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What is Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit?


Fundraising and Engagement is being retired. Support for Fundraising and Engagement will end at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on December 31, 2026. For more information, go to What’s new in Fundraising and Engagement.

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit empowers scalable and transformative mission impact by helping nonprofit organizations engage with donors and supporters, deliver effective programming, and accelerate mission outcomes.

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit connects intelligent and integrated cloud capabilities of the Microsoft stack to the most common nonprofit organizational scenarios. These scenarios include constituent and supporter management, award management, fundraising, volunteer management, program design and delivery, operations, and data management. With the unification of once disparate data from across the organization, nonprofit organizations benefit from recommendations and insights critical to accelerating mission outcomes.

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit harnesses the power of Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, and LinkedIn. These solutions combine with the Nonprofit Common Data Model and are built on a platform providing best-in-class security and compliance. It provides nonprofit organizations with a holistic, connected platform, empowering staff and volunteers to focus on the work that matters most—delivering their mission. Our diverse global partner ecosystem extends the value of the platform with industry-specific solutions that address the industry's most pressing challenges.

With Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit, you have the flexibility to adopt the capabilities you need when you need them to serve your communities best.

Know your donors and supporters

Help increase funding and support of your mission by aligning program needs with personalized supporter engagements.

Solution Description Powered by
Fundraising and Engagement A constituent relationship management platform that modernizes donor and constituent engagement to help you increase your mission impact. Fundraising and Engagement enables you to better understand your donors and supporters, reduce costs, improve operational efficiencies by automating business processes, and strengthen donation, revenue, and transaction management. Dynamics 365 Sales
Fundraising and Engagement Azure Services Deploy Azure services needed for Fundraising and Engagement Azure
LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Dynamics 365 Research and engage with donors and prospects through the power of LinkedIn. Map your organization’s network and use targeted searches to find the right connections. LinkedIn, Dynamics 365 Sales

More information: Know your donors and supporters

Deliver effective programming

Empower staff and volunteers to deliver measurable and responsive programs based on community needs.

Solution Description Powered by
Volunteer Management For volunteer managers, this app simplifies volunteer recruiting, onboarding, retention, and reporting. Volunteer managers can manage and publish engagement opportunities, review and approve volunteer applications, and track volunteer onboarding. Power Apps
Volunteer Engagement A portal where volunteers can create a profile, discover and apply for engagement opportunities, and view their engagement details. The portal works together with the Volunteer Management app and integrates with your website. Power Apps portal
Volunteer center template Use this SharePoint template to set up a site where volunteers can access key information such as announcements, event details, and training and onboarding resources. Microsoft 365
Manage volunteers template Use this team template to create rich collaboration spaces in Microsoft Teams with predefined settings, channels, and apps designed to manage volunteer management tasks and activities. Staff can communicate and collaborate across projects, view volunteer engagement details, share files, and more. Microsoft 365
Community Training Use this online learning platform to deliver training at scale to your volunteers, beneficiaries, and staff. Learners can access training anytime, anywhere. Azure

More information: Deliver effective programming

Accelerate mission outcomes

Improve evidence-based decision making through connected organization-wide data powered by rich capabilities, AI, and machine learning.

Solution Description Powered by
Program impact dashboard Interrelate fundraising and program data to help staff understand and report on impact. Power BI

More information: Accelerate mission outcomes

Next steps

How to buy Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit
Set up and configure Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit