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What's new May 2023 - Project Operations lite deployment

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing

This article applies to the following components and versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations:

  • Project Operations in a Microsoft Dataverse environment version

Features included in this release

Feature area Feature name More information
Resource Management Soft Bookings
This enhancement allows you to create soft bookings on role based requirements.
Project Planning and Tracking Task Labels
This feature can help you quickly see what tasks have in common, such as requirements, locations, dependencies, or important time constraint.
Use labels to sort tasks in Microsoft Project for the web.
Project Planning and Tracking Sprints
This feature supports agile project management. You can create and prioritize a backlog of tasks and schedule tasks in sprints. You can also collaborate on planning, tracking, and completing tasks within, and across, time boxed sprints.
Plan a project in sprints in Project for the web.
Project Budgeting And Forecasting Improved budget match priority management
In this new version, the budget match priority table has been updated to allow users to insert their own attributes. Prior to this release, the priority attributes were prioritized as 1, 2, 3, etc. The updated table now uses a priority sequence of 10, 20, 30, etc. The quick create forms have been modified to align with this new priority order.

If any other attributes were added to the budget match priority table, they are overwritten and you need to recreate them. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We're currently working on resolving a known issue where the budget grid may not load or budget lines may not be visible. If you experience this issue, try refreshing your browser.
Budget line match priority.

Quality updates

Feature area Reference number Quality update
Project Planning and Tracking 3106933 Schedule API inconsistent handling of updates to Team Member name.
Project Planning and Tracking 3240017 ImportProject_Errors started failing due to new limit added on Project side.
Project Planning and Tracking 3324466 Add FCB for controlling using PCF Auth in PexWebControl in Dynamics solution.
Project Planning and Tracking 3335771 Disabled bookings cause early exit in PostProjectTeamMemberCreate and shared variable setting skipped.
Project Operations Upgrade 3242312 Fixed typo in data validation message - ProjectServiceValidateTaskAssignmentCount.cs.
Subcontracting 3300148 Error Dialog showing up on selecting Subcontract Line while creating Material Usage Log.