag and provides an easy way to inspect if the Events payload has changed since the last query.

For more information on each of the fields above, see the Scheduled Events documentation for Windows and Linux.

Respond to events

Once you've learned about an upcoming event and completed your logic for graceful shutdown, you may approve the outstanding event by making a POST call to the metadata service with the EventId. The POST call indicates to Azure that it can continue with the VM delete.

Below is the json expected in the POST request body. The request should contain a list of StartRequests. Each StartRequest contains the EventId for the event you want to expedite:

	"StartRequests" : [
			"EventId": {EventId}

Ensure that every VM in the scale set is only approving the EventID relevant for that VM only. A VM can get its own VM name through instance metadata. This name takes the form "{scale-set-name}_{instance-id}", and will be displayed in the 'Resources' section of the query response described above.

You can also refer to samples scripts for querying and responding to events Python.

Tips and best practices

  • Terminate notifications only on ‘delete’ operations – All delete operations (manual delete or Autoscale-initiated scale-in) will generate Terminate events if your scale set has scheduledEventsProfile enabled. Other operations such as reboot, reimage, redeploy, and stop/deallocate don't generate Terminate events.
  • No mandatory wait for timeout – You can start the terminate operation at any time after the event has been received and before the event's NotBefore time expires.
  • Mandatory delete at timeout – There isn't any capability of extending the timeout value after an event has been generated. Once the timeout expires, the pending terminate event will be processed and the VM will be deleted.
  • Modifiable timeout value – You can modify the timeout value at any time before an instance is deleted, by modifying the notBeforeTimeout property on the scale set model and updating the VM instances to the latest model.
  • Approve all pending deletes – If there’s a pending delete on VM_1 that isn't approved, and you've approved another terminate event on VM_2, then VM_2 isn't deleted until the terminate event for VM_1 is approved, or its timeout has elapsed. Once you approve the terminate event for VM_1, then both VM_1 and VM_2 are deleted.
  • Approve all simultaneous deletes – Extending the above example, if VM_1 and VM_2 have the same NotBefore time, then both terminate events must be approved or neither VM is deleted before the timeout expires.


Failure to enable scheduledEventsProfile

If you get a ‘BadRequest’ error with an error message stating "Could not find member 'scheduledEventsProfile' on object of type 'VirtualMachineProfile'”, check the API version used for the scale set operations. Compute API version 2019-03-01 or higher is required.

Failure to get Terminate events

If you're not getting any Terminate events through Scheduled Events, then check the API version used for getting the events. Metadata Service API version 2019-01-01 or higher is required for Terminate events.


Getting Terminate event with incorrect NotBefore time

After enabling scheduledEventsProfile on the scale set model and setting the notBeforeTimeout, update the individual instances to the latest model to reflect the changes.

Next steps

Learn how to deploy your application on Virtual Machine Scale Sets.