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Custom provider

If you have existing authentication code in your application, you can create a custom provider to enable authentication and access to Microsoft Graph for Microsoft Graph Toolkit components. There are two ways to create custom providers:

  • Create a new SimpleProvider by passing in a function for getting an access token
  • Extend the IProvider abstract class

This article describes each approach in more detail.


Instantiate the SimpleProvider class by passing in a function that will return an access token for passed-in scopes.

let provider = new SimpleProvider((scopes: string[]) => {
  // return a promise with accessToken

In addition, you can also provide an optional login and logout functions that can handle the sign in and sign out calls from the Login component.


To indicate to the components that they can start calling the Microsoft Graph APIs after a user successfully signs in, you need to call Providers.setState(ProviderState.SignedIn). An example of this is shown in the login function below.

function getAccessToken(scopes: string[]) {
  // return a promise with accessToken string

function login() {
  //login code

function logout() {
  // logout code

let provider = new SimpleProvider(getAccessToken, login, logout);

Manage state

For the components to be aware of the state of the provider, you will need to call the provider.setState(state: ProviderState) method whenever the state changes. For example, when the user has signed in, call provider.setState(ProviderState.SignedIn). The ProviderState enum defines three states, as shown.

export enum ProviderState {


You can extend the IProvider abstract class to create your own provider.


A provider must keep track of the authentication state and update the components when the state changes. The IProvider class already implements the onStateChanged(eventHandler) handler and the state: ProviderState property. You just need to use the setState(state:ProviderState) method in your implementation to update the state when it changes. Updating the state will fire the stateChanged event and update all the components automatically.


If your provider provides login or logout functionality, implement the login(): Promise<void> and logout(): Promise<void> methods. These methods are optional.

Access token

You must implement the getAccessToken({'scopes': scopes[]}) : Promise<string> method. This method is used to get a valid token before every call to Microsoft Graph.


The components use the Microsoft Graph Javascript SDK for all calls to Microsoft Graph. Your provider must make the SDK available through the graph property. In your constructor, create a new Graph instance, as shown.

this.graph = new Graph(this);

The Graph class is a light wrapper on top of the Microsoft Graph SDK.


All the providers extend the IProvider abstract class. For examples, take a look at the source code for any of the existing providers.

Set the global provider

Components use the Providers.globalProvider property to access a provider. After you create your own provider, set this property to your provider.

import { Providers } from '@microsoft/mgt';

Providers.globalProvider = myProvider;

All the components will be notified of the new provider and start using it.