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Compiler Error C3673

'type' : class does not have a copy-constructor

A user-defined constructor is needed to copy objects of CLR ref types. For more information, see C++ Stack Semantics for Reference Types.


The following sample generates C3673.

// C3673.cpp
// compile with: /clr
public ref struct R {
   R() {}
   // Uncomment the following line to resolve.
   // R(R% p) {}

int main() {
   R r;
   R s = r;   // C3673

The following sample generates C3673.

// C3673_b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
// C3673 expected
using namespace System;
ref class MyAttr : public Attribute {
   MyAttr() {}
   // Uncomment the following line to resolve.
   // MyAttr(int i) {}
   property int Priority;
   property int Version;

ref class ClassA {};   // OK, no arguments

[MyAttr(Priority = 1)]
ref class ClassB {};   // OK, named argument

ref class ClassC {};   // Positional argument

[MyAttr(123, Version = 1)]
ref class ClassD {};   // Positional and named