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Combo box control in Power Apps

A control that allows users to make selections from provided choices. Supports search and multiple selections.


A Combo box control allows you to search for items you will select. The search is performed server-side on the SearchField property so performance is not affected by large data sources.

Single or multi-select mode is configured via the SelectMultiple property.

When searching for items to select, for each item you can choose to show a single data value, two values, or a picture and two values (Person) by modifying the Layout settings in the Data pane.

When viewing on small screens, the items list flyout will become a full screen control for better usability.


If you want to search for items with numbers, convert numbers to text with Text() function. For example, Text(12345).


The combo box control has these limitations:

  • When you use a Combo box control inside a gallery, its selections aren't maintained when the user scrolls the gallery. This isn't an issue if you use a Combo box control inside a gallery that doesn't scroll. A workaround isn't currently available.

People picker

To use Combo box as a people picker, choose the Person template from the Layout settings in the Data pane and configure the related data properties to be shown for the person below.

Key properties

Items – The source of data from which selections can be made.

DefaultSelectedItems – The initial selected item(s) before the user interacts with the control.


Default property is deprecated, use DefaultSelectedItems instead.

SelectedItems – List of selected items resulting from user interaction.

SelectMultiple – Whether the user can select a single item or multiple items.

IsSearchable – Whether the user can search for items before selecting.


IsSearchable can be enabled only on a data source that contains at least one text field. The Items expression must be delegable for queries to be delegated with searching. That is, If statements within the Items expression are not supported.

SearchFields - The data fields of the data source searched when user is entering text.


To search on multiple fields, set SearchFields property in this format: ["MyFirstColumn", "MySecondColumn"]. Only text fields are supported.

Additional properties

AccessibleLabel – Label for screen readers.

BorderColor – The color of a control's border.

BorderStyle – Whether a control's border is Solid, Dashed, Dotted, or None.

BorderThickness – The thickness of a control's border.

DisplayFields – List of fields shown for each item returned by the search. Easiest to configure via the Data pane in the Properties option tab.


To update multiple display fields in given template, set DisplayFields property in this format: ["MyFirstColumn", "MySecondColumn"].

DisplayMode – Whether the control allows user input (Edit), only displays data (View), or is disabled (Disabled).

FocusedBorderColor – The color of a control's border when the control is focused.

FocusedBorderThickness – The thickness of a control's border when the control is focused.

Height – The distance between a control's top and bottom edges.

InputTextPlaceholder – Instructional text shown to end users when no items are selected.

OnChange – Actions to perform when the user changes a selection.

OnNavigate – Actions to perform when the user selects an item.

OnSelect – Actions to perform when the user taps or selects a control.

TabIndex – Keyboard navigation order in relation to other controls.

Visible – Whether a control appears or is hidden.

Width – The distance between a control's left and right edges.

X – The distance between the left edge of a control and the left edge of its parent container (screen if no parent container).

Y – The distance between the top edge of a control and the top edge of the parent container (screen if no parent container).


Flyout border properties are controlled by Border properties.


Basic Combo box

The steps in this example apply to any data source that provides tables, but to follow these steps exactly, use an environment with Microsoft Dataverse database having sample data.

  1. Select Insert > Input > Combo box, and name it "Combobox1".

  2. On the Properties pane on the right-side of the screen, open the Select a data source list (next to Items), and then add or select a data source such as the Accounts table.

  3. On the same pane, select Edit (next to Fields).

  4. In the Data pane, open the Primary text list, and then select the Primary Name column that will show in the Combo box control.

  5. While holding down the Alt key, select the down arrow to open the Combo box control.

    The control shows the data from the Primary Name that you specified in the data source that you specified.

(Optional) Show the first record by default

  1. Set the DefaultSelectedItems property to this expression, replacing DataSource with the name of your data source:


(Optional) Display selected Account Name value in a label

  1. Select Insert > Text label, and then select Label.

  2. Set the Text property to this expression, replacing Text with the following formula:

    If(CountRows(ComboBox1.SelectedItems)>0, Concat(ComboBox1.SelectedItems,'Account Name',", "), "NO SELECTED ITEM")


    The If statement will check to see how may selected items exist and display them in a comma delimited label or a "NO SELECTED ITEM" message when empty.

Simulate simple drop down behavior

By setting IsSearchable to false and SelectMultiple to false, you can achieve the same functionality of a drop down.

  1. Select Insert > Input, and then select Combo box.

  2. On the Properties pane on the right-side of the screen, open the Select a data source list (next to Items), and then add or select a data source.

  3. On the same pane, select Edit (next to Fields).

  4. In the Data pane, open the Primary text list, and then select the column that you want to show in the Combo box control.

  5. Set the IsSearchable property to false.

  6. Set the SelectMultiple property to false.

  7. While holding down the Alt key, select the down arrow to open the Combo box control.

    The control shows the data from the column that you specified in the data source that you specified.


    "Find items" text has disappeared, and that you'll only be able to select a single item.

Accessibility guidelines

Color contrast

There must be adequate color contrast between:

  • ChevronFill and ChevronBackground
  • ChevronHoverFill and ChevronHoverBackground
  • SelectionColor and SelectionFill
  • SelectionFill and Fill
  • SelectionTagColor and SelectionTagFill

This is in addition to the standard color contrast requirements.

Screen reader support

  • AccessibleLabel must be present.


    On touch screens, screen reader users can navigate the contents of the combo box sequentially. The combo box acts as a button that shows or hides its contents when selected.

Keyboard support

  • TabIndex must be zero or greater so that keyboard users can navigate to it.

  • Focus indicators must be clearly visible. Use FocusedBorderColor and FocusedBorderThickness to achieve this.


    The tab key navigates to or away from the combo box. Arrow keys navigate the contents of the combo box. The escape key closes the drop down when opened.