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Intelligent Order Management Insights reporting

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management provides comprehensive, out-of-box reports that are known as Insights. Insights cover a broad range of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are critical for your business.

You can use Insights to find various metrics, such as products by order line, orders that are in jeopardy, returns by return reason, on-time shipped ratio, and fill rate.

Intelligent Order Management Insights are powered by embedded Power BI.

Every Insights dashboard includes filters, help text, and settings. (The numbered paragraphs correspond to the numbered callouts in the illustration.)

  1. Filters – Each dashboard includes a date filter and data filters that are relevant to the page. For example, the Orders Insights page has filters for Providers and Ship to country. Each filter updates the visuals on the whole page.

  2. Help text – Each visual on the dashboard has an i button that shows helpful information about the related visual.

  3. Settings – When each visual is selected, a toolbar of additional settings appears. Here are some of these settings:

    • Drill up, Drill down, and Next level in hierarchy – Drill up or down on the visual to view the next level up or down in the data. For example, you can drill up from Months to Year.
    • Next level in hierarchy and Expand all down one level in the hierarchy – Expand levels down in the hierarchy of data. For example, you can expand from Months to Quarters.
    • Filters on visual – Show the current filters that affect the visual.
    • Focus mode – Go to an expanded view of the visual.
    • Export data – Export the underlying data to a file in comma-separated values (CSV) format. Any filters that affect the visual will be used in the export.
    • Show as a table – View the underlying data for the visual in table format.
    • Spotlight – Highlight the visual.
    • Get insights – View automatically generated Insights for the visual, if they're available.
    • Sort axis – Customize axis information for the visual.

Filters, help text, and settings on an Insights dashboard.

Insights metrics

The following table provides the full list of current metrics and descriptions for Insights. The descriptions in the table match the help text descriptions that are available in the product.

The "Category" column indicates the category in the left navigation. The "Page" column indicates the tab on the actual page where the report exists. For example, select Order dashboard in the left navigation, and then select the Return Insights tab to open the page that shows all the return-related metrics.

Category Page Metric Type Description
Order dashboard Overview Lines per order KPI Average order lines per order received.
Order dashboard Overview Orders mtd KPI Total orders received for current month to date (Page date filters don't update this KPI).
Order dashboard Overview Orders mom growth rate KPI Growth rate of orders received month over month.
Order dashboard Overview Revenue (base) mtd KPI Total revenue of all orders for current month to date (Page date filters do not update this KPI).
Order dashboard Overview Revenue (base) mom growth rate KPI Growth rate of revenue from orders month over month.
Order dashboard Overview Orders by provider Graph Orders received grouped by order providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Order dashboard Overview Order details by region Map Map view of each order destination region's order details, such as revenue or order count.
Order dashboard Overview Orders by date Graph Order count by date on a trendline.
Order dashboard Overview Orders by status reason Graph Order count grouped by order status.
Order dashboard Overview Top products by order line Graph Top products ordered based on order lines.
Order dashboard Order insights Lines per order KPI Average order lines per order received.
Order dashboard Order insights Orders KPI Total orders received.
Order dashboard Order insights Order lines KPI Total order lines received.
Order dashboard Order insights Orders past due KPI Orders that are past the requested delivery date.
Order dashboard Order insights Revenue (base) KPI Total revenue of all orders.
Order dashboard Order insights D orders Graph Sales orders that are delayed from delivery by revenue and order count.
Order dashboard Order insights Orders in jeopardy Graph Sales orders that are in jeopardy as they haven't been sent to fulfillment and are at risk of being delayed by revenue and order count.
Order dashboard Order insights Order lines by status reason Graph Order lines count grouped by order status.
Order dashboard Order insights Order lines by provider Graph Orders lines count grouped by order providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Order dashboard Order insights Revenue (base) by provider Graph Revenue of orders received grouped by order providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Order dashboard Order insights Orders by shipping method Graph Order count grouped by shipping method. For example, FedEx or UPS.
Order dashboard Order insights Order lines by provider Graph Order lines count grouped by order providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Order dashboard Order insights Lines per order by provider Graph Average orders lines per order, grouped by provider.
Order dashboard Returns insights Products returned KPI Total count of returned products.
Order dashboard Returns insights Return orders KPI Total count of returned orders.
Order dashboard Returns insights Return order lines KPI Total count of returned order lines.
Order dashboard Returns insights Revenue loss (base) KPI Total revenue lost from returns.
Order dashboard Returns insights Return rate (revenue) KPI Return rate by revenue of returns against revenue of sales orders.
Order dashboard Returns insights Return rate (orders) KPI Return rate by order line count of returns against order line count of sales orders.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by customer Graph Returns count grouped by highest volume order customers.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by delivery carrier Graph Returns count grouped by delivery carriers such as FedEx or UPS.
Order dashboard Returns insights Top five returned products Graph Top five products by quantity returned.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by return reason Graph Returns count grouped by return reason.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by order status Graph Returns count grouped by order status.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by fulfillment status Graph Returns count grouped by fulfillment status.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by warehouse Graph Returns count grouped by warehouse.
Order dashboard Returns insights Returns by country Graph Returns count grouped by country on a map view.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fulfillment lines KPI Total fulfillment lines created.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Internal cycle time (hours) KPI The average time it takes to ship an order.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Internal cycle time (sla) KPI SLA percentage representing orders that have shipped by an internal cycle time goal.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fulfillment lines shipped KPI Total fulfillment lines that have been shipped.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Shipped quantity KPI Total orders that have been shipped.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights On-time shipped ratio Graph On time shipped percentage shows the percentage of orders delivered on time. Orders without a requested ship date are excluded from this metric.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Book to ship ratio Graph Book to ship ratio shows the value ratio of orders booked vs shipped.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fill rate Graph Fill rate shows the percentage of orders that have been fulfilled successfully.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fulfillments by source type Graph Fulfillment orders grouped by source type such as Warehouse.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fulfillments by region Map Map view of fulfillment order details grouped by region of order destination.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Fulfillment lines shipped Graph Count of fulfillment lines shipped on a trendline.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Internal cycle time (hours) Graph The average time it takes to ship an order by date on a trendline.
Order dashboard Fulfillment insights Internal cycle time (sla) Graph SLA percentage representing orders that have shipped by an internal cycle time goal by date on a trendline.
Licenses Overview Total order lines KPI Total order lines received.
Licenses Overview Orders lines MTD KPI Total order lines month to date. Page date filters don't update this KPI.
Licenses Overview Orders lines mom growth rate KPI Growth rate of orders lines received month over month.
Licenses Overview Order lines by date Graph Order lines by date on a trendline.
Licenses Overview Total order lines by date with 6 month proj Graph Count of total order lines by date on a trendline, with a six month projection into the future based on historical data.
Product insights Overview Orders KPI Total orders received.
Product insights Overview Order lines KPI Total order lines received.
Product insights Overview Lines per order KPI Average order lines per order received.
Product insights Overview Ordered quantity KPI Total quantity of products ordered from sales orders.
Product insights Overview Ordered quantity per order KPI Average quantity of products ordered from sales orders.
Product insights Overview Active products KPI Current active products in your inventory.
Product insights Overview Top products by order lines Graph Top products ordered grouped by order lines.
Product insights Overview Top products by ordered quantity Graph Top products ordered grouped by ordered quantity.
Product insights Overview Top products by revenue (base) Graph Top products ordered grouped by revenue.
Product insights Overview Top products by order lines over time Graph Top products ordered grouped by order lines on a trendline.
Product insights Overview Key influencers/top segments ? Key influencers and top segments responsible for product sales.
Monitoring Order anomalies Order quantities Graph Quantity of ordered products on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Monitoring Order anomalies Revenue Graph Revenue from orders on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Monitoring Order anomalies Top product revenues Graph Top products by quantity ordered on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Monitoring Order anomalies Order delays Graph Delayed orders on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Monitoring Order anomalies Quarterly revenue Graph Revenue of orders by quarter on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Monitoring Order anomalies Orders Table Total orders on a trendline with any anomalies. Anomalies are defined as any value that is below 70% of the expected range of that value based on historical data.
Provider insights Overview Total requests KPI Total message and action events associated with providers connected to Intelligent Order Management. For example, big Commerce orders and order updates, FedEx shipping, and delivery notifications.
Provider insights Overview MTD total request growth rate KPI Growth rate month to date of requests associated with providers connected to Intelligent Order Management. Page date filters don't update this KPI.
Provider insights Overview SLA total requests KPI Percentage of requests that met the SLA for a given provider connected to Intelligent Order Management, where the SLA is defined as the length of allowable time for an event to process.
Provider insights Overview Total requests failed KPI Total requests from providers that have failed.
Provider insights Overview Total requests above threshold KPI Total requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process for a given provider.
Provider insights Overview Total requests by provider Graph Total requests grouped by providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Provider insights Overview Total requests and message type by provider Table Total requests grouped by provider and type/ This includes inbound vs outbound.
Provider insights Overview Total requests by date Graph Total requests by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Overview Total requests failed by date Graph Total failed requests by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Overview Total requests above threshold by date Graph Total requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process for a given provider by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests KPI Total requests coming FROM providers connected to Intelligent Order Management. For example, an order from Big Commerce or a shipping notification from FedEx.
Provider insights Inbound requests MTD inbound request growth rate KPI Growth rate month to date of requests coming FROM providers connected to Intelligent Order Management. Page date filters don't update this KPI.
Provider insights Inbound requests SLA inbound requests KPI Percentage of inbound requests that met the SLA for a given provider connected to Intelligent Order Management, where the SLA is defined as the length of allowable time for an event to process.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests failed KPI Total requests coming FROM providers that have failed.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests above threshold KPI Total inbound requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process for a given provider.
Provider insights Inbound requests inbound requests by provider Graph Total requests coming FROM providers, grouped by providers.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests and message type by provider Table Total requests coming FROM providers, grouped by providers and inbound type.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests by date by provider Graph Total requests coming FROM providers by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound requests failed by date by provider Graph Total requests coming FROM providers that have failed by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Inbound requests Inbound request anomalies on execution time Graph Providers with inbound requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests KPI Total requests sent TO providers connected to Intelligent Order Management.
Provider insights Outbound requests MTD outbound requests growth rate KPI Growth rate month to date of requests sent TO providers connected to Intelligent Order Management. The Page date filters don't update this KPI.
Provider insights Outbound requests SLA outbound requests KPI Percentage of outbound requests that met the SLA for a given provider connected to Intelligent Order Management, where the SLA is defined as the length of allowable time for an event to process.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests failed KPI Total requests sent TO providers that have failed.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests above threshold KPI Total outbound requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process for a given provider.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests by provider Graph Total requests sent TO providers grouped by provider.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests and message type by provider Table Total requests sent TO providers grouped by provider and outbound type.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests by date by provider Graph Total requests sent TO providers by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests failed by date by provider Graph Total requests sent TO providers that have failed by date on a trendline.
Provider insights Outbound requests Outbound requests anomalies on execution time Graph Providers with outbound requests that exceeded the allowable time for an event to process.

Customize dashboards

Only users who have administrator and author access can customize your organization's Insights reports or create new reports. For more information about how to administer roles, see What is Power BI administration and Grant users access.

If you have the correct access to customize or create Insights reports, you can select Resume editing on any Insights page to enter edit mode.

Resume editing button on an Insights page.

When you enter edit mode, the following controls become available. (The numbered paragraphs correspond to the numbered callouts in the illustration that follows.)

  1. Editing controls – Use the buttons on the top menu bar to save, discard, or publish your current draft. If you select Publish, you'll publish changes for everyone in your organization.

  2. Customization controls – There are three expandable/collapsible panes on the right side of the page:

    • Filters – View which filters are currently applied, edit the applied filters, or add more filters.
    • Visualizations – Select any visual in the main part of the page, and then select a new visual in this pane to change it. For more information about how to change visuals, see Change the type of visualization in a Power BI report. You can also edit axis information, legends, and more. For detailed instructions, see Customize visualization titles, backgrounds, labels, and legends.
    • Fields – View the list of fields that are available for your current schema. If you select a visual in the main part of the page, the fields that are used for it are highlighted in this pane. From this pane, you can add or delete fields, and update the data that powers any visual.

    For more information about how to customize Power BI reports, see Customize reports guide.

  3. New page button – Select the plus sign (+) to create a blank page where you can build your own dashboard of visuals. For information about how to add visuals to a page, see Add visuals to a Power BI report.

Editing controls, customization controls, and New page button on an Insights page.