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Respond to Data Subject Rights (DSR) requests

The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives significant rights to individuals regarding their data. Refer to the Microsoft Learn General Data Protection Regulation Summary for an overview of GDPR, including terminology, an action plan, and readiness checklists to help you meet your obligations under GDPR when using Microsoft products and services.

You can learn more about GDPR and how Microsoft helps support it and our customers who are affected by it.

  • The Microsoft Trust Center provides general information, compliance best practices, and documentation helpful to GDPR accountability, such as Data Protection Impact Assessments, Data Subject Requests, and data breach notification.
  • The Service Trust portal provides information about how Microsoft services help support compliance with GDPR.


This article provides instructions for exporting and deleting personal data from the device or service and can help you meet your obligations under GDPR. For general information about GDPR, see the GDPR section of the Microsoft Trust Center and the GDPR section of the Service Trust portal.

Respond to data subject delete requests

The “right to erasure” by the removal of personal data from an organization’s customer data is a key protection in many privacy laws and regulations. Removing personal data includes removing all personal data and system-generated logs, except audit log information.

Manage data subject delete requests

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data offers the following in-product experiences to delete personal data for a specific customer or user:

  • Manage delete requests for customer data: Customer data gets imported from original external data sources. Perform data delete requests in the original data source first.
  • Manage delete requests for user data: Data for application users is created by Customer Insights - Data. Perform all data delete requests in the application.

Manage requests to delete customer data

As an admin, remove customer data that was deleted in the data source. Verify the data delete requests were performed in the original data source.

  1. Sign in to Customer Insights - Data.

  2. Go to Data > Data sources.

  3. For each data source in the list that contains deleted customer data:

    1. Select the data source and then select Refresh.
    2. Check the status of the data source under Status.

    Handling data delete requests for customer data.

  4. After a successful data source refresh, run the downstream refreshes too, especially if you don't have a recurring full refresh scheduled.


    Static segments are not included in a full refresh nor downstream refreshes. In order to comply with the delete request for customer data, recreate the static segments with the refreshed source data.

    Inactive segments are not refreshed (neither manually, nor a scheduled refresh, nor other refreshes). They have a Status listed as Skipped, indicating that a refresh wasn't even attempted. If a segment was executed successfully before changing to an Inactive status, a table with the customer data was created by Customer Insights - Data. In order to comply with the delete request for customer data, either activate the segment and run it with the latest data or delete the segment.

Manage delete requests for user data

As an admin, delete application user data.

  1. Sign in to Customer Insights - Data.

  2. Go to Settings > Permissions > and select the Users tab.

  3. Select the checkbox for the users you want to delete.

  4. Select Remove.

  5. Confirm the deletion.

Respond to data subject export requests

The right of data portability allows data subjects to request a copy of their personal data in a structured, common, electronic format that can be transmitted to another data controller.

Manage export and view requests

Manage requests to export customer or user data.

Export customer data (tenant admin)

As a tenant administrator, export customer data.

  1. Send an email to specifying the customer’s email address in the request. The Customer Insights team will send an email to the registered tenant admin email address, asking for confirmation to export data.
  2. Acknowledge the confirmation to export the data for the requested customer.
  3. Receive the exported data through the tenant admin email address.

Export user data (tenant admin)

As a tenant administrator, export user data.

  1. Send an email to specifying the user’s email address in the request. The Customer Insights team sends an email to the registered tenant admin email address, asking for confirmation to export data.
  2. Acknowledge the confirmation to export the data for the requested user.
  3. Receive the exported data through the tenant admin email address.

Data deletion handling

Data is deleted (data partitions and data snapshots) if the data partitions and data snapshots are inactive for more than 30 days, meaning they have been replaced by a new data partition and snapshot through a refresh of data sources.

Not all data and snapshots are deleted. The most recent data partition and data snapshot are active because they're used in Customer Insights - Data. For the most recent data, it doesn't matter if the data sources weren't refreshed within the last 30 days.