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Agenda component in Microsoft Graph Toolkit

The mgt-agenda web component represents events in a user or group calendar. By default, the calendar displays the current signed in user events for the current day. The component can also use any endpoint that returns events from Microsoft Graph.


The following example shows the signed-in user's calendar events displayed using the mgt-agenda component. You can use the code editor to see how properties change the behavior of the component.


By default, the mgt-agenda component fetches events from the /me/calendarview endpoint and displays events for the current day. There are several properties you can use to change this behavior.

Attribute Property Description
date date A string that represents the start date of the events to fetch from Microsoft Graph. The value should be in a format that is suitable for the Date constructor. This value has no effect if the event-query attribute is set.
days days The number of days to fetch from Microsoft Graph. The default is 3. This value has no effect if event-query attribute is set.
show-max showMax A number to indicate the maximum number of events to show. The default value isn't set (no maximum).
group-id groupId A string ID for a group calendar to use instead of the current signed in user's calendar.
event-query eventQuery A string that represents an alternative query to be used when fetching events from Microsoft Graph. Optionally, add the delegated scope at the end of the string by delimiting it with | (/groups/GROUP-ID-GUID/calendar/calendarView |
events events An array of events to get or set the list of events rendered by the component. Use this property to access the events loaded by the component. Set this value to load your own events. The date, days, or event-query attributes have no effect if set by the developer.
group-by-day groupByDay A Boolean value to group events by day. By default, events aren't grouped.
preferred-timezone preferredTimezone Name of the IANA time zone to use when displaying events retrieved from Microsoft Graph; for example, America/Los_Angeles. For a list of IANA time zones, see List of tz database time zones. By default, events render using the current time zone settings of the device.

The following example changes the behavior of the component to fetch data for a specific date and up to three days.

<mgt-agenda group-by-day date="May 7, 2019" days="3"></mgt-agenda>

The following example changes the behavior of the component to fetch data from a specific query.

<mgt-agenda event-query="/me/events?orderby=start/dateTime"></mgt-agenda>

CSS custom properties

The mgt-agenda component defines these CSS custom properties

<mgt-agenda class="agenda" group-by-day></mgt-agenda>
.agenda {
  --agenda-event-box-shadow: 0px 2px 30px pink;
  --agenda-event-margin: 0px 10px 40px 10px;
  --agenda-event-padding: 8px 0px;
  --agenda-event-background-color: #8d696f;
  --agenda-event-border: dotted 2px white;

  --agenda-header-margin: 3px;
  --agenda-header-font-size: 20px;
  --agenda-header-color: #8d696f;

  --agenda-event-time-font-size: 20px;
  --agenda-event-time-color: white;

  --agenda-event-subject-font-size: 12px;
  --agenda-event-subject-color: white;

  --agenda-event-location-font-size: 20px;
  --agenda-event-location-color: white;

  --agenda-event-attendees-color: gold;

To learn more, see styling components.


Method Description
reload() Call the method to reload the component with potential new data based on its properties.


The mgt-agenda component supports several templates that allow you to replace certain parts of the component. To specify a template, include a <template> element inside of a component and set the data-type to one of the following values:

Data type Data context Description
default events: list of event objects The default template replaces the entire component with your own.
event event: event object The template used to render each event.
event-other event: event object The template used to render other content for each event.
header header: string The template used to render the header for each day.
loading No data context is passed The template used when data is loading.
no-data No data context is passed The template used when no events are available.

The following examples illustrate how to use the event template:

  <template data-type="event">
    <button class="eventButton">
      <div class="event-subject">{{ event.subject }}</div>
      <div data-for="attendee in event.attendees">
          person-query="{{ }}"
  <template data-type="no-data"> There are no events found! </template>

To learn more, see templates.


The following events are fired from the control.

Event When is it emitted Custom data Cancelable Bubbles Works with custom template
eventClick The user selects or taps an event. The selected event No No Yes, with custom event template

For more information about handling events, see events.

Microsoft Graph permissions

This component uses the following Microsoft Graph APIs. For each API call, one of the permissions listed is required.

Configuration Permission API
default Calendars.ReadBasic, Calendars.Read, Calendars.ReadWrite /me/calendarview
group-id specified Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All /groups/{groupId}/calendar/calendarview
event-query specified As optionally supplied in the event-query The API that was supplied in the event-query

The component allows you to specify a different Microsoft Graph query to call (such as /groups/{id}/calendar/calendarView). In this case, append the permission to the end of the string, delimited by |.


The mgt-agenda component consists of one or more subcomponents that might require permissions other than the ones listed previously. For more information, see the documentation for each subcomponent: mgt-people.


The control uses the global authentication provider described in the authentication documentation.


The mgt-agenda component doesn't cache any data.

Extend for more control

For more complex scenarios or a truly custom UX, this component exposes several protected render* methods for override in component extensions.

Method Description
renderLoading Renders a loading state while the component loads.
renderNoData Renders an empty data state.
renderGroups Sorts event data into groups and renders them with group headers.
renderHeader Renders a group header.
renderEvents Renders a list of event objects.
renderEvent Renders a singular event and all of its parts.
renderTitle Renders the event title part.
renderLocation Renders the event location part.
renderAttendees Renders the event attendees part.
renderOther Renders other event content.


The control doesn't expose any localization variables.