
Deila með

time_put Class

The class template describes an object that can serve as a locale facet to control conversions of time values to sequences of type CharType.


template <class CharType,
    class OutputIterator = ostreambuf_iterator<CharType>>
class time_put : public locale::facet;


The type used within a program to encode characters.

The type of iterator into which the time put functions write their output.


As with any locale facet, the static object ID has an initial stored value of zero. The first attempt to access its stored value stores a unique positive value in id.


Constructor Description
time_put The constructor for objects of type time_put.


Type name Description
char_type A type that is used to describe a character used by a locale.
iter_type A type that describes an output iterator.

Member functions

Member function Description
do_put A virtual function that outputs time and date information as a sequence of CharTypes.
put Outputs time and date information as a sequence of CharTypes.


Header: <locale>

Namespace: std


A type that is used to describe a character used by a locale.

typedef CharType char_type;


The type is a synonym for the template parameter CharType.


A virtual function that outputs time and date information as a sequence of CharTypes.

virtual iter_type do_put(
    iter_type next,
    ios_base& _Iosbase,
    const tm* _Pt,
    char _Fmt,
    char _Mod = 0) const;


An output iterator where the sequence of characters representing time and date are to be inserted.


The time and date information being output.

The format of the output. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

A modifier for the format. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

Return Value

An iterator to the first position after the last element inserted.


The virtual protected member function generates sequential elements beginning at next from time values stored in the object * _Pt, of type tm. The function returns an iterator designating the next place to insert an element beyond the generated output.

The output is generated by the same rules used by strftime, with a last argument of _Pt, for generating a series of char elements into an array. Each such char element is assumed to map to an equivalent element of type CharType by a simple, one-to-one mapping. If _Mod equals zero, the effective format is "%F", where F is replaced by _Fmt. Otherwise, the effective format is "%MF", where M is replaced by _Mod.


See the example for put, which calls do_put.


A type that describes an output iterator.

typedef OutputIterator iter_type;


The type is a synonym for the template parameter OutputIterator.


Outputs time and date information as a sequence of CharTypes.

iter_type put(iter_type next,
    ios_base& _Iosbase,
    char_type _Fill,
    const tm* _Pt,
    char _Fmt,
    char _Mod = 0) const;

iter_type put(iter_type next,
    ios_base& _Iosbase,
    char_type _Fill,
    const tm* _Pt,
    const CharType* first,
    const CharType* last) const;


An output iterator where the sequence of characters representing time and date are to be inserted.


The character of type CharType used for spacing.

The time and date information being output.

The format of the output. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

A modifier for the format. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

The beginning of the formatting string for the output. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

The end of the formatting string for the output. See strftime, wcsftime, _strftime_l, _wcsftime_l for valid values.

Return Value

An iterator to the first position after the last element inserted.


The first member function returns do_put(next, _Iosbase, _Fill, _Pt, _Fmt, _Mod). The second member function copies to * next ++ any element in the interval [ first, last) other than a percent (%). For a percent followed by a character C in the interval [ first, last), the function instead evaluates next = do_put( next, _Iosbase, _Fill, _Pt, C, 0) and skips past C. If, however, C is a qualifier character from the set EOQ#, followed by a character C2 in the interval [ first, last), the function instead evaluates next = do_put( next, _Iosbase, _Fill, _Pt, C2, C) and skips past C2.


// time_put_put.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main( )
   locale loc;
   basic_stringstream<char> pszPutI;
   ios_base::iostate st = 0;
   struct tm t;
   memset( &t, 0, sizeof( struct tm ) );

   t.tm_hour = 5;
   t.tm_min = 30;
   t.tm_sec = 40;
   t.tm_year = 00;
   t.tm_mday = 4;
   t.tm_mon = 6;

   pszPutI.imbue( loc );
   char *pattern = "x: %X %x";
   use_facet <time_put <char> >
   (loc).put(basic_ostream<char>::_Iter(pszPutI.rdbuf( )),
          pszPutI, ' ', &t, pattern, pattern+strlen(pattern));

      cout << "num_put( ) = " << pszPutI.rdbuf( )->str( ) << endl;

      char strftimebuf[255];
      strftime(&strftimebuf[0], 255, pattern, &t);
      cout << "strftime( ) = " << &strftimebuf[0] << endl;
num_put( ) = x: 05:30:40 07/04/00
strftime( ) = x: 05:30:40 07/04/00


Constructor for objects of type time_put.

explicit time_put(size_t _Refs = 0);


Integer value used to specify the type of memory management for the object.


The possible values for the _Refs parameter and their significance are:

  • 0: The lifetime of the object is managed by the locales that contain it.

  • 1: The lifetime of the object must be manually managed.

  • > 1: These values are not defined.

The constructor initializes its base object with locale::facet(_Refs).

See also

time_base Class
Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library