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marshal_context Class

This class converts data between native and managed environments.


class marshal_context


Use the marshal_context class for data conversions that require a context. For more information about which conversions require a context and which marshaling file has to be included, see Overview of marshaling in C++. The result of marshaling when you use a context is valid only until the marshal_context object is destroyed. To preserve your result, you must copy the data.

The same marshal_context can be used for numerous data conversions. Reusing the context in this manner won't affect the results from previous marshaling calls.


Public constructors

Name Description
marshal_context::marshal_context Constructs a marshal_context object to use for data conversion between managed and native data types.
marshal_context::~marshal_context Destroys a marshal_context object.

Public methods

Name Description
marshal_context::marshal_as Performs the marshaling on a specific data object to convert it between a managed and a native data type.


Header file: <msclr\marshal.h>, <msclr\marshal_windows.h>, <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>, or <msclr\marshal_atl.h>

Namespace: msclr::interop


Constructs a marshal_context object to use for data conversion between managed and native data types.



Some data conversions require a marshal context. For more information about which translations require a context and which marshaling file you must include in your application, see Overview of marshaling in C++.


See the example for marshal_context::marshal_as.


Destroys a marshal_context object.



Some data conversions require a marshal context. See Overview of marshaling in C++ for more information about which translations require a context and which marshaling file has to be included in your application.

Deleting a marshal_context object will invalidate the data converted by that context. If you want to preserve your data after a marshal_context object is destroyed, you must manually copy the data to a variable that will persist.


Performs the marshaling on a specific data object to convert it between a managed and a native data type.

To_Type marshal_as<To_Type>(
   From_Type input


[in] The value that you want to marshal to a To_Type variable.

Return value

A variable of type To_Type that's the converted value of input.


This function performs the marshaling on a specific data object. Use this function only with the conversions indicated by the table in Overview of marshaling in C++.

If you try to marshal a pair of data types that aren't supported, marshal_as will generate an error C4996 at compile time. Read the message supplied with this error for more information. The C4996 error can be generated for more than just deprecated functions. Two conditions that generate this error are trying to marshal a pair of data types that aren't supported and trying to use marshal_as for a conversion that requires a context.

The marshaling library consists of several header files. Any conversion requires only one file, but you can include additional files if you need to for other conversions. The table in Marshaling Overview in C++ indicates which marshaling file should be included for each conversion.


This example creates a context for marshaling from a System::String to a const char * variable type. The converted data won't be valid after the line that deletes the context.

// marshal_context_test.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <msclr\marshal.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace msclr::interop;

int main() {
   marshal_context^ context = gcnew marshal_context();
   String^ message = gcnew String("Test String to Marshal");
   const char* result;
   result = context->marshal_as<const char*>( message );
   delete context;
   return 0;