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Compiler Error C3821

'function': managed type or function cannot be used in an unmanaged function

Functions with inline assembly or setjmp cannot contain value types or managed classes. To fix this error, remove the inline assembly and setjmp or remove the managed objects.

C3821 can also occur if you try to use automatic storage in a vararg function. For more information, see Variable Argument Lists (...) (C++/CLI) and C++ Stack Semantics for Reference Types.


The following sample generates C3821.

// C3821a.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
public ref struct R {};
void test1(...) {
   R r;   // C3821

The following sample generates C3821.

// C3821b.cpp
// compile with: /clr
// processor: /x86
ref class A {
   int i;

int main() {
   // cannot use managed classes in this function
   A ^a;

   __asm {
} // C3821