NuGet Warning NU5501
Scenario 1
The following dependency group(s) require(s) dots in the framework version: net50-windows7.0
The dependency group framework must included dots in their framework version number. This is required for frameworks newer than net5.0
This issue generally occurs when a nuspec is authored manually, like for example:
<group targetFramework="net50-windows7.0">
<dependency id=""Dependency"" version=""1.0.0"" />
Change net50
to net5.0
<group targetFramework="net5.0-windows7.0">
<dependency id=""Dependency"" version=""1.0.0"" />
Scenario 2
The following packaged file folder(s) require(s) dots in the framework version: contentFiles/any/net50/a.img.
The folders denoting a framework must included dots in their framework version number. This is required for frameworks newer than net5.0
This issue generally occurs when manually adding items to a package, using something like the following in your .csproj
<None Include="a.img" Pack="true" PackagePath="contentFiles/any/net50" />
or a nuspec:
<file src="resources/a.img" target="contentFiles/any/net50" />
Change net50
to net5.0
<None Include="a.img" Pack="true" PackagePath="contentFiles/any/net5.0" />
or the nuspec:
<file src="resources/a.img" target="contentFiles/any/net5.0" />